A Fence - What a Novel Idea [Video]

Imagine anyone using a fence to keep people, whom you don't want in, out! A fence; what a really great & novel idea.
WheresTheFence.com: Last year, Congress and the President promised 700 miles of fence. Now, with almost no progress on the fence, they are pushing ahead with amnesty. Let’s face it -- we’ve been conned and it’s time for Americans to shout: “Where’s The Fence?”™ Watch the first video with different cover options. The second video ad is finished and pending release! No matter what has or is going on in D.C. concerning comprehensive immigration -- three important words need to be answered: “Where’s The Fence?”™
People say fences don't work, but I guess they work ok for prisons.
Spending billions on a hatemongering fence between the US and Mexico will do nothing to keep out those who want to come. To provide a pair of examples, there are countless illegal immigrants in the US who come from countries that don't even have land borders with our country, yet they still managed to arrive somehow. Between Europe and the lands of most of its immigrants there are entire oceans, seas and deserts, yet the immigrants still find a way to get there and stay. These examples alone demonstrate how useless a costly fence would be, not to mention any collateral damage nobody has thought of or predicted yet (environmental harm, even further destruction of our country's image abroad, etc.)
Like the EU has done for its poorer neighbors with land borders, the US should help Mexico improve its economy and political situation (those billions wasted on the fence could be used for example) and make Mexico a nicer place to stay, live and work for its own people (and more pleasant and safe for us to go visit and retire to). It's really not that hard a task since Mexico is only somewhat 'poor' to begin with (it is one of the wealthiest 'poor' nations in the world, with an extremely sophisticated economy and billions in revenue from tourism, oil, agriculture, industry and services). If we gave a few billion per year to Mexico but required some results (better infrastructure, less corruption, some economic and legal reform, a better business environment, etc. etc.), Mexico would slowly start to shine, and we would have a much friendlier neighbor that would be both grateful and indebted to us, since we would be giving them assistance through a positive message instead of forcing them to take from us in the form of illegal work. Once their economy is going well, it will become the magnet for Latin American immigration instead of the US (due to its proximity and the language). Only a long-term solution like this will really create any meaningful change. And it is certainly much more Christian than fence-building!
The fence-lovers' viewpoint is very simplistic and based on the old-fashioned thinking that only one of us can win. We can both win on this one, and I think claiming otherwise is just a cheap way for conservative Republican politicians to attract the votes of undereducated or uncreative members of their electorate who really couldn't care less about Mexicans, even though they are our neighbors and have always been hugely important to us historically and economically.
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