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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

Sunday, November 06, 2011

The High Costs of Marriage Absence

Phyllis Schlafly
by Phyllis Schlafly, Eagle Forum: Most Americans are unaware that about $700 Billion a year of federal taxpayers' money is handed out to non-taxpayers allegedly below a poverty line (in addition to $250 Billion a year given out by the states). After Barack Obama became President, he increased federal welfare spending by a third because, as he promised during his campaign, he wants to "spread the wealth," knowing that promotes dependence on government and votes for the Democrats.

This federal welfare apparatus consists of 69 means-tested programs: 12 programs providing food, 10 for housing assistance, 10 for social services, 9 for educational assistance, 8 programs giving cash, 8 for vocational training, 7 for medical assistance, 3 for energy and utility assistance, and 2 for child care and child development.

What is now called the hidden welfare state (because so few Americans know about its enormity) is the fastest growing component of government spending, and this does not include Social Security or Medicare payments. The total of these means-tested handouts is greater than what we are paying for our entire public school system and greater than what we are spending on national defense.

We have just learned, for example, that 2.3 million illegal aliens, who worked U.S. jobs in 2010, paid no federal income taxes but collected $4 Billion from the U.S. Treasury in tax credit money.

The number one reason people are below the poverty line is what a group in St. Louis labels "marriage absence," and so has created a new organization called the Center for Marriage Policy to make Missouri a model to deal with this problem. At a conference this October to launch its proposals, its founder David Usher said, "Marriage absence is driving America's greatest problems, including out-of-control spending, much of the home-loan foreclosure crisis, poverty, children who fail in school, lack of health care coverage, and personal bankruptcy."

The institution of marriage as the union of one man and one woman has been fundamental to America ever since the founding of our nation. The famous French commentator Alexis de Toqueville wrote in the mid-19th century: "There is certainly no country in the world where the tie of marriage is more respected than in America."

Not only have our laws specifically recognized marriage as the union of one man and one woman, but many laws legislate special benefits. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) identified more than 1,000 federal laws that are based on the traditional definition of marriage, including the tax laws that permit married couples to file joint income tax returns and Social Security benefits awarded to fulltime homemakers (identified as dependent spouses).

The feminist movement started its attack on traditional marriage with Betty Friedan's 1963 book, which urged wives to leave their homes (called a "comfortable concentration camp"), join the workforce, and become independent of men. "Ozzie and Harriet," a traditional-couple sitcom of the 1950s, became an epithet, and it became de rigueur to speak of different kinds of "families" instead of "family."

Wikipedia now considers the traditional family a relic of the 1950s and defines it as "usually considered conservative or reactionary by its critics who argue that it is limited, outmoded and unproductive in modern Western society."

The first goal of the "women's liberation" movement was unilateral divorce, allowing one spouse (now usually the wife) to terminate a marriage without the consent of the other spouse. This drastic change in our social mores was marketed under the deceitful title "no fault."

Ronald Reagan called his signing of California's "no-fault" divorce the worst mistake he ever made, yet it was imitated by all other states. One of the first goals of the Center for Marriage Policy will be to correct Missouri's divorce law.

The anti-marriage network fanned out in state after state to repeal the laws designed to honor morality and preserve marriage, such as the laws against adultery, fornication, sodomy, alienation of affection, and even the laws that made it the duty of the husband to support his wife and children.

Government's definition of marriage is society's way of establishing the clear responsibility of the father as well as the mother for caring for those little bundles of helpless infants who appear when men and women do what comes naturally. That purpose was ignored by Lyndon Johnson's Great Society.

Beginning with LBJ's War on Poverty and its vast expansion of welfare, the system channeled all welfare money through mothers, making the husband and father irrelevant to the family's economic well-being. It should come as no surprise that this encouraged marriage absence and illegitimacy because, as Ronald Reagan said, if you subsidize something you get more of it.

The temptation to cheat is ever present. The Census Bureau just reported that one quarter of the single moms receiving generous taxpayer cash and benefits actually have a partner living in the house whom she doesn't marry because marriage would cut off her government handouts.

Tags: Phyllis Schlafly, Eagle Forum, taxpayers, money, spread the wealth, democrats, marriage, marriage absence, poverty, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Posted by Bill Smith at 11:14 AM - Post Link


Anonymous Mark Godbey said...

This is the biggest social problem we have in this country. Most people do not realize the lack of marriage leads to so much poverty, crime and the socialism that is rampant today. Social Security Act Title IV-A through E fund so much poverty, bitterness and hatred for parents by their own children that the Federal Government's involvement in the destruction of the family is treasonous. Both Republicans and Democrats are equally responsible for voting legislation that destroys families.

Scratch a liberal and you will find a Fatherless Child, mostly likely raised in a single-mom home. Like Barack Obama.

Blogger Bill Smith said...

Great points Mark.

Anonymous Rhea Russo said...

As an aside, does anyone know who Schlafly is supporting for REP nominee. She is on record against Perry. is she for Gingrich perhaps? a fellow Catholic? No judgement here, I'm just curious.

Blogger Bill Smith said...

Rhea, Don't know. Didn't know about her endorsing or opposing anyone. Your comment about Perry is surprising. She has always held her positions close so as not to influence anyone. She wants BHO defeated.

Anonymous Rhea Russo said...

I happened to see something on an Eagle Forum newsletter. don't have it handy right now. I'll double check.

Anonymous Sonny Black said...

@Mark Obama didnt grow up with a single mother, his mother remarried to an Indonesian national who is his step father. That was a little vicious Mark, you cant dog someone because of circumstances outside their control like being born or raised by a single mum.

Blogger Bill Smith said...

Sonny, noted. Wasn't that second husband also a Muslim and didn't that step-father take BHO and his mother to Indonesia where he placed Barack Obama in a Muslim school.

Didn't his mother then divorce the second husband. Back to being a single mother but now with another child. The issue of the article is about "The High Costs of Marriage Absence."

The consequence, she sent little BHO back to her parents to raise.

Anonymous Josie Atkinson said...

I knew that because I have Account friends that tell shocking stories!!! WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Barak Obama, Jr. (now President) was raised for 9 years by his 'single' mom, and grandmother in Hawaii. The grandmother worked in the banking industry. But this article is about much more than one single family without a father. It is about a great problem, encouraged by welfare.


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