H/T to Debbie Pelley, Arkansas Watch: On Barack Obama's campaign website blog section, Alex Okrent shares an
open letter just released by Senator Obama concerning promoting LGBT equality in America. Evidently his letter is designed to pull homosexual votes away from Senator Clinton by being more liberal than she is. One sentence in the letter reads, "Unlike Senator Clinton, I support the complete repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) – a position I have held since before arriving in the U.S. Senate."
Below are some of the promises Obama makes in his letter to homosexuals.
Full repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
Pledges to place the weight of his presidency behind hate crime laws.
A fully inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act to outlaw workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
Use president's bully pulpit to treat homosexuals with full equality in adoption laws.
Allow homosexual marriage, domestic partnerships, and/or civil unions
Repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell military policy for homosexuals.
Address the HIV/AIDS epidemic. (see Note 1)
Promote Sex education programs on condoms.
Lift the federal ban on needle exchange.
Confront the stigma – too often tied to homophobia that continues to surround HIV/AIDS.
Promote distribution of condoms by local government.
Give same-sex couples the same rights and obligations as married couples in our immigration system (Would allow unmarried "permanent partners" of U.S. citizens to obtain permanent resident status in the same manner as spouses.)
. . .
[Read Open Letter]
Note 1: Obama told the most recent Saddleback AIDS conference, in November, he would double foreign assistance for AIDS from $25 billion to $50 billion by 2012
See also: World Net Daily Article on this letter by Obama to LGBT
Tags: aids, Barack Obama, gay agenda, homosexual activism, lesbian, LGBT, Open Letter To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Revolting, Repulsive, Shocking, Sickening, Horrifying, just a few of my thoughts...
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