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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

Monday, July 08, 2019

Standing With Israel, The Left Courts Illegal Immigrants, Starbucks Apologizes, The Left's False Narratives CUFI Washington Summit Started Today

by Gary Bauer: Standing With Israel
Thousands of pro-Israel activists are here in Washington, D.C., for the 14th annual Christians United For Israel Washington Summit.

As you may know, Christians United For Israel was founded by Pastor John Hagee, who announced this morning that CUFI now has 7 million members! As Pastor Hagee explained, "We stand with Israel because Israel is not a political issue. Israel is a Bible issue."

This morning, attendees heard from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The prime minister thanked Pastor Hagee for his enduring support of the Jewish state, and he also thanked President Trump for all he has done for Israel. Netanyahu said:

"A simple truth is clear: Israel has no better ally than the United States and I believe the United States has no better ally than Israel."

Vice President Mike Pence also addressed the Summit. Like Prime Minister Netanyahu, Vice President Pence praised the hard work and dedication of Pastor Hagee and the millions of CUFI supporters. Pence also gave a shout-out to yours truly and my efforts as Director of CUFI's Washington office.

Pence warned Iran not to mistake American restraint for a lack of resolve. He vowed that President Trump would never allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons, and he also promised that there would be "no more pallets of cash to the mullahs of Iran!"

The vice president concluded his remarks by explaining why America has always stood with Israel, saying:

"We stand with Israel because her cause is our cause, her values are our values, and her fight is our fight. We stand with Israel because we believe in right over wrong, in good over evil, in liberty over tyranny. And we stand with Israel because we cherish that ancient promise . . . that those who bless her will be blessed."

The Left Courts Illegal Immigrants
The left often seems to care more about illegal immigrants than American citizens. For example, as most Americans were preparing to celebrate our country last week, Cory Booker and Beto O'Rourke crossed the border and took their presidential campaigns to Mexico.

Booker and O'Rourke met with migrants seeking asylum in the U.S. Statistics show that the vast majority of asylum claims are denied by immigration judges. But the asylum process is really beside the point. Booker and O'Rourke want open borders so that anyone can come in for any reason at all.

And they're not the only left-wing politicians crossing the border to assist illegal immigrants.

Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-TX) has reportedly sent members of her congressional staff, who are paid with your tax dollars, across the border to "coach" migrants on how to exploit loopholes in the asylum process.

It doesn't seem like the migrants need any coaching on how to exploit our asylum process. According to recent testimony from Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan, 90% of asylum seekers who showed up at the border as family units failed to appear for their court hearings and disappeared into the interior of the country.

Starbucks Apologizes
Starbucks is making headlines but not for reasons company executives would like. Rather than celebrating record profits or unveiling a new drink, the ubiquitous coffee chain is apologizing for its disrespectful treatment of Arizona police officers.

On July 4th, six officers in Tempe, Arizona, were asked to leave a Starbucks store after a customer complained that they felt unsafe while the officers were in the store.

Yes, this was only one Starbucks and, yes, company executives are apologizing. But the last time one Starbucks store made headlines for its disrespectful treatment of its customers, the company closed all its stores and provided sensitivity training to its staff.

So I think Starbucks should follow its own example in this case by once again shutting all its stores so baristas can be trained on how to be respectful to the men and women of law enforcement who keep them and their customers safe.

Sadly what happened at the Tempe Starbucks is emblematic of the left's growing hostility against law enforcement, whether it's police officers, the Border Patrol or even our military.

As I noted last week, Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe dared to compare our Army tanks on display at the July Fourth Salute to America to the communist Chinese tanks that murdered protestors in Tiananmen Square.

Really, professor? China's tanks are used to oppress millions while America's tanks have been used to liberate millions.

The Left's False Narratives
When the Black Lives Matter movement burst onto the scene, most of the progressive movement joined it and embraced the liberal chorus that police officers were illegally harming minority youth because they are racists.

While there are bad apples in every barrel, there was virtually no evidence for the left's narrative of systemic racism among cops. In fact, it turned out that the Black Lives Matter narrative of "Hands up, Don't shoot" was a lie.

That lie was the basis for Colin Kaepernick and other athletes to protest law enforcement, our flag and the national anthem. But the left was more outraged at Donald Trump for criticizing Kaepernick than it was with Kaepernick's "cops as pigs" socks and Fidel Castro t-shirts.

Anybody who dared to say "All lives matter" quickly had to do penance. Now, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other progressives just assert that migrants are being told to drink out of toilets. No one has offered any evidence for this claim. The Border Patrol denies it. Yet it is being repeated as an accepted talking point.

At today's Christians United for Israel Washington Summit, Vice President Mike Pence denounced Ocasio-Cortez for comparing the Border Patrol detention facilities to Nazi concentration camps. Pence said:

"The Nazis took lives. American law enforcement saves lives every day. This slander of law enforcement was an insult to the six million killed in the Holocaust."

Are border facilities overcrowded? Yes. Are conditions less than ideal? Yes. But the reason they are overcrowded is because the left is blocking every reform necessary to secure the border. As one administration official put it, it is the height of hypocrisy for left-wing politicians to complain "about the numbers they're attracting."

Meanwhile, all over America, cities and towns are struggling to recruit police officers. Along the border, there is a significant manpower issue. The reason is the same. These jobs don't pay enough for you to get up in the morning, day after day, to be called a Nazi and be accused of child abuse by left-wing politicians.

Donald Trump proudly campaigned as a candidate of law and order. Those on the left sound like they are the party of no law and disorder.

Speaking of false left-wing narratives, Michelle Obama revealed over the weekend just how bitter she still is about the 2016 elections. The former first lady complained about having to sit through Donald Trump's inauguration speech. She also bashed the Trump supporters who attended the inaugural, saying they were not "reflective of the country."

Sorry, Michelle. I think those proudly wanting to Make America Great Again are far more reflective of the country than those who have difficulty expressing their pride in America.

CUFI Washington Summit Started Today
Thousands of pro-Israel Christian activists have come to our nation's capital for the 14th annual Christians United For Israel Washington Summit!

If you were unable to join us in person, you can watch the proceedings live at the CUFI Facebook page. The opening session began at 9:00 AM ET.

Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will address the Summit today. This afternoon, I will be moderating a briefing on the Middle East.

This evening, there will be a Night To Honor Israel celebration featuring remarks by Pastor John Hagee and U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman.

If you are like me and care deeply about America's alliance with Israel, please sign up for my regular pro-Israel reports from Christians United For Israel Action Fund.
Gary Bauer (@GaryLBauer)  is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families

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Posted by Bill Smith at 5:20 PM - Post Link


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