Arkansas Congressional Delegation Remains Unchanged

As for the four U.S. Congressmen returning to Congress, their positions do merit some consideration. Rep. John Boozman [R, AR-3] has remained attuned to his constituents and remained true to his conservative principles. The results the Arkansas Democrat Party, the majority party in Arkansas, could not field a candidate to challenge Rep. Boozman. Rep. Mike Ross [D, AR-4] voted both conservative on some issues and left of center on others. However, his leadership among Blue Dog Democrats has gained him respect by both Republicans and Democrats in his district.
However, two elected officials should have been challenged. The first is Rep. Victor Snyder [D, AR-2] with his extreme liberal voting record which shows at best his minimum willingness to support the positions of Arkansans verses his fellow liberal constituents. The second is Rep. Robert "Marion" Berry [D, AR-1] whose less than professional appearance and demeanor have even been highlighted by the Arkansas press and Berry's taste for pork for his own personal benefit in the form of farm subsidies. Unfortunately, an anemic Republican Party of Arkansas' (RPA's) lack of both funds and willing candidates resulted in Snyder and Berry running unopposed. However, the RPA was successful in its focus on State level congressional positions and has already gained the re-election and election without opposition of several members of the legislature. In addition, the RPA has fielded several other legislative candidates.
Tags: Arkansas, Arkansas Republican Party, ARRA, ARRA News Service, Bill Smith, Blanche Lincoln, Election 2008, John Boozman, Marion Berry, Mark Pryor, Mike Ross, RPA, US Congress, Vic Snyder To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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