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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

Monday, May 11, 2020

The Coming American Iron Curtain

by Mario Murillo Ministries: Leaders and experts who I trust, are confirming my greatest heartbreak: a new iron curtain is coming down over America. That ugly apparatus from Russia has been redecorated and is slowly being set up over here!

The door for preaching the Gospel in America is closing!

Already the United States is the least evangelized nation in all the major countries in North and South America. More laws have been enacted that restrict preaching in the last ten years than in the past two and a half centuries of American History. Local governments routinely fight church expansion. The nation’s largest group of lawyers has announced its plans to systematically target Christian organizations.

The most dangerous development is the radical shift in America’s moral base. Family values are trampled under the worship of the all-important economy. The immorality that ruined our ability to compete and produce is not even considered! Instead, short-sighted people want government to come and rescue us again.

We are in a classic position to be hoodwinked into accepting good old-fashioned left-wing socialism. Such socialism always targets Christianity.

Why do I recognize the symptoms so readily? Because for several years I lived in Berkeley, California, and I saw Marxist economics in action. It bashes the church, it numbs incentive, it puts a veneer of intellectualism on plain laziness.

The media and the government are in complicity to feed us these “New Left” leftovers. They manipulate statistics to justify wasteful programs. They say there are 30 million Americans living below the poverty level. Paul Harvey once said during a broadcast, “What they don’t tell you is that 40% of those they claim are in poverty, own their own homes and their houses are twice the size of comparable Japanese workers. I am sick of this manipulation of statistics and bashing of America.”

Sure, our economy needs help, but it is sin that is killing us and government expansion will create a far greater monster than the recession ever was!

I grew up in poverty. The racial slurs that were screamed at me did hurt, but what was really poisonous was the way social workers patronized us and reinforced our sense of inferiority by condescendingly saying, “There, there! We will take care of you.” Had Jesus not saved me, this system would have food stamped and welfared me into a menial life.

Shame on Congress for bringing this iron curtain down upon us! First, they caused the recession by pandering to so many projects like the Savings and Loan Scandal. Then they fomented a corrupt and inept welfare system that fattens bureaucrats, misses the truly needy, and allow crafty deadbeats to play the system like a broken slot machine. Now they want to expand their power, bounce more checks, and blame others for our bad times.

Shame on the media for bringing down this iron curtain upon us! They are doing exposés that stereotype ministers as crooks, while airing specials that ‘normalize’ homosexual relationships.

What a pathetic set up!

It’s all so painfully familiar: “Tax the rich to pay for all our problems!” Never mind that even if we bankrupted all the wealthy, it wouldn’t even make a dent in either our deficit or our poverty levels.

You cannot punish people who succeed and at the same time reward people who are not even trying, without creating a nation of whining brats.

The Russian Revolution offered the deceived masses the opiate of violence. This New American Socialism offers a different opiate: instant gratification! They promise, “We will legitimize your sexual perversion. We’ll protect your right to use abortion as a contraceptive. We’ll pay the difference for your shabby work.” And finally, “We’ll get Christian morality off your back.”This is nothing short of the brainwashing of the American mind, so that we can accept the rejection of Christianity and the free-market economy.

Examples of nations that have tried this range from the silly to the disastrous! How else can you explain unions shutting down the Saturn auto manufacturing plant just as it became the first American car that was outselling Japan? Why are Bibles easier to give away in Russian schools than in American schools? Why are anti-abortion protesters subjected to much more brutality than other protesters?

Is this iron curtain inevitable? A thousand times, “No!” Time is short, but we can most certainly still win! Based on past history, here are three good things that I am counting on to happen:

1.The arrogant media will fall on their face! These inflated moguls ooze arrogance. They are so blind that they cannot see their bias and their broadcast-overkill, but the public is getting sick of it, and angry. Even when viewers agree with a liberal position, they are still angry with the media for the way they bully any opposing view.

2. Look for a mass student rebellion! As soon as students see that Bibles are “illegal” or that Christian meetings are “off limits” they are going to over-run these philosophical walls and birth a nuclear under-ground church the likes of which our nation has never seen!

3. The resurrection of the sleeping American church! The drowsing disciples are finally going to cry, “Enough is enough!” They will combine faith with action. Pastors and evangelists are going to discard men-pleasing methods, and they are going to thunder sermons that will expose this looming iron curtain! They will challenge ordinances and politicians who persecute church work, and return fire on these attacks on the Bible!

Above all, we the army of God, must take the current debate and drag it kicking and screaming back to the real issue! The recession is the result of our condoning pleasure, greed, and godlessness.

America’s saving grace has always been her Christian conscience. By discarding that, we have cut off our air supply. We should be asking why our cities are burning, not why interest rates are fluctuating. We should not be alarmed about jobs, so much as the loss of our national sanity.

There is a fire in my bones when it comes to this new iron curtain! And it is showing in our crusades! Thank God we can report that our crowds are swelling wherever we go. Miracles are coming like rain! We are taking our case directly to the American people! The crisis is urgent and the vision is working! Multitudes of Americans are pressing into the Kingdom.

This Gospel, that we bear, is the power of God to everyone! I implore you to join us in this hour of decisive action. Together, let us take up the sword of the Spirit and shred this iron curtain!
Mario Murillo is an evangelist Mario Murillo, minister, blogger.

Tags: Mario Murillo, Ministries, The Coming, American Iron Curtain To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
Posted by Bill Smith at 11:30 AM - Post Link


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