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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

SJW Zombies Turning Against Their Creators

Lloyd Marcus
by Lloyd Marcus: In 1969, I was drafted into the Army and stationed at Ft Bragg, North Carolina. I remember a discussion in our room in the barracks in which white draftees Perkins and Carter ranted about America. “This f***ing country is so f***ed up. I would never bring a child into this f***ing country!” I was the black guy from the Baltimore projects amid our trio of hippies. While I knew America had problems, I did not hate or view my country as evil. What were these guys from upper-middle-class families so angry about?

Little did I know that the likes of Perkins and Carter would infiltrate government, Hollywood, and academia, creating a generation poisoned against their country.

Baby-boomer hippies have created an army of SJW (social-justice-warrior) zombies infected with hatred for America more extreme than they anticipated. Like movies in which a mad scientist loses control of his monster, old hippies have lost control of their SJW monsters. SJW zombies seek to eat the brains of all who do not have vitriolic hatred for America, capitalism, Christianity, gun-owners, free speech, normal Americans, and straight white men.

SJWs scored a huge victory when SCOTUS outrageously awarded civil rights to sexual behavior. The ruling empowered SJWs to declare war on normal. Backed by government, SJWs punish anyone whose conscience prevents them from surrendering to the LGBTQ agenda. SJWs intend to legalize 12 new perversions, which include pedophilia and bestiality. They say opposing deviant behavior is bigotry, hate, and discrimination.

SJWs have added the word “triggered” to their lexicon. Speaking opinions about women, race, homosexuality, and transgenderism that SJWs do not like “triggers” them; justifying them physically beating the crap out of you. Obesity has been added to SJWs' list of things they no longer allow us to speak the truth about. A study cited obesity as a cause of cancer. SJWs attacked the study, calling it fat-phobic, bigotry and hate speech. SJWs want to repeal our constitutional right to free speech, empowering them to throw you into jail for whatever they declare “hate speech.”

When hippies like Perkins and Carter took over public education decades ago, they banned free speech and free thinking. Consequently, SJWs are programmed to “cancel” anyone who dares to behave or think on their own.

For example: A photo of black actor, Michael B. Jordan, was posted on social media of him vacationing on a yacht in Italy. SJW zombies went ballistic because all the women on the yacht were white. They launched a vitriolic campaign to “cancel” Jordan; attempting to end his career. SJW zombies tried to cancel a student for her Asian-influenced prom dress, calling her dress oppressive, bigotry, and “cultural appropriation.”

While schadenfreude is not good, I feel vindicated hearing extreme leftist comedians complain that SJWs are out-of-control. Comics say they are forbidden to joke about anything that has negatively impacted their careers.

Democratic congresswomen Ilhan Omar, AOC, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley are poster girls for the horrific consequence of hippies dominating Hollywood and public education. These four SJWs seek to overthrow leftist Nancy Pelosi as House majority leader. They believe Pelosi is not on board with their party's move to the far left, passionately committed to an anti-American, socialist/communist agenda.

SJWs believe the entire planet is victimized by America and straight white men. Therefore, illegals have moral authority to invade our country. Women and minorities should not be held accountable for bad behavior. Vagrants in California have a right to create obstacle courses of piles of poop on the streets.

California's proposition 47 allows theft of up to $950 per day without it being a felony. Law enforcement says why bother arresting criminals for misdemeanors when they will be released back on the streets within hours? Shoplifting in California has skyrocketed. Gee, I wonder why?

Here's another crazy SJW demand. “White males should be banned from speaking during university classes so women and transgender students are more willing to contribute to discussions.”

Black SJWs at Evergreen State College demanded that all whites leave the campus for a day, giving them a time-out from having to deal with Caucasians.

SJWs celebrate the destruction of marriage, claiming that heterosexuality is “just not working.” “Women are realizing not only that they don't need heterosexuality, but that it also is often the bedrock of their global oppression.”

Quoting Dickens, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” In the midst of all this out-of-control SJW craziness, I see evidence of young people recognizing and rejecting it. Movies like Terminator: Dark Fate which promote SJW political correctness have bombed at the box office.

A minister said whenever he hears “impeachment,” in his mind, he hears “crucify him!” This minister has an excellent point. Despite all the miracles Trump has achieved for America, SJW zombies are essentially screaming, “crucify him!” SJWs dominated fake news media for two weeks with their kangaroo court impeachment hearings. Incredibly, Trump's approval numbers improved.

Everyone knows the way to stop a zombie is to shoot him in the head. Young people are fed up. They are bravely shooting SJW zombies between the eyes with logic, truth, and common sense.

Winston Churchill said, “If you are not a liberal at twenty, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative at forty, you have no brain.” I wonder what my old hippie Army buddies, Perkins and Carter, think about walking-brain-dead SJW zombies terrorizing America today.
Lloyd Marcus (@LloydMarcus) is an "Unhyphenated American" and an internationally renowned conservative columnist, singer/songwriter and author. He is Chairman of the Conservative Campaign Committee Political Action Committee. He is a prominent voice of the American Tea Party movement and the singer/songwriter of the ”American Tea Party Anthem.” Marcus has been on Fox News, CNN, PJTV and more.

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Posted by Bill Smith at 3:00 PM - Post Link


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