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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Results, Shredding The Constitution, Justice For Jussie

Shredding The Constitution
by Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: The Results
Here are some observations based on the results of yesterday's New Hampshire primaries.
  • Bernie Sanders is the weakest front runner in modern history, having won Iowa and New Hampshire by razor-thin margins.
  • "Mayo" Pete Buttigieg is becoming a media darling, but I doubt Democrats will nominate a candidate who is struggling to attract support from black voters.
  • Amy Klobuchar provided one of the night's biggest surprises, posting a strong third-place finish, giving her momentum going into Nevada.
  • Assuming she doesn't fold her teepee in coming days, if Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren gets clobbered again in Nevada, her campaign will be the political equivalent of "Custer's Last Stand."
  • Anyone planning on becoming Joe Biden's vice presidential running mate should probably keep their day jobs.
  • Commentators think all this chaos helps Michael Bloomberg, but pollster Frank Luntz has found that many Democrats despise billionaires, while other polling finds that most Democrats would vote for a socialist.
  • While not directly related to New Hampshire, Nevada's powerful Culinary Union warned its members yesterday that Bernie Sanders's socialized healthcare scheme would cost them the high-quality healthcare plans they have fought so hard for.
  • Big Media continues to play the game of "Identify The Moderate" in the race, but all the Democrats think killing unborn children even in the final days of pregnancy is okay while killing Iranian terrorist Qassem Soleimani was wrong.
  • Businessman Andrew Yang, Colorado Senator Michael Bennet and former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick ended their presidential campaigns last night.
  • Last but certainly not least, Donald Trump received far more votes in the New Hampshire Republican primary than any previous president, including popular incumbents like Barack Obama (2012), George W. Bush (2004) and Ronald Reagan (1984).
Abbas's About Face
The Trump/Pence peace plan has dramatically changed the landscape in the Middle East. Multiple Arab/Muslim nations did not reflexively condemn the plan. Quite the contrary, several issued positive statements and are urging the Palestinians to come to the negotiating table.

By the way, where are the mobs in the Arab street condemning the peace proposal? Once again, just like moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, the "conventional wisdom" was all wrong.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, apparently thinking Barack Obama was still president, came up with the really bad idea of going to the United Nations to get a vote to condemn the plan. The White House immediately informed various U.N. member states that such a vote would not be looked upon favorably in Washington, D.C.

Yesterday, Abbas suddenly withdrew his request for a vote after discovering there was a good chance he might lose at the U.N.

Ambassador Ron Prosor, a former Israeli representative to the U.N., said, "The Palestinians' inability to put forward a vote tonight shows the change that the international community has gone through in recent years."

How many times have you heard the left and its media allies claim, "America is alone, isolated with no allies all because of Donald Trump"? Well, they're wrong. This is a tremendous victory, and, of course, the media are completely ignoring it.

Shredding The Constitution
After Nancy Pelosi's State of the Union stunt, there were a lot of internet memes about her shredding the Constitution. They may be funny, but the left is serious about tearing up the Constitution as it goes all in on fundamentally transforming the country.
  • Yesterday, Virginia Democrats passed legislation that would potentially disenfranchise their own voters. The legislation would join other states in awarding their Electoral College votes not to the winner of their state but to the winner of the national popular vote. This plan, known as the National Popular Vote Compact, is unconstitutional but that's not stopping the left from trying to circumvent the Constitution in its desperate quest for power.
  • Democrats in the House of Representatives yesterday advanced legislation to make Washington, D.C. a state. This is just an unconstitutional power grab meant to guarantee Chuck Schumer two more left-wing senators.
  • House Democrats are also attempting to resuscitate the pro-abortion Equal Rights Amendments after three states recently approved it. The Trump Administration is fighting a federal lawsuit to force ratification, noting that the congressionally mandated time limit expired decades ago.
  • I am pleased to report that the "Notorious R.B.G." (Ruth Bader Ginsburg) just declared the ERA DOA at the Supreme Court. In a recent interview, Justice Ginsburg indicated that the 1982 deadline was binding, and she correctly noted that five states have also rescinded their approval. Ginsburg asked rhetorically, "If you count a latecomer on the plus side, how can you disregard states that said 'We've changed our minds?'"
  • And here's more good news: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is committed to confirming as many of President Trump's constitutionalist judges as possible. He told talk show host Hugh Hewitt, "My motto for the year is 'Leave No Vacancy Behind.'"
Justice For Jussie
Justice moves slowly at times, but it does move. Yesterday, Chicago authorities announced that Jussie Smollett was indicted by a grand jury on six charges related to his hoax hate crime.

I'm glad Smollett is not going to get away with lying to the police about something so serious. What he did was unacceptable! He smeared conservatives and white Chicagoans, wasted police and taxpayer resources, and could have ignited racial violence. That should be a serious crime, not just a slap on the wrist.

By the way, Jussie's MAGA smear reminds me of another attempt to shame a proud conservative. It didn't go well for that intolerant liberal either.
Gary Bauer (@GaryLBauer)  is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families

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Posted by Bill Smith at 3:30 PM - Post Link


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