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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Biden Busted, Barrett Breezing, Good News

by Gary Bauer: Biden Busted
Hunter Biden's foreign dealings have plagued his father's presidential campaign for well over a year now. Joe Biden has successfully dodged any fallout by frequently claiming he never discussed Hunter's business dealings with him and insulting anyone who questioned him about it.

Well, Joe's got some explaining to do thanks to a laptop that was seized by the FBI in December. Among other things discovered on the laptop are numerous emails between Hunter Biden and top executives at Burisma.

For example, in May of 2014, Vadym Pozharskyi emailed Hunter Biden asking "how you could use your influence" on behalf of Burisma.

That "influence" became obvious less than a year later when Pozharskyi emailed Hunter in April of 2015 to say, "Thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together."

And several months after that meeting, Joe Biden famously threatened to withhold a billion-dollar loan unless Ukraine fired a top government prosecutor who was investigating Burisma.

If the media were at all fair and balanced, this would be a big story. But I doubt you will hear anything about it on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS or NBC. Facebook has already admitted that it is trying to quash the story.

But it is a good reminder of the corruption of the DC swamp, and how "Biden, Inc.," as Politico put it, has made the Biden family very wealthy from influence peddling.

Barrett Breezing
I thought Judge Brett Kavanaugh was very impressive during his confirmation hearings, but Judge Amy Coney Barrett is breezing through her confirmation hearings! She graduated at the top of her law school class, and her intellect and command of the law has been on fully display these past three days.

At one point during yesterday's hearing, Senator John Cornyn of Texas noted that all the senators had briefing books, packed with talking points and notes about key cases they wanted to press Barrett on.

Barrett had a note pad and Sen. Cornyn asked her to hold it up. It was blank. She didn't need any assistance to powerfully make her case.

Predictably, there were some wacky moments courtesy of Judiciary Committee Democrats. For example, Dick Durbin asked Barrett about George Floyd's death. It was an odd question on a pending legal case, but she knocked it out of the park.

Not content with her response, Cory Booker demanded that Barrett, the mother of two adopted black children, condemn white supremacy. She did.

And then there was "Crazy" Mazie Hirono who asked Barrett if she had ever sexually assaulted someone.

The left has a clear pattern that it uses to smear conservative judicial nominees. They used it on Clarence Thomas, who was breezing through his confirmation hearing until there was a surprise witness (Anita Hill) at the last moment. Kavanaugh got through most of the process until Dianne Feinstein revealed a letter accusing him of sexual assault.

When President Trump nominated Barrett, we joked that all the boys who ever knew her were probably being visited by Democrat investigators looking to find one who would accuse her of inappropriate behavior.

So here comes Hirono, perhaps one of the most mean-spirited Democrats, asking this bizarre question. Is she setting the stage for some surprise charge or witness? In this atmosphere anything is possible, and the controversy would be enough to potentially delay her confirmation until after the election.

I know it may sound ridiculous and unlikely, but the left destroyed Robert Bork. They tried to destroy Clarence Thomas. They suggested, in front of his family, that Brett Kavanaugh was part of a gang rape club. Every other day there was another outrageous accusation from some corner of the country.

Do I think Democrats are capable of smearing Barrett too? YES! Some progressives have already made disgusting insinuations that she is "harming" her children.

Good News
There was some surprisingly good news from an unexpected source this week. New York Times science and health reporter Donald McNeil, Jr., wrote an article stating, "Experts are saying, with genuine confidence, that the [coronavirus] pandemic in the United States will be over far sooner than they expected."

There are a variety of explanations, but McNeil also credits the Trump Administration's efforts to develop a vaccine. Operation Warp Speed, McNeil writes, is "working with remarkable efficiency."

It is worth remembering that when this virus we knew little about arrived in our country at the beginning of the year, experts were warning that well more than one million Americans could die.

In addition, we have learned of yet another study indicating that schools are not COVID super spreaders.

Attorney General Cuomo?
Axios reports that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is at the top of Joe Biden's short list to be attorney general. This should send chills down the spines of values voters.

A few years ago Cuomo said that so-called "extreme conservatives," those who are pro-life, pro-Second Amendment and believe in traditional marriage, "have no place in New York." And Cuomo has acted on those views.

He signed legislation that essentially legalized infanticide. Cuomo pressured New York banks to cut off the National Rifle Association, and his state attorney general is waging a jihad against the NRA.

And he has used the pandemic to shut down churches and synagogues, saying, "I don't care" about anyone's faith, "you have to follow the rules of the state." Cuomo's total disdain for religious liberty seems to be inciting violence against the Orthodox Jewish community.

Sorry, governor, but as Attorney General William Barr recently noted, there is no pandemic exception to the Constitution and the First Amendment.

Apparently Gov. Cuomo doesn't care about science either. He totally ignored the science and everything we knew about COVID when he ordered infected patients to be sent to nursing homes, and he has no regrets!

Sally Yates is also on Biden's short list for attorney general. Yates wanted to prosecute Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn for violating the Logan Act, an obscure law dating back to 1799 that has never been enforced. Yates's abuse of power in the Flynn case should disqualify her.

Another name mentioned by Axios is former Georgia legislator Stacey Abrams, even though her significant financial and legal issues would seem to be disqualifying.

Cuomo, Yates and Abrams are all terrible choices. But I guarantee you that no matter who "President Biden" selects to lead the Justice Department and the FBI, that individual would be committed to the far-left agenda of today's Democrat Party.

Fly Those Flags
I'm sure we have all experienced that depressing feeling when you drive into a neighborhood and see nothing but Biden signs and no Trump signs in sight. That describes much of the Washington, D.C. suburbs where I live and work.

But one thing I have noticed is that there are many homes flying flags, and those homes often don't have Biden signs in their yard. Commentators are noticing the same trend.

There is anecdotal evidence that some home owners are flying American flags to quietly signal their support for President Trump in a low risk way.

So, if you're in a largely progressive area, show your resistance to the left by proudly flying Old Glory!
Gary Bauer is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families
Tags: Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families, Biden Busted, Barrett Breezing, Good News To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
Posted by Bill Smith at 2:40 PM - Post Link


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