Americans for Limited Government Foundation Warns Against State Obamacare Nullification
Americans for Limited Government Foundation released a paper today by Dr. Bradley Gitz, Arkansas' Bates College's William Jefferson Clinton Professor of Political Science, which found that Obamacare nullification actions pending in the South Carolina state legislature are unconstitutional and will do harm both to the people of the state of South Carolina and to those who oppose the President's signature health care legislation.
Dr. Gitz makes this last point writing, "… at present there is no better way to raise Obamacare from its deathbed than to do what the South Carolina Senate is contemplating doing (and the South Carolina House has already done). Rather than having let Obamacare die from its many self-inflicted wounds, they will have unintentionally aided and abetted its recovery and entrenchment in our national life. The struggle against Obamacare is both important and necessary, and South Carolina appears poised to only make it more difficult."
Americans for Limited Government Foundation president Nathan Mehrens affirmed Gitz's findings saying, "We wanted an independent scholar to review the nullification effort in South Carolina, and Dr. Gitz's findings should be a sobering wake up call to anyone seriously considering pursuing state nullification of the disastrous Obamacare law."
The full report is available here via Americans for Limited Government website.
Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at (703)383-0880 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts including ALG President Nathan Mehrens.
Tags: ALG, Americans for Limited Government, warning, against, State Obamacare nullification To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Dr. Gitz makes this last point writing, "… at present there is no better way to raise Obamacare from its deathbed than to do what the South Carolina Senate is contemplating doing (and the South Carolina House has already done). Rather than having let Obamacare die from its many self-inflicted wounds, they will have unintentionally aided and abetted its recovery and entrenchment in our national life. The struggle against Obamacare is both important and necessary, and South Carolina appears poised to only make it more difficult."
Americans for Limited Government Foundation president Nathan Mehrens affirmed Gitz's findings saying, "We wanted an independent scholar to review the nullification effort in South Carolina, and Dr. Gitz's findings should be a sobering wake up call to anyone seriously considering pursuing state nullification of the disastrous Obamacare law."
The full report is available here via Americans for Limited Government website.
Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at (703)383-0880 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts including ALG President Nathan Mehrens.
Tags: ALG, Americans for Limited Government, warning, against, State Obamacare nullification To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Unbelievable. Nullification RULES as popular sovereignty is the truth that power rests with THE PEOPLE and their GOD!
Authored by the "William Jefferson Clinton Professor of Political Science?" How can the author be an objective authority? This is like asking an encyclopedia salesman if you need a set of encyclopedias. You already know the answer you are going to get.
I am only a few paragraphs into the paper and the author already makes a profound "misstatement" by saying that "Judicial Review" is found in Article III of the Constitution. It isn't there. The concept of Judicial Review was established by the U.S Supreme Court itself in the case of Marbury v. Madison. I require all of my American Government students and AP U.S. History students to become intimately familiar with the Marbury case. The good professor will have to redeem himself. Or, perhaps he is one of those loose constructionist kind of thinkers in that the Constitution means whatever he says it means. In that case there is no redemption.
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