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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Betsy DeVos ‘Puts Children At The Forefront’

‘DeVos Has A Real Compassion For Children And A Proven Record Of Championing Reforms To Improve Literacy And Learning In Our Nation’

20 GOVERNORS: ‘Betsy DeVos Will Fight To Streamline The Federal Education Bureaucracy, Return Authority Back To States And Local School Boards’

20 Governors: “As governors, we know the conditions placed on local schools by the federal government. While state and local governments bear the chief responsibility for funding our K-12 systems, we take issue with many of the mandates imposed on states. That is why we strongly support Betsy DeVos, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Education. Betsy DeVos will fight to streamline the federal education bureaucracy, return authority back to states and local school boards, and ensure that more dollars are reaching the classroom. Betsy DeVos also is a passionate supporter of increasing parental engagement in their children’s education and of harnessing the power of competition to drive improvement in all K-12 schools, whether they be public, private, or virtual.” (Letter from 20 governors to Sen. Alexander, 1/09/2017)
  • “President-elect Trump has made an inspired choice to reform federal education policy and allow state and local policymakers to craft innovative solutions to ensure our children are receiving the skills and knowledge to be successful in the world and modern workforce. For the above-stated reasons, we look forward to partnering with Betsy DeVos to ensure that every child has the opportunity to reach his or her potential in the classroom.” (Letter from 20 governors to Sen. Alexander, 1/09/2017)
  • LETTER SIGNED BY: Governors Rick Snyder (R-MI), Robert Bentley (R-AL), Doug Ducey (R-AZ), Asa Hutchinson (R-AR), Edward Baza Calvo (R-Guam), Bruce Rauner (R-IL), Eric Holcomb (R-IN), Sam Brownback (R-KS), Paul LePage (R-ME), Phil Bryant (R-MS), Eric Greitens (R-MO), Pete Ricketts (R-NE), Brian Sandoval (R-NV), Chris Christie (R-NJ), Susana Martinez (R-NM), Ralph Torres (R-Northern Marianas), Mary Fallin (R-OK), Bill Haslam (R-TN), Greg Abbott (R-TX), Scott Walker (R-WI)
GOV. RICK SNYDER (R-MI): “Those of us in Michigan who know DeVos the best are thrilled that President-elect Trump has selected her to drive his education agenda... DeVos will be a forceful advocate for local and parental control of education. She believes in giving parents a far larger voice in how and where their children are educated, and freeing up the hands of governors and local leaders to innovate with bold education reforms to hold our schools accountable for better results for those families.” (Gov. Rick Snyder, Op-Ed, “Gov. Snyder: Betsy DeVos Puts Kids First,” The Detroit News, 1/17/2017)
  • “[S]he and her husband want children no matter their race, income, or ZIP code to have access to great schools and great teachers that prepare them for success in the workforce. DeVos cares deeply about the well-being of children, especially low-income children who are often trapped in dangerous and woefully underperforming schools. She is also a leader in the movement to recruit mentors to help place at-risk children on the right path to successful lives and she has personally mentored children.” (Gov. Rick Snyder, Op-Ed, “Gov. Snyder: Betsy DeVos Puts Kids First,” The Detroit News, 1/17/2017)
  • “DeVos has a big heart and she believes strongly that parental control of education through school choice is integral to improving the performance of our K-12 system. Contrary to the misleading picture the teachers unions are trying to paint, she shares her support for school choice with several fair-minded and prominent Democrats, including Barack Obama’s two education secretaries, John King and Arne Duncan. In fact, Mr. King headed up a charter school himself and has helped drive a significant increase in charter school enrollment nationwide during the Obama presidency.” (Gov. Rick Snyder, Op-Ed, “Gov. Snyder: Betsy DeVos Puts Kids First,” The Detroit News, 1/17/2017)
FORMER GOV. JEB BUSH (R-FL): “I am especially heartened by President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of Education. The choice of Betsy DeVos to spearhead education reform is inspired. Betsy will fight hard to remove the biggest barriers to improving student achievement in America and give millions of young people the opportunity to rise.” (Jeb Bush, “DeVos Will Deliver On School Reform: Jeb Bush,” Op-Ed, USA Today, 1/17/2017)
‘Mrs. DeVos Fits The Bill For The Trailblazer Needed At The Helm Of Federal Education Policy’
FORMER HOUSE SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER (R-OH): “We need leaders with a compassion for students and families, a passion for innovation and a willingness to challenge the status quo when it isn’t serving our children well. This is why I strongly support President-elect Trump’s choice of Betsy DeVos to serve as America’s next Secretary of Education.” (John Boehner, “Betsy DeVos, An Education Innovator,”, 1/17/2017)
  • “I first met Betsy DeVos more than 20 years ago, when I was serving as a Member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, the panel I later chaired. A successful business leader and entrepreneur with a passion for education reform, Betsy was instrumental during my years working with legislators of both parties to establish and defend the first federal school choice initiative in America, the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program (DCOSP). Through the DCOSP, parents in Washington, D.C. have the chance to choose the best schools available for their children – a choice that has ultimately changed and improved many lives... A champion for education reform, Betsy DeVos stood with us every step of the way, working side by side with me and many other proponents of equal opportunity in education to ensure the program continued.” (John Boehner, “Betsy DeVos, An Education Innovator,”, 1/17/2017)
FORMER SENATE MAJORITY LEADER BILL FRIST (R-TN): “In advance of Mrs. DeVos’s January 17th confirmation hearing in your committee, I share my strong support for her confirmation as our next U.S. Secretary of Education... I am both excited and hopeful about the nomination of Betsy DeVos as the next U.S. secretary of education.  I have known Mrs. DeVos for many years, and I know firsthand that her passion for education comes from a deep desire to do what’s best for our nation’s children.” (Sen. Bill Frist, “Supporting Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education,”, 1/10/2017)
FORMER FIRST LADY BARBARA BUSH: “I am enthusiastically endorsing Betsy DeVos to be our next secretary of education. Mrs. DeVos has a real compassion for children and a proven record of championing reforms to improve literacy and learning in our nation. I am confident that she will provide the leadership we sorely need to raise the bar on education in America and provide better opportunities for our most vulnerable students.” (Barbara Bush, Op-Ed, “Barbara Bush: DeVos Should Be Confirmed Secretary Of Education,” Portland Press Herald, 1/13/2017)
CHOICE IN EDUCATION GROUPS: ‘DeVos Has Been A Dedicated Champion For Improving Education For All Students’
National Alliance for Public Charter Schools: “On behalf of the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, I am writing to support the nomination of Betsy DeVos to serve as the U.S. Secretary of Education. I urge the Committee to confirm her nomination.” (Nina Rees, President And CEO, National Alliance For Public Charter Schools, Letter To Sens. Alexander And Murray, 1/04/2017)
Home School Legal Defense Association: “We write to you today to urge you to support Betsy DeVos’s nomination for Secretary of Education. Betsy DeVos is very qualified, having worked in the field of education for 28 years and having served on the boards of multiple organizations working to advance education in America.” (J. Michael Smith, Home School Legal Defense Association, Letter to the Senate, 12/12/2016)
  • “Betsy DeVos is dedicated to building an education system that will effectively support and facilitate the education of all students everywhere, no matter their background, interests, or personal needs. More than this, she has a vision to build a system in which those in the driver’s seat are the ones most capable of determining what will be effective; namely every child’s parents.” (J. Michael Smith, Home School Legal Defense Association, Letter To The Senate, 12/12/2016) “As members of the National Board of Directors for (PSO), we write on behalf of our network of over 100,000 parent leaders and school choice advocates in support of the nomination of Betsy DeVos for U.S. Secretary of Education.” (Publicschooloptions.Org, Letter To Sens. Alexander And Murray, 1/09/2017)
  • “Betsy DeVos has been a tireless school choice advocate of over 20 years who believes in empowering parents with decisions about their child’s education. PSO has worked closely with Mrs. DeVos in her capacity as chairman of the American Federation for Children and found her to be a stalwart ally for educational choice. Mrs. DeVos and PSO share a focus on making sure all children—regardless of their zip code or socioeconomic status—have access to educational options. Whether parents choose to send their child to a traditional public school, private school, public charter school, magnet school, or a virtual school, PSO is confident that Mrs. DeVos will represent the voice of parents and carry her passion for the right of every child to a quality education to the helm of the U.S. Department of Education.” (PublicSchooloptions.Org, Letter To Sens. Alexander And Murray, 1/09/2017)
Hispanics for School Choice Founder Zeus Rodriguez: “As chairwoman of the American Federation for Children (AFC), Mrs. DeVos financially assisted numerous local organizations such as Hispanics for School Choice in Wisconsin. I founded Hispanics for School Choice in 2009 ... with the help of AFC, our group was successful in educating families and expanding their educational options. The most effective way to earn the respect of Latinos is to find them where they are and to tell them the truth. Mrs. DeVos has a track record of reaching out with straight talk and real dollars. Our community is worth the investment.” (Zeus Rodriguez, Op-Ed, “Betsy DeVos Will Empower Latino Families, Not Bureaucrats,” The Hill, 1/17/2017)

Tags: Betsy DeVos, Puts Children, At The Forefront, nominee, Secretary of Education To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
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