Satan Has Nailed A Door Shut But God Has Blasted A Better One Open
by Mario Murillo Ministries: The virus and the mass protests have shutdown American culture. The drastic changes have shocked many into stunned disbelief. This was not supposed to happen. We are being told that the America we once knew is gone forever.
For a moment there, we were teased into thinking things would return back to normal. Then riots, looting, and anarchy took over our streets. And the spike in the virus gave Democrat Governors the excuse they yearned for, so that they might abuse power. This made the changes even more cruel.
Millions of Christians in all walks of life are trying to cope with changes they never even imagined. They, too, feel that something wonderful is gone for good. Satan wants us to give way to despair—he wants us to believe he has nailed shut the door to our dreams, visions and plans.
Do you know who understood that feeling perfectly? Paul the Apostle. When he heard the jail cell door slam behind him, the devil told Paul all the same things he is trying to tell American Christians now. The enemy told him his ministry was over. Paul was seeing epic miracles. Vibrant churches were being established, and then the door slammed in his face. This was beyond a shock, and made zero sense to the man who had seen the heavenly vision. That very same feeling of shock is eating away at many believers right now.
Now comes my first major lesson for you in this letter: Quit wasting time staring at the door that has closed. God is opening a better one. God is not done with you—or with America.
Paul got over the shock. He stopped staring at the closed door. Rather, he looked for the open door, and he found it. I thank God every day that Paul began to write letters. Letters that have blessed and encouraged you and me countless times. Letters that would touch billions of people for thousands of years. How could he have ever imagined the secret advantage of being imprisoned?
And you and I can’t imagine the door God is opening to us right now. Here is how Paul described the miracle of his new open door: “I want to report to you, friends, that my imprisonment here has had the opposite of its intended effect. Instead of being squelched, the Message has actually prospered. All the soldiers here, and everyone else, too, found out that I’m in jail because of this Messiah. That piqued their curiosity, and now they’ve learned all about Him. Not only that, but most of the followers of Jesus here have become far more sure of themselves in the faith than ever, speaking out fearlessly about God, and about the Messiah” (Philippians 1:14-15).
Look at that phrase: “the opposite of its intended effect.” God is forever taking Satan’s tactics and throwing them back in his face. Call it a backfire or a boomerang, no matter what you call it, the impact is a glorious breakthrough in impossible situations.
You need to be seeking and preparing for that new door. It will come out of nowhere. It will irradiate you with hope and creativity.
Let me tell you my story in this pandemic and chaos. Like you, I had to deal with the sudden and shocking change brought about by the coronavirus quarantine and the ensuing anarchy. There are many who are going through things far worse than I am. But what I went through was still pretty bad.
I felt as if I had lost everything. The coronavirus scare closed down our tent crusades. For me and for our team it was a devastating loss. I am not exaggerating: I truly collapsed before God from sheer sorrow.
Then I slowly began to feel the Lord stirring something new in me—the very thing I want this letter to do for you. Many of you who are reading this are faithful partners of our ministry, and have been for years. I was bewildered and almost embarrassed to write you about what Mario Murillo Ministries was doing during this down time.
What makes my next statement so amazing, is the fact that what I was told to do next is the very same thing that many others were told to do. The Holy Spirit said, “Write what I tell you to write and record only the videos I tell you to record.”
Next, we took the energy and resources reserved for the tent and applied it to God-given tactics on the internet. Anyone can make a video and anyone can write a blog. That is not what happened. What happened was a divine revelation of what to say, how to say it, when to say it, and whom to say it to.
For me it was a crash course in social media and internet technology. So, we dismantled much of our structure and walked through the new open door. Then, slowly at first, something began to unfold. A new audience and a new impact arrived for Mario Murillo Ministries.
Listen carefully, going on the internet does not explain what we did. Making videos does not explain what is happening here among us. What does explain it is this: in the last 30 days one million people have responded online to the things God told us to do. That is far more than we could have ever reached in our tent crusades.
Take our transformed blog for example. By recalibrating it according the changes the Holy Spirit ordered, something astounding happened. We know that at least 2,000 Christian leaders a day read the blog. But the real story is not that they read the blog, but that they download it, study it and then use the ammunition in their preaching. We had nowhere near that impact before the pandemic.
Then the Lord gave me video messages in a distinct format. Just 2 of them have over 150,000 views each.
Every Sunday night on Facebook live, tens of thousands join Robbie Dawkins and me for the strangest mega church in America. It’s simply called Sunday Night Church. We have a conversation that the church desperately needs. We have an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that is releasing divine healing in all directions. Each Sunday Night we touch more people with the power of Jesus than we could in a year of tent crusades. Think of that.
Oh, and yes, our tent crusades are coming back. Only this time they will be broadcast from the tent in such a way that millions will not only see undeniable miracles—they will be healed right in their homes. Hallelujah!
That is how the devil’s attacks on Mario Murillo Ministries has backfired. Now it is your turn to see a door blast open. Now is not the time to fear, regret or mourn the loss of the old days. It is time for you to stop staring at the door that has closed and instead find the door that God has blasted open.
Mario Murillo is an evangelist Mario Murillo, minister, blogger.
Tags: Mario Murillo, Ministries, Satan Has Nailed A Door Shut, But God Has Blasted, A Better One Open To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
For a moment there, we were teased into thinking things would return back to normal. Then riots, looting, and anarchy took over our streets. And the spike in the virus gave Democrat Governors the excuse they yearned for, so that they might abuse power. This made the changes even more cruel.
Millions of Christians in all walks of life are trying to cope with changes they never even imagined. They, too, feel that something wonderful is gone for good. Satan wants us to give way to despair—he wants us to believe he has nailed shut the door to our dreams, visions and plans.
Do you know who understood that feeling perfectly? Paul the Apostle. When he heard the jail cell door slam behind him, the devil told Paul all the same things he is trying to tell American Christians now. The enemy told him his ministry was over. Paul was seeing epic miracles. Vibrant churches were being established, and then the door slammed in his face. This was beyond a shock, and made zero sense to the man who had seen the heavenly vision. That very same feeling of shock is eating away at many believers right now.
Now comes my first major lesson for you in this letter: Quit wasting time staring at the door that has closed. God is opening a better one. God is not done with you—or with America.
Paul got over the shock. He stopped staring at the closed door. Rather, he looked for the open door, and he found it. I thank God every day that Paul began to write letters. Letters that have blessed and encouraged you and me countless times. Letters that would touch billions of people for thousands of years. How could he have ever imagined the secret advantage of being imprisoned?
And you and I can’t imagine the door God is opening to us right now. Here is how Paul described the miracle of his new open door: “I want to report to you, friends, that my imprisonment here has had the opposite of its intended effect. Instead of being squelched, the Message has actually prospered. All the soldiers here, and everyone else, too, found out that I’m in jail because of this Messiah. That piqued their curiosity, and now they’ve learned all about Him. Not only that, but most of the followers of Jesus here have become far more sure of themselves in the faith than ever, speaking out fearlessly about God, and about the Messiah” (Philippians 1:14-15).
Look at that phrase: “the opposite of its intended effect.” God is forever taking Satan’s tactics and throwing them back in his face. Call it a backfire or a boomerang, no matter what you call it, the impact is a glorious breakthrough in impossible situations.
You need to be seeking and preparing for that new door. It will come out of nowhere. It will irradiate you with hope and creativity.
Let me tell you my story in this pandemic and chaos. Like you, I had to deal with the sudden and shocking change brought about by the coronavirus quarantine and the ensuing anarchy. There are many who are going through things far worse than I am. But what I went through was still pretty bad.
I felt as if I had lost everything. The coronavirus scare closed down our tent crusades. For me and for our team it was a devastating loss. I am not exaggerating: I truly collapsed before God from sheer sorrow.
Then I slowly began to feel the Lord stirring something new in me—the very thing I want this letter to do for you. Many of you who are reading this are faithful partners of our ministry, and have been for years. I was bewildered and almost embarrassed to write you about what Mario Murillo Ministries was doing during this down time.
What makes my next statement so amazing, is the fact that what I was told to do next is the very same thing that many others were told to do. The Holy Spirit said, “Write what I tell you to write and record only the videos I tell you to record.”
Next, we took the energy and resources reserved for the tent and applied it to God-given tactics on the internet. Anyone can make a video and anyone can write a blog. That is not what happened. What happened was a divine revelation of what to say, how to say it, when to say it, and whom to say it to.
For me it was a crash course in social media and internet technology. So, we dismantled much of our structure and walked through the new open door. Then, slowly at first, something began to unfold. A new audience and a new impact arrived for Mario Murillo Ministries.
Listen carefully, going on the internet does not explain what we did. Making videos does not explain what is happening here among us. What does explain it is this: in the last 30 days one million people have responded online to the things God told us to do. That is far more than we could have ever reached in our tent crusades.
Take our transformed blog for example. By recalibrating it according the changes the Holy Spirit ordered, something astounding happened. We know that at least 2,000 Christian leaders a day read the blog. But the real story is not that they read the blog, but that they download it, study it and then use the ammunition in their preaching. We had nowhere near that impact before the pandemic.
Then the Lord gave me video messages in a distinct format. Just 2 of them have over 150,000 views each.
Every Sunday night on Facebook live, tens of thousands join Robbie Dawkins and me for the strangest mega church in America. It’s simply called Sunday Night Church. We have a conversation that the church desperately needs. We have an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that is releasing divine healing in all directions. Each Sunday Night we touch more people with the power of Jesus than we could in a year of tent crusades. Think of that.
Oh, and yes, our tent crusades are coming back. Only this time they will be broadcast from the tent in such a way that millions will not only see undeniable miracles—they will be healed right in their homes. Hallelujah!
That is how the devil’s attacks on Mario Murillo Ministries has backfired. Now it is your turn to see a door blast open. Now is not the time to fear, regret or mourn the loss of the old days. It is time for you to stop staring at the door that has closed and instead find the door that God has blasted open.
Mario Murillo is an evangelist Mario Murillo, minister, blogger.
Tags: Mario Murillo, Ministries, Satan Has Nailed A Door Shut, But God Has Blasted, A Better One Open To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
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