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Ya know, I hate to say this about a fellow Texan, but Ron Paul is a blitherng idiot...
Huckabee looked good, he did you guys proud...
It's weird how a blithering idiot used tons of facts, but Huck didn't use a single one.
In fact Huck only used emotional appeals. Huck 2008!
Well, a debate at last, I am all for it. Fox News is pathetic though and should not be allowed to sponsor any debates. Rudy says on FOX Paul should debate Gravel, I wanna see a Rudy/Paul debate where constitutionally opposed positions are aired, of course Rudy would run far and fast.
Yes, Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee are fighters, both with very good positions from their respective perceptions.
Amazingly, Ron Paul seems to be emerging with the most logical anti-war arguments. Check out this article:
Honor like pride is only there for those who know how and when to grasp it. We have made mistakes lets grasp at the honor we have left and correct the wrongs vr. dying on the cross of pride it's just window dressing for saving face with the world and that isn't good for America's image. Dr Paul is Right.
Mike Huckabee totally Owned ron paul
I'm completely amazed that anyone is taking Ron Paul seriously. You could hear the snickers of the other candidates anytime he opened his mouth. He's an embarrasment and should not be on the same stage as the other candiates.
Ron Paul won this one with his facts, brains, and his trustworthiness.....Huckabee "seemed" very sincere in throwing the word "honor" around. Shakespeare once said, "words, words, words!" The word honor means the evaluation of a persons TRUSTWORTHINESS, and FAIRNESS. Where is the HONOR for the American men and women soldiers, and the majority of the American people who really see that this is an unjust war, and want out? Ron Paul has TRUE HONOR for the American people!
Ron stated facts, Huckabee cited his mother.
I (a Ron Paul Supporter) agree with ron, (duh), but, it is possible, I've found, for two opposing points of view to be correct; Ron Paul is right in the fact that we should never have gone into Iraq or Saudi Arabia. Mike Huckabee is right (I beleive) that even though we shouldn't have gone in in the first place, we're there now, and simply leaving would kinda screw things up a little; we did break it, and even though I agree with Ron Paul's Non-Interventionalist foriegn policy, I'm starting to agree that leaving prematurely would inadvertantly fuck a whole bunch of Iraqi's that essentially bet their lives to support our presence there. What to do? I'll still vote for Ron because Romney's a flip-flopper, Guliani repulses me, and McCain, well, I could have a beer with McCain, I just can't vote for him.
"take our marching orders from the Constitution" was for sure one of the best lines of the night.
Huckabee responded to Ron Paul's tunnel-vision kindly and admirably
Dr. Ron Paul, Veitnam Vet,
(flight surgeon) consistant voting record, Christian, anti abortion, constitutionist, tells the truth, more freedom less goverment, gaurd our own borders, less taxes, right to bear arms, oh what a scary man !
We will lose to Hillary honorably!
Is this what passes for the Republican battle cry these days?
Think of it: Herr Huckabee’s position is that Americans literally have a moral obligation to kill and die on behalf of a mistake: “Honor” requires no less. As an anti-Vietnam War activist in the early 1970s, John Kerry once asked: Who will be the last to die for a mistake? Huckabee’s position, shared by the Red State Fascists in the audience and the GOP leadership, is essentially that it is the duty of Americans to kill and die for as long as their rulers decree — even after the foolishness, corruption, and dishonesty of the policy is obvious.
That exchange with Huckabee was beautiful. The Huckster clearly believes that America is the federal government; Ron Paul knows the difference. Asking how many more Americans’ lives were worth it to save face (rather than fixing the mistake of going into Iraq) was just brilliant.
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