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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Kavanaugh & Caravans, Plan B, About That Journalist

Migrant Caravan
by Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: Kavanaugh & Caravans - Newt Gingrich is one of America's premiere political thinkers. Speaking with Sean Hannity last night, he said this election should be about the direction of the country and whether or not we are better off now than we were two years ago.

Instead, it appears that this election will likely boil down to two issues: Kavanaugh and the caravan.

The confirmation battle of Justice Brett Kavanaugh seemed to energize conservatives. It also galvanized the left. Polling indicates that it may have added to the difficulty Republicans were already having with college-educated suburban women.

That said, conservatives must continue to stress how eager the left was to repeal the fundamental principles of innocent until proven guilty and the due process of law.

Moreover, the Kavanaugh debate seemed to bring out the worst elements of the left. There were constant efforts to disrupt the Senate hearings and hundreds of arrests.

Left-wing activists resorted to doxxing GOP senators. There were screaming protestors clawing at the doors of the Supreme Court. And it hasn't stopped.

Republican senators have been harassed at airports and on Capitol Hill. A threatening letter was mailed to the home of Maine Senator Susan Collins. Her husband had to be quarantined until authorities determined that the letter did not contain ricin.

Several Republican candidates and campaign aides have been physically assaulted in recent days. And now comes the caravan.

Caravan Day 3 - The migrant caravan has grown to at least 4,000 people. I would argue that there are many people who, though they are not in Guatemala right now, are symbolically leading the march.

They are Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. They are George Soros and Barack Obama. They are editorial writers of our major newspapers and left-wing federal judges. They are all "leading" this caravan and the march for open borders.

As we noted yesterday, Pelosi is refusing to do anything to stop the caravan. When asked what she would trade to build the border wall, Pelosi said "nothing." Pelosi and her allies are committed to swamping America with a wave of illegals, all under the guise of compassion.

Here's what you need to understand: Since the left blocked Donald Trump's zero tolerance policy for illegal immigration, a record number of migrant families have crossed the border. Consider this excerpt from the Washington Post:

"Border Patrol agents arrested 16,658 family members in September, the highest one-month total on record and an 80 percent increase from July...

"Large groups of 100 or more Central American parents and children have been crossing the Rio Grande and the deserts of Arizona to turn themselves in, and after citing a fear of return, the families are typically assigned a court date and released from custody. 'We're getting hammered daily,' said one Border Patrol agent."

The open borders crowd stopped President Trump's attempts to secure the border. Catch and release is back. And lo and behold, another caravan is coming our way. Gee, who could have predicted that?

If it reaches the border, by law we must admit them. If that happens, the next caravan will be 10,000 migrants. The one after that will be 50,000. Just like in Europe.

These images of the caravan will anger many Americans. They may be energized to vote for the party that wants to secure the border.

But the leftists who are cheering on the caravan believe it could also demoralize Trump voters who may not understand the legal handcuffs that have been put on the president.

My friends, if you are angry about what you are seeing at the border or what we witnessed in the Kavanaugh hearings, the last thing you want to do is elect more Democrats to the House and Senate.

Gingrich also said last night, "This election is a life-and-death struggle with a left-wing movement which wants to radicalize America."

I couldn't agree more.

Every conservative should be willing to crawl over crushed glass to vote in this election!

Plan B? Is there another option President Trump could consider to deal with the caravan?

As we reported, the White House has issued stern warnings to Central American leaders to stop the caravan or risk losing foreign aid. Unfortunately, those governments have limited resources to enforce their own immigration laws.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is headed to Mexico to urge that government to secure its southern border.

This morning, President Trump tweeted:

"I must, in the strongest of terms, ask Mexico to stop this onslaught — and if unable to do so I will call up the U.S. Military and CLOSE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER!"

I don't know how that would play politically. Many Americans would cheer the president's decisive action. But the entire left-wing media complex would start screaming about comparisons to the Berlin Wall.

My friends, let me remind you of just how unpopular the left's immigration agenda is:
  • 76% of voters oppose open borders.
  • 71% of voters oppose allowing illegal aliens to vote.
  • Only 25% of voters want to abolish ICE.
The Democrats must pay a price at the ballot box for embracing this extremism. But for that to happen, you must vote!

About That Journalist. . . The media complex is in complete meltdown over what appears to be the brutal murder of Saudi journalist and Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. Reports indicate he may have been killed at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey.

Let me make a few observations.

When ISIS was beheading Christians all over the Middle East, many in the media were making excuses for why Obama couldn't do much about it. It took Donald Trump to smash the ISIS caliphate.

As Iran cracked down on pro-democracy demonstrators, Barack Obama did nothing to make the Iranian regime pay for its brutality. And while U.S. troops were being killed and maimed by Iranian terrorism, Obama and the media teamed up to give that regime billions of dollars.

When Donald Trump imposed tariffs on the communist government of China, which has so many political prisoners in jail that accurate counts are impossible, he was attacked by elements of the U.S. business community and the media.

But now the media are demanding that Trump sever relations with Saudi Arabia. Several Democrat senators are attempting to make the president complicit in Khashoggi's murder by suggesting that Trump is protecting personal business interests in the kingdom.

Give me a break.

While I certainly do not condone the murder of journalists, Jamal Khashoggi was far from a liberal reformer. This "media martyr" was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and a supporter of Palestinian terrorism.

Even the New York Times wrote of Khashoggi, "A Tangled Mix of Royal Service and Islamist Sympathies."

And why do I have the feeling that if an evangelical pastor had been killed by the Saudis all we would be hearing from the media now would be silence?
Gary Bauer is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families

Tags: Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families, Kavanaugh, Caravans, Plan B, About That Journalist To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
Posted by Bill Smith at 4:15 PM - Post Link


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