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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Moment I Have Been Waiting For Has Arrived

by Mario Murillo Ministries: I do not fear man. God has taught me to obey His voice and no other. There have been countless times I wanted to react against injustice and evil when the Holy Spirit restrained me. I fear no government agency. That is the work of Christ in my life and not personal bravery.

We did not shut down our tent crusades because we feared man or virus. That is a point that I must drive home to you. The rest of this will not have the impact I am praying for unless you clearly understand that.

Unlike a church that owns their own building, for a tent crusade you must get a permit. No permits were available after the shutdown. I was fully prepared to obtain private land and force the issue. But God said no.

Being sidelined while California was being destroyed by a virus and her government was torture. Again and again, I thought about how desperately needed our tent meetings were.

I thought of Jesus waiting to heal the sick until He was thirty years old. How much misery He saw. How many times He must have yearned to intervene.

When I saw the riots. When I saw the spike in murder, addiction and suicide. I can’t describe to you my yawning frustration.

As the months passed my inner pain grew worse. I pleaded with the Lord to release me. Surely the risk of jail would be better than sitting on the sidelines.
The Holy Spirit never fully explained why we had to shut down. Of course we wanted people to be safe but that was not the main reason. Someday I know God will tell me why I had to wait. As soon as He tells me, I promise, I will tell you.

Our internet ministry and social media exploded during the shutdown. It seemed I should be content to enjoy this new found success. But I am a soul-winning warrior. Always have been, and always will be! If all I ever do is make videos and post things on the internet it will surely kill me.

In the last few weeks the fire in my bones intensified until I despaired of holding it in! I could not just hear, I could feel the anguish of lost souls in California. I was on the brink of an eruption. Then at the precise moment…it happened today. God spoke.

“REOPEN THE TENT CRUSADES.” Instantly I felt peace and excitement. It is from that peace and excitement that I make the following announcement:

We will reopen the Living Proof Crusade along Highway 99 on Sunday October 11. The tent goes up on the beautiful Granite Park where we have several acres of parking and direct access to hurting neighborhoods. How did we get this site? Well, you just have to believe in miracles my friend.
Not only that, but the tent will be up for 6 days! The meetings will be at 6:30 PM every night from Sunday October 11th until Friday October 16th. But there is so much more to tell you!

An army of trained and anointed workers will descend on Fresno. They will carry the message of hope so gravely needed in this hour. The acute loneliness, despair, and addiction will be confronted and healed in Jesus’ name!

We have purchased new equipment that will more than satisfy any concerns about cleanliness. We have luxury bathroom trailers. We will take great pains to make sure the tent, chairs and grounds are spotless!

Most of all, we expect the anointing to flow in a measure we have never known before. It will not surprise me if we see impossible healings that will rock the medical community.

I am preparing 6 original soul winning/healing messages—messages born out of my time of being sequestered!

Our expectancy for this tent crusade like crackling electricity! We have never felt expectancy like we do right now.

These verses perfectly describe what it will be like, what will happen under our tent:

Isaiah 61: 1 “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, Because the Lord has anointed Me
To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound; 2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, And the day of vengeance of our God; To comfort all who mourn…”

Out of all of those words, one jumps out at me: vengeance! It is time to make the devil pay for what he has done to California and our nation! It is time for vengeance on all the lies, political tyranny and suffering in America.
Forgive me…but is it wrong to hope that on October 11 a fire from heaven will fall—a fire that will not be quenched until it engulfs the whole nation with revival!

It is not a coincidence that this tent crusade will occur right before the most urgent election of our life. For that reason I am calling on all who read this to begin to pray fervently for this crusade.

Under normal circumstances—which is something we have not been under for a long time—we would not press you to travel to Fresno to be a part of a historic relaunch of our Living Proof Tent crusades. This is a once in lifetime opportunity for you to be a part of an epic outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Remember: Sunday October 11- Friday October 16th at 6:30 PM Granite Park 3978 N Cedar Ave, Fresno, CA 93726.

The shutdown is over! The vision resumes with more power and momentum than ever! Satan will pay dearly for what he has done to California and America.

To all of the partners of Mario Murillo Ministries let me make this official. Your prayers and support kept us strong and ready. You faith in the calling of this ministry is being rewarded with a magnificent comeback. So we will be rejoicing over a great harvest of souls. The addict, the suicidal teenager, the gang banger, and the victimized citizens of California are going to be visited by Jesus in glory and fire. Hallelujah!
Mario Murillo is an evangelist Mario Murillo, minister, blogger.

Tags: Mario Murillo, Ministries, The Moment, I Have Been Waiting For, Has Arrived To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
Posted by Bill Smith at 10:30 AM - Post Link


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