Obama Expresses 'Outrage'... Wink, Wink

Rev. Wright is truly the gift that keeps on giving. He gave a speech talking about how black brains and white brains were different and cited research to "prove it." Imagine if a white researcher had made similar claims! Oh wait, they have, and they were branded as racists. Wright also didn't step back from his comments about America deserving the attacks on 9-11 or his statements that the U.S. government invented HIV to wipe out blacks. In this barrage of garbage, he also added one other noteworthy comment. He said that Barack Obama's denunciation of Wright's comments was "political posturing."
. . . Obama said, "The person that I saw yesterday was not the person that I met 20 years ago." Later in the press conference, Obama said, "What we saw yesterday out of Reverend Wright was a resurfacing and, I believe, an exploitation of those old divisions. Whatever his intentions, that was the result." Obama keeps referencing "yesterday" as if Wright suddenly woke up the other day and decided to be an anti-American racist -- that Wright's comments of recent days are somehow different than what he's been preaching for years. Give me a break! . . .
For Obama to claim that Wright is now a different person, that Obama doesn't recognize this hate speech, is flat-out unbelievable. Of course Obama knew what Wright believed. He heard it over and over again. . . . Obama doesn't have a record to go after. He has no legacy of legislative accomplishment. He has made this campaign about his judgment and vision for America. If that is all he is running on, then he is in trouble, because his judgment regarding Rev. Wright calls into question his judgment in other areas as well. . . . [Read More]
Tags: Barack Obama, Bobby Eberle, Democrat, Election 2008, GOPUSA, Jeremiah Wright, presidential candidate To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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