News Blog for social, fiscal & national security conservatives who believe in God, family & the USA. Upholding the rights granted by God & guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, traditional family values, "republican" principles / ideals, transparent & limited "smaller" government, free markets, lower taxes, due process of law, liberty & individual freedom. Content approval rests with the ARRA News Service Editor. Opinions are those of the authors. While varied positions are reported, beliefs & principles remain fixed. No revenue is generated for or by this "Blog" - no paid ads - no payments for articles.Fair Use Doctrine is posted & used. Blogger/Editor/Founder: Bill Smith, Ph.D. [aka: OzarkGuru & 2010 AFP National Blogger of the Year] Contact: (Pub. Since July, 2006)Home PageFollow @arra
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics
is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato
(429-347 BC)
Friday, June 01, 2007
Republican revolt over immigration RNC fires all phone solicitors as cash 'evaporates' over Bush
WorldNetDaily: Just two days after President Bush slammed critics of his immigration policy, the Republican National Committee has reportedly fired all 65 of its telephone solicitors, as donors are said to be furious over the Bush's stance to give legal status to millions of illegal aliens. "Every donor in 50 states we reached has been angry, especially in the last month and a half, and for 99% of them immigration is the No. 1 issue," a fired phone-bank employee told the Washington Times. Ousted staff members told the paper Anne Hathaway, the committee's chief of staff, summoned the solicitors and told them they were out of work, effective immediately. They claim the reasons they were given were an estimated 40 percent plunge in small-donor contributions, as well as aging phone-bank equipment the RNC said would cost too much to modernize. The committee, however, is denying any drop-off in the influx of cash . . .
"We have not heard anyone in our donor calls who supported the president on immigration," said a fired phone solicitor, who described himself as a Republican activist. "We write these comments up from each call, and give them to a supervisor who passes them on to the finance director or the national chairman," he said. "But when I talked with the White House, the people there told me they got nothing but positive comments on the president's immigration stand."
. . . opponents of the controversial immigration deal forged by the White House and a bipartisan group of senators in private meetings "don't want to do what's right for America," according to President Bush in a speech Tuesday . . . Bush acknowledged many Americans "are skeptical about immigration reform, primarily because they don't think the government can fix the problems . . . Give us a chance to fix this problem. Don't try to kill this bill before it gets moving." . . . A Rasmussen poll last week showed only 26% of American voters favor the Senate plan. The public is most passionate about enforcement, the survey indicated. About 72 % of voters said it's "very important" for "the government to improve its enforcement of the borders and reduce illegal immigration." The figure jumped to 89% among Republicans, while 65% of Democrats and 63% of unaffiliated voters believed enforcement is "very important."[Read Full Article] See also:RNC fires solicitors Tags:illegal aliens, immigration reform, President George Bush, Republican National Committee, RNCTo share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
An Open Letter to the Republican National Committee
During the past year I worked as a Republican National Committee fund solicitor in the telecommunications department. I am sad - but not surprised - that all fund solicitors have been fired, as reported in the Washington Times. Because of the Republican Party’s weak position on illegal immigration, our wide-open borders, and President Bush’s false and continuous claim that a guestworker-amnesty is necessary before he can enforce immigration laws, it has become clear that we have all been lying to thousands of donors about the Party’s willingness to enforce the rule of law. And the potential donors finally saw through the lies, refusing to give money to a committee that is clearly not listening.
It is common knowledge among those of us who work the phones that the #1 complaint we hear from donors is that illegal immigration is destroying the country and that ‘legalization’ programs make a mockery of our citizenship laws. Donors routinely express outrage at President Bush’s unwillingness to defend our borders. Donors are frustrated that Big Business’s desire for cheap, exploitable labor is dictating our immigration policy. Donors adamantly oppose any form of a ‘guestworker’ or ‘amnesty’ program that would allow illegal aliens to remain in the country. Donors consistently support a policy of ‘attrition’ where the laws are enforced over a period of years, forcing illegal immigrants to return home and apply for citizenship - like millions of LEGAL immigrants before them.
We are instructed to tell donors that their concerns are passed on to the Chairman and that he communicates those thoughts to the White House. We are also instructed to tell donors that President Bush ‘opposes rewarding illegal aliens.’ It has become impossible to sound sincere when repeating this to potential donors.
I can assure you that Republican efforts to jam a guestworker/amnesty down the throats of the taxpayer resulted in decreased voter participation in 2006; the same will happen in 2008 if the Party doesn’t correct course. I can also assure you that we will see a President Tom Tancredo or Duncan Hunter long before we see a President McCain.
It is worth noting that the public does not view the immigration debate from a ‘Left vs. Right’ perspective. Voters correctly view the debate as ‘Elite vs. Middle Class’ where the wealthy policymakers of both parties seek all the cheap labor they can get against the wishes of the poor and middle class who are tired of subsidizing this cheap labor by paying for ‘free’ medical care and public education. The poor and the middle class are also increasingly unable to compete in the job market with illegal aliens willing to work for low wages. As a result, nearly every poll one can find indicates that Americans overwhelmingly oppose any program that would allow illegal aliens to remain in the country. But the White House has indicated over the past six years that it doesn’t care.
Americans don’t want to see more legislative attempts at ‘fixing’ our immigration system; they want to see the one thing that will actually make a difference: enforcement of laws already on the books.
The American public vividly remembers the ‘enforcement & amnesty’ bill of 1986. It is clear the promise of enforcement never materialized. They’re not falling for the same trick twice.
I live in Southern California, now the Northern province of Mexico. I have told the RNC that I won’t give them a nickel until the new fence is FINISHED, they raid, arrest, prosecute and FINE employers of illegal aliens, deport the illegal aliens they catch, and most importantly, UNCONDITIONALLY PARDON/WITHDRAW ALL CHARGES AGAINST BORDER PATROL AGENTS RAMOS AND CAMPEON.
I love how fired-up all my fellow Republicans are about immigration. But where have you been the past 20 years while all of these illegals have been crossing your borders? Now that the horses are out of the barn you’re demanding they come back so you can fine and further prosecute them? A feel-good law that no one complies with isn’t any better than a simple law that accomplishes nothing.
The RNC has done nothing to foster the Big Tent approach Ronnie made so sucessful, and now they are reaping what they’ve sown.
It’s terrible that the RNC doesn’t simply _listen_ to their constituents. But if we need to resort to withholding donations, I’m all for it. The President needs to get his head out of the sand and wake up to an angry party and country.
I am keeping my money at the local level!! I use to contribute to the RNC and now each letter from the RNC results in a response of “No contribution until there is no amnesty for illegals.”
I have been a long time GOP activist but am no longer a GOP member. LOST and Immigraton are destroying the GOP. I have never previously thought Bush stupid so can only conclude he is blinded by desire to accomodate Globalists or he i finally being allowed to fly is tru colors and his previous successes were engineered by his handlers and the VP. I see nothing but idiocy and obstinancy being displayed now. The nation is revolting and the GOP/Bush say they are only getting positives at the Whitehouse? PURE BUNKUM, BS, etc. Even our military leaders (and I am acquainted with many officers) are uniformly against both ideas. Goodby GOP. Sorry you are joining the ranks of the Dems. You really were the Grand Old Party once upon a time. PL Booth
The problem with the both the national and state Republican Party is that the corporate world is running the party. They are the ones who have the money, but they refuse to financially support the candidates who really represent the views of the base.
The corporate world wants immigration, and the social conservatives in the party know that. Therefore, the split in the party is widening.
Reagan won the South and set a precedent for other Republicans by appealing to the silent majority and social conservatives. Without that policy, the Republican party as we know it is doomed. I have said for some time that if the conservative Democrats and conservative Republicans could come together, they could win any election. It looks like that is now happening with immigration.
REPUBLICAN DONORS ANGRY - Republican National Committee officials are trying to explain their unusual step of firing every one of their telephone solicitors. The solicitors say they were fired because so many individual donors they contacted refused to help because of their anger over President Bush's amnesty based immigration bill. Estimates are that contributions from individuals to the Republican Party are down a stunning 40%. RNC spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt quickly pointed out that overall donations have not gone down, and said they just wanted to get rid of an outdated phone bank system. (They can't afford a better phone system, if donations are so great?) The Republican Party may be getting fat donations from big businesses that want cheap labor, but what wins elections is votes. And the small donors (translation voters) are not very happy at all.
To the last anonymous posted question: Any ideas or solutions?
I hope the people will continue express their "honest opinions" without false empty threats. Truth may not always win out but it remains the truth and hopefully will prevail in the long run.
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An Open Letter to the Republican National Committee
During the past year I worked as a Republican National Committee fund solicitor in the telecommunications department. I am sad - but not surprised - that all fund solicitors have been fired, as reported in the Washington Times. Because of the Republican Party’s weak position on illegal immigration, our wide-open borders, and President Bush’s false and continuous claim that a guestworker-amnesty is necessary before he can enforce immigration laws, it has become clear that we have all been lying to thousands of donors about the Party’s willingness to enforce the rule of law. And the potential donors finally saw through the lies, refusing to give money to a committee that is clearly not listening.
It is common knowledge among those of us who work the phones that the #1 complaint we hear from donors is that illegal immigration is destroying the country and that ‘legalization’ programs make a mockery of our citizenship laws. Donors routinely express outrage at President Bush’s unwillingness to defend our borders. Donors are frustrated that Big Business’s desire for cheap, exploitable labor is dictating our immigration policy. Donors adamantly oppose any form of a ‘guestworker’ or ‘amnesty’ program that would allow illegal aliens to remain in the country. Donors consistently support a policy of ‘attrition’ where the laws are enforced over a period of years, forcing illegal immigrants to return home and apply for citizenship - like millions of LEGAL immigrants before them.
We are instructed to tell donors that their concerns are passed on to the Chairman and that he communicates those thoughts to the White House. We are also instructed to tell donors that President Bush ‘opposes rewarding illegal aliens.’ It has become impossible to sound sincere when repeating this to potential donors.
I can assure you that Republican efforts to jam a guestworker/amnesty down the throats of the taxpayer resulted in decreased voter participation in 2006; the same will happen in 2008 if the Party doesn’t correct course. I can also assure you that we will see a President Tom Tancredo or Duncan Hunter long before we see a President McCain.
It is worth noting that the public does not view the immigration debate from a ‘Left vs. Right’ perspective. Voters correctly view the debate as ‘Elite vs. Middle Class’ where the wealthy policymakers of both parties seek all the cheap labor they can get against the wishes of the poor and middle class who are tired of subsidizing this cheap labor by paying for ‘free’ medical care and public education. The poor and the middle class are also increasingly unable to compete in the job market with illegal aliens willing to work for low wages. As a result, nearly every poll one can find indicates that Americans overwhelmingly oppose any program that would allow illegal aliens to remain in the country. But the White House has indicated over the past six years that it doesn’t care.
Americans don’t want to see more legislative attempts at ‘fixing’ our immigration system; they want to see the one thing that will actually make a difference: enforcement of laws already on the books.
The American public vividly remembers the ‘enforcement & amnesty’ bill of 1986. It is clear the promise of enforcement never materialized. They’re not falling for the same trick twice.
Best wishes,
Washington, D.C.
I live in Southern California, now the Northern province of Mexico. I have told the RNC that I won’t give them a nickel until the new fence is FINISHED, they raid, arrest, prosecute and FINE employers of illegal aliens, deport the illegal aliens they catch, and most importantly, UNCONDITIONALLY PARDON/WITHDRAW ALL CHARGES AGAINST BORDER PATROL AGENTS RAMOS AND CAMPEON.
I love how fired-up all my fellow Republicans are about immigration. But where have you been the past 20 years while all of these illegals have been crossing your borders? Now that the horses are out of the barn you’re demanding they come back so you can fine and further prosecute them? A feel-good law that no one complies with isn’t any better than a simple law that accomplishes nothing.
The RNC has done nothing to foster the Big Tent approach Ronnie made so sucessful, and now they are reaping what they’ve sown.
It’s terrible that the RNC doesn’t simply _listen_ to their constituents. But if we need to resort to withholding donations, I’m all for it. The President needs to get his head out of the sand and wake up to an angry party and country.
I am keeping my money at the local level!! I use to contribute to the RNC and now each letter from the RNC results in a response of “No contribution until there is no amnesty for illegals.”
I have been a long time GOP activist but am no longer a GOP member. LOST and Immigraton are destroying the GOP. I have never previously thought Bush stupid so can only conclude he is blinded by desire to accomodate Globalists or he i finally being allowed to fly is tru colors and his previous successes were engineered by his handlers and the VP. I see nothing but idiocy and obstinancy being displayed now. The nation is revolting and the GOP/Bush say they are only getting positives at the Whitehouse? PURE BUNKUM, BS, etc. Even our military leaders (and I am acquainted with many officers) are uniformly against both ideas. Goodby GOP. Sorry you are joining the ranks of the Dems. You really were the Grand Old Party once upon a time.
PL Booth
The problem with the both the national and state Republican Party is that the corporate world is running the party. They are the ones who have the money, but they refuse to financially support the candidates who really represent the views of the base.
The corporate world wants immigration, and the social conservatives in the party know that. Therefore, the split in the party is widening.
Reagan won the South and set a precedent for other Republicans by appealing to the silent majority and social conservatives. Without that policy, the Republican party as we know it is doomed. I have said for some time that if the conservative Democrats and conservative Republicans could come together, they could win any election. It looks like that is now happening with immigration.
It will be interesting to see what lies ahead.
Week Ending June 1, 2007 - Washington, DC
REPUBLICAN DONORS ANGRY - Republican National Committee officials are trying to explain their unusual step of firing every one of their telephone solicitors. The solicitors say they were fired because so many individual donors they contacted refused to help because of their anger over President Bush's amnesty based immigration bill. Estimates are that contributions from individuals to the Republican Party are down a stunning 40%. RNC spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt quickly pointed out that overall donations have not gone down, and said they just wanted to get rid of an outdated phone bank system. (They can't afford a better phone system, if donations are so great?) The Republican Party may be getting fat donations from big businesses that want cheap labor, but what wins elections is votes. And the small donors (translation voters) are not very happy at all.
Any ideas or solutions? The GOP is obviously not listening to us.
To the last anonymous posted question: Any ideas or solutions?
I hope the people will continue express their "honest opinions" without false empty threats. Truth may not always win out but it remains the truth and hopefully will prevail in the long run.
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