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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Build the Wall – Protect us All

. . . Trump TV speech was 'an act of impeccable statesmanship'
by Dr. Alan Keyes: President Trump's televised address to the nation last week was an act of impeccable statesmanship. He said what was needed, in the way it needed to be said. He addressed the cost – in human lives, seething disorder, and money – of the dereliction of duty characteristic of his immediate predecessors (Democrats Obama and Clinton, and Republicans George H.W. and George W. Bush). They neglected or refused to carry out the Constitution's mandate to see that our nation's immigration laws are faithfully executed.

President Trump is adamantly insisting that Congress provide all the resources needed to match his determination to do what his immediate predecessors all failed to do. In his address, he forthrightly explained why doing so must be the top priority of the U.S. government, and why it must be pursued at the cost of sacrificing other priorities less immediately vital to the continued existence and sovereignty of the United States and its citizens. The president highlighted the tragic destruction of individual lives the defect of effective action has already cost us. But he emphasized, above all, the irretrievable loss to our nation as a whole that we will suffer if Congress does not immediately respond to his call.

Common sense affirms the president's judgment that it is better to shut down some activities of our national government for a while than to neglect the actions required to preserve the existence of our nation. This common sense infuriates the self-serving elitist faction politicians in both parties. They want Americans to focus narrowly on what we get or suffer from the government as individuals. They never want us to rise to the challenge of our status as a sovereign people, entrusted by our Constitution to make the choices and judgments once reserved to monarchs or despotic oligarchs.

Good sovereigns never lose sight of the good of the whole. They care for people the way God cares for His Creation, with a will to make sure that all things work together for the good of all. This wholesome perspective of sovereignty requires that, at critical moments, individuals stand ready to make sacrifices, up to and including their individual lives, fortunes, and selfish, comfortable pride, so that the whole they form together may endure.

President Trump's address confirmed the fact that he sees our nation's failure to secure our borders as underscoring this need for sovereign responsibility. He understands that the slogan "Nations without Borders" implies erasing the existence of the sovereign people of the United States. It implies surrendering our sovereignty to elitist faction globalists, like George Soros. For several years they have been organizing columns of unarmed people to move against the constitutional republics that the United States helped to establish or preserve in Europe after World War II. They have most recently directed the same strategy against the United States itself, the citadel of constitutional, democratic republicanism.

President Trump rightly identifies this movement as an invasion strategy. It is shrewdly conceived to exploit the compassion of the people. That fellow-feeling is a resource of union and solidarity indispensable to a people's strength. But it is also a target of opportunity that makes people vulnerable to shrewdly treacherous appeals that rouse and exploit individual passions in ways that turn people against one another, until the whole people turn into an instrument of self-destruction.

With the stance they took in their reaction against Trump's speech, Democrats Pelosi and Schumer showed themselves to be agents of this shrewd strategy, intended to induce the sovereign people of the United States to self-destruct. They echoed the chorus of elitist faction minions parroting the silly notion that American people only seek to defend their borders because they hate people and want to keep them out. With a simple question, President Trump aptly turns this assumption against the arrogant snobs who make it:

Then why do wealthy politicians build walls, fences, and gates around their homes? They don't build walls because they hate the people on the outside, but because they love the people on the inside.

Most Americans don't live in gated estates or communities. The only mansion they have any share in is the presidential mansion in Washington. The only ground we can all claim as our own is the territory of the nation in which we live – purchased by the "blood, sweat, toil, and tears" of our ancestors and fortified by the goodwill that maintains us armed, in heart and conscience, to fortify and defend it. Snarky elitists in the media and in Congress believe that a semblance of love drives them to protect the estates they have developed for themselves. Yet when we seek to defend the whole we have in common, made fertile by our spirit and mortal sacrifice, they call us haters and pretend we should desist.

Since this contradictory logic makes no sense, we have to wonder what motivates intelligent people have to keep browbeating us with it? Since it lets them hold on to their fortified homes and gated estates while the home we have in common suffers destruction, doesn't it make sense to assume that such destruction is their aim? They want us to surrender the ground upon which, by the grace of God, we may claim to govern ourselves. This would leave them firmly secure in their possessions governed by their private whims. But when they alone are able to protect their wealth, and we as a people are reduced to nothing but the memories of our once-great nation, who among us is stupid enough to believe we will live in their world as anything but subjects or slaves?

Think this through, and you realize that those who refuse to support President Trump's urgent effort to do all that we must to fortify our borders are the enemies of our self-government. They are the enemies of our Constitution. They are the enemies of the sovereign equality of responsibility and hope we are supposed to represent to our posterity and the world. Regardless of party, if any of our so-called representatives in either house of Congress proves to be such enemies, they should be voted out in 2020, without exception. But before that opportunity comes, all of us must combine our voices and actions to support the president's demand: "BUILD THE WALL. PROTECT US ALL."
Alan Keyes was Asst Secretary of State for International Organizations and an Ambassador to the UN Economic and Social Council under President Reagan. Keyes ran for president in 1996, 2000 and 2008, and was a candidate for the U.S. Senate for Maryland in 1988 and 1992 and for Illinois in 2004 against Barack Obama. He writes for Renew America where he first shared this article and blogs at

Tags: Alan Keyes, commentary, Build the Wall, Protect us All To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
Posted by Bill Smith at 8:30 AM - Post Link


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