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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

Thursday, May 03, 2018

Endlessly Unlikable Hillary Refuses To Leave The Stage

by Matthew Vadum: No matter how much sane Democrat strategists desperately want her to go away, Hillary Clinton refuses to leave the stage.

“As the 2020 presidential race ramps up, plenty of top Democrats we talk to would prefer new energy and faces to Clinton nostalgia/redemption,” Axios reports.

That’s an understatement.

Eighteen months after the American people told Hillary exactly where to go, the soulless political operative the great William Safire called a “congenital liar,” is everywhere. Promoting her whiny What Happened memoir and hurting her party by keeping her almost innumerable misdeeds front and center. Likening Republicans to Klansmen and Nazis. Supporting the left-wing Resistance to President Trump. Embarrassing her fellow Democrats with her abusive rhetoric aimed at half of America.

In recent travels overseas, Hillary has been badmouthing President Trump and her fellow Americans. During a March visit to India, Hillary viciously unloaded on her enemies – in particular, the 63 million Americans who voted for President Trump in 2016. Ordinary Americans are pessimistic, racist, sexist hicks, she said.

“If you look at the map of the United States, there’s all that red in the middle where Trump won,” she said. “I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward. And his whole campaign, ‘Make America Great Again,’ was looking backwards.”

“‘You know you didn’t like black people getting rights,” she said. “You don’t like women getting jobs. You don’t like seeing that Indian Americans [are] succeeding more than you.”

Like an acutely narcissistic Tourette syndrome sufferer, the two-time presidential election loser who never tires of blaming everyone except herself for her various political catastrophes, still sees dollar signs when she gazes into a mirror and may even be deluded enough to believe she could run again for president.

Now we learn that Hillary, her serial rapist husband, and demonstrably mediocre daughter plan to kidnap the spotlight again by hosting a pricey fundraising event later this month in New York to benefit the crime syndicate known as the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

As Axios reports:Longtime Clinton supporters last week received an invitation offering access to the family (the green invitation features photos of Bill, Hillary and Chelsea) at a Clinton Foundation benefit on May 24 in New York, at prices ranging from $2,500 (“Friend”) for cocktail party and dinner, up to $100,000 (“Chair”) for “Leadership Reception for two, a premium table of ten, program recognition as Gala Chair and invitations to the Clinton Foundation Annual Briefing.” The foundation’s streamlined mission: “create economic opportunity, improve public health, and inspire civic engagement and service.”This week Hillary was also scheduled to “lead the first meeting of her Onward Together political group, on New York's Upper East Side,” along with fellow failed presidential contender Howard Dean. The purpose of the meeting with “11 partner organizations” is reportedly "about harnessing the energy and activism post-election," or in other words, sabotaging the Trump administration.

According to the 501(c)(4) organization’s website, Onward Together was created after Hillary’s crushing election defeat “to lend support to leaders — particularly young leaders — kicking off projects and founding new organizations to fight for our shared progressive values.” OT claims to have more than 33,000 donors and to have handed out more than $1 million to partner groups such as Color of Change and Indivisible.

And now Hillary is poised to take in almost $2 million from the nearly-insolvent Democratic National Committee that she used surgically to rob Bernie Sanders of the presidential nomination two years ago. The money is for access to her campaign’s email list. In 2015, Barack Obama gave his email list to the DNC for free (as an in-kind contribution).

The DNC will pay Onward Together for the list, the Intercept reports. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) only had to hand over $700,000 for the same data.

All of this “showcases that while Democratic voter enthusiasm is high, the party apparatus is in a terrible state of disrepair,” Matt Vespa observes at Townhall.The army of small-donors has collapsed, new donor attraction is lackluster, debts are in the millions of dollars, with the DNC taking out a loan totaling almost $2 million just to keep the lights on. And while the Obama campaign gifted their data … Democrats aren’t viewing this as a favor at all since he turned his Organizing for Action group into a direct DNC competitor, further hamstringing the national committee[.]As Jon Schwarz of the Intercept tweeted April 25:This is an incredible story. Grassroots Democrats are desperate to take back at least the House. The DNC is deep in debt. Yet the Dems are paying Clinton's organization at least $2.4 million for her email list.And former President Bill Clinton’s co-authored novel, The President Is Missing, is scheduled to be published June 4. He will appear the day before at BookCon, a booksellers' convention, in New York. All the tickets, of course, have already been snapped up. The spot will be followed by a multi-city book tour and an eight-part series next year on Showtime.

It’s good to be a Clinton.

Meanwhile, last month a lawsuit claimed Hillary’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee “used state chapters as strawmen to launder as much as $84 million in an effort to circumvent campaign donation limits, and the Federal Election Commission ignored complaints exposing the practice,” according to a Fox News report.

It is yet another legal proceeding against the Clintons that seems destined to fail.

Hillary is protected from on high.

We know Hillary paid for the bogus “piss-gate” dossier compiled by sleazy Trump-deranged ex-spook Christopher Steele. We know Hillary personally authorized the violent, anti-democratic provocations organized by convicted felon Robert Creamer and his fellow gangster Scott Foval. We know Hillary took bribes from Russia to hand over strategic U.S. uranium reserves while serving in the cabinet of Barack Obama, the most pro-Russian president in American history. We know Hillary created a homebrew email system to conceal her illicit activities while secretary of state and that while working at Foggy Bottom her terrorist-linked top aide Huma Abedin directed those seeking access to her boss to make large “donations.” We know that Hillary’s puppet, then-Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D), directed what certainly looked like a bribe aimed at former top FBI official Andrew McCabe in the form of a nearly $700,000 donation to the Virginia state senate campaign of his wife, Jill McCabe (D).

And yet Hillary is still out there in public, acting as if she did nothing wrong.

Maybe it’s because she knows she will never be held accountable for her lawbreaking.

Her last name is Clinton, after all.
Matthew Vadum, senior vice president at the investigative think tank Capital Research Center, is an award-winning investigative reporter and author of the book, "Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts Are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers," and contributes to FrontPage Mag.

Tags: Endlessly Unlikable, Hillary Clinton, Refuses To Leave, The Stage, Matthew Vadum, FrintPage Mag To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
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