The Audacity of Barack Hussein Obama’s Hope

Not even the bigoted Rev. Jeremiah Wright, whose well-armed body guards come courtesy of Louis Farrakhan’s racist organization, the Nation of Islam, wants to live among the thieves, thugs and murderers, as he builds his multi-million dollar mansion in an upscale white neighborhood, while Chicago’s South Side becomes a haven for gangland terrorism.
And Barack Hussein Obama? His elitist answer is more gun control in a city with some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the country. Does he honestly believe that the terrorism and mayhem is caused by law-abiding gun owners who fill out the paperwork, go through the background checks and pay the fees to own a gun? Is he so isolated from the reality of his own home town that he doesn’t believe the guns on the streets are bought and sold by drug dealers and other criminals? . . . [Read More]
Tags: Barack Obama, Election 2008, elitism, Family Security Matters, gun control To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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