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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics
is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato
(429-347 BC)
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Illegals Fleeing States Enacting Laws - What is Arkansas Doing!
by Debbie Pelley, Arkansas Watch: Arkansas Governor Needs to Follow Missouri Governor's Example. In August, it was reported that "Gov. Mike Beebe said that before Arkansas passes more laws addressing illegal immigration, state officials should study such laws recently passed by other states." The problem with that philosophy of waiting makes Arkansas a haven for the illegal aliens who are rapidly moving out of those states that have toughened their laws. Tens of thousands of Hispanics have left the Tulsa area because of a tough law passed there. It is reported that "Most illegal immigrants are ending up in either Kansas or Arkansas."
In Arkansas, there was a 437 percent increase of Hispanics from 1990 to 2003, the first or second in the nation. But the actual number of Hispanics in Arkansas is likely two or three times the census figure, said Sarah Breshears of the State Data Center. Our governor needs to follow the judicious actions of the Governor of Missouri who just recently announced a plan to get tough on illegal aliens and businesses. If he doesn't, then more of those illegal aliens will just move into Arkansas. "Mo. Gov. Matt Blunt's plan means some companies that get tax incentives face random on-site inspections, and on the roads state troopers with new powers to hunt illegal aliens."
Since Gov. Beebe said state officials should study such laws recently passed by other states, below are summaries of articles on actions taken recently by four southern states [Oklahoma, Arizona, Tennessee & Missouri] to curb the number of illegal aliens coming into their states. We call on our Governor to step up to the plate and do for Arkansas what the Governor of Missouri did and protect the citizens of Arkansas rather than the illegal aliens. . . . It is interesting how often we have heard the statement that there is no way to deport all these illegal immigrants. It is obvious now, as many have maintained - they won't have to be deported if our officials will just make and enforce the right laws. They will leave on their own accord! . . . [Read More] Tags:Arkansas, Debbie Pelley, illegal aliens, illegal immigrants, Mike BeebeTo share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Well, MANY thousands (and millions, nationally) of illegal aliens will surely self-deport as states toughen and begin enforcing immigrant laws. But some--perhaps 2 million or so--will not go quietly into the night! ICE and other law enforcement agencies will have to go after them. I'm speaking mostly about thue gang banger illegals. They WILL have to be rounded up.
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Hi Debbie-
Well, MANY thousands (and millions, nationally) of illegal aliens will surely self-deport as states toughen and begin enforcing immigrant laws. But some--perhaps 2 million or so--will not go quietly into the night! ICE and other law enforcement agencies will have to go after them. I'm speaking mostly about thue gang banger illegals. They WILL have to be rounded up.
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