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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Confronting China, The Wuhan Virus, Remember In November

Gary Bauer
by Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: Confronting China
While the mainstream media have obsessed over impeachment, there are a few stories out there right now that just aren't getting the coverage they deserve. Both involve China and our national security.

As I have noted before, FBI Director Christopher Wray has identified China as America's biggest counterintelligence threat. Wray described the Chinese threat as "deep and diverse and wide and vexing," adding that there are at least 1,000 investigations involving China's efforts to steal our economic and military secrets.

China's intense espionage efforts are not new. They have been going on for years and really picked up speed during the Obama era.

This week, Professor Charles Lieber, chairman of Harvard University's Chemistry Department, was arrested for lying to the Defense Department about his participation in China's Thousand Talents program.

For at least five years, Lieber, an expert in nanotechnology, was paid $50,000 a month and provided $150,000 a year for personal expenses by the Chinese. At the same time, he was directing research projects from the Department of Defense and the National Institutes of Health.

But wait. . . There's more!
  • Federal authorities also announced charges against Yanqing Ye, an officer in the Chinese military, who had been working at Boston University.
  • Last month, Zaosong Zheng was arrested at Boston's Logan Airport attempting to smuggle vials of biological materials stolen from U.S. research labs.
  • And the state of Florida recently launched a major investigation after ten university faculty members and other researchers were exposed as participants in China's Thousand Talents program.
As FBI Director Wray warned, China's espionage efforts are "deep and diverse." According to one estimate, there are at least 80 Confucius Institutes operating at colleges and universities around the country. Confucius Institutes have been more warmly received at American universities than conservative speakers!

These institutes are official organs of the Chinese Communist Party. But like much of U.S. policy toward China, the allure of easy money proved too tempting to resist, regardless of the strings attached.

Thankfully, the Trump Administration is cracking down, and more than 20 Confucius Institutes have closed in the past two years. But much more work clearly remains to be done.

The Wuhan Virus
We've seen all kinds of stories in recent days about the Wuhan virus – how fast is it spreading, its kill ratio, how many people are being quarantined, airlines canceling flights, etc. I even read a story about the potential for medicine shortages here due to global supply chain vulnerabilities.

Yesterday, I saw a map showing all the places where the U.S. has set up screening centers to check people coming into the country for evidence of the virus. Not surprisingly, most screening centers are at major international airports, but there are two at the El Paso and San Diego border ports of entry, also for obvious reasons.

What jumped out at me was everything else in between -- you know, the vast open border area that Donald Trump has spent the last three years trying to secure. The same border that the left and its media allies have spent the last three years fighting to keep wide open and smearing Trump as a bigot for trying to secure.

The spread of this deadly virus is proof of why the border must be secured. Is there even one "mainstream" journalist in America who thinks this is a story worth writing?

It wasn't that long ago when our Border Patrol agents were overwhelmed with sick migrants, running more than 50 people a day to border-area hospitals.

We're also seeing a surge of Chinese nationals illegally crossing the border. And now we have a mystery virus originating in China with a kill rate we have not yet determined.

The president has done a lot to secure the border, but if progressive politicians, judges and pundits had not been so desperate to resist President Trump (and common sense), much more would have been done by now. The risk of the Wuhan virus entering the country from the unsecured southern border could have been greatly diminished.

If Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and Chuck Schumer had worked half as hard to help secure the country as they have to invalidate the votes of half the country, we'd all be a lot safer right now.

"Danger! Danger! Danger!"
Jay Sekulow, a member of the president's defense team, reminded senators yesterday of something every American needs to understand: This hyper-partisan impeachment, based on anonymous allegations and differences of opinion, is a serious danger to our constitutional republic.

Within days of Donald Trump securing the GOP nomination, elements of our government that we entrust to keep us safe from terrorists and foreign spies diverted resources to get illegal wiretaps on the Trump campaign. They even set up sting operations to take down various campaign aides.

Before Trump was sworn in, a well-financed campaign was launched to intimidate members of the Electoral College. The media gleefully reported that some electors were wavering but often failed to expose the intimidation taking place.

After Trump was inaugurated, Deep State operatives and their media allies launched the Russian collusion hoax, which consumed the country for more than two years.

A leading proponent of that hoax was Adam Schiff. He regularly appeared on Sunday talk shows and declared that the evidence that Russia and the president stole the election was "in plain sight." He was lying the whole time, every time.

When that hoax fell apart, the left launched its sham impeachment -- the biggest voter suppression effort in the history of the country. Pelosi, Schiff and Schumer are trying to suppress the votes of 63 million people who voted for Donald Trump in 2016, while depriving millions of us the right to vote for him again this November.

They know that their platform of abortion extremism, anti-religious liberty and big government socialism is unpopular. So they are putting the country through a scandalous election-year impeachment charade with the goal of removing Donald Trump from the ballot.

If Vladimir Putin tried to come up with a plan to destroy a duly-elected president and undermine the United States of America, he could not imagine anything better than what Pelosi, Schiff and Schumer, along with their media and Deep State allies, have done over the last three years.

The Wildwood Wonder
We know the president's policies are growing the economy. Well, in the last two days, Trump turned Wildwood, New Jersey, into an enterprise zone of unexpected economic growth.

Wildwood is a beach community that depends heavily on summer tourism. When the temperatures fall and the days get shorter, much of the town shuts down.

In the last two days, hotels and restaurants all over Wildwood reopened to accommodate the thousands of people who came to see the man many believe is the greatest president since Ronald Reagan. People began lining up more than a day in advance to attend Trump's rally last night!

Remember In November
Remember Obama's remark about "bitter clingers"? Hillary's "basket of deplorables"? Apparently, the left still hasn't learned how to hide its bigotry.

As I'm sure you know, CNN's Don Lemon just couldn't keep it together when a NeverTrumper and a liberal New York Times columnist started mocking conservative Trump voters.

Well, I'm pleased to report that Don Lemon is starring in the latest Republican National Committee ad that urges conservative voters to have the last laugh this November.
Gary Bauer (@GaryLBauer)  is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families

Tags: Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families, Confronting China, The Wuhan Virus, Remember In November To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
Posted by Bill Smith at 4:00 PM - Post Link


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