Oil prices drive up food costs (WorldNet Daily): "Gas prices might actually be dropping at the pump, but higher energy prices are pushing food costs through the roof, according to the Siena Research Institute. That's one more reason to keep Washington's feet to the fire on repealing oil-drilling bans, says WorldNetDaily Editor Joseph Farah . . . According to the Siena report, concerns by New Yorkers about grocery bills rose 9% from June, with 81% saying they feel the effects of higher costs. More than 60% of state residents expect food prices to increase over the next six months, while only 8% anticipate a decrease. . . ."
See also: Gingrich: GOP ready to shut government down over drilling (CNN)
Republicans continue revolt (Connie Hair)
Keep up the pressure (National Review Online)
On energy, do everything (Charles Krauthammer)
Energy independence (Clifford D. May)
Drill, drill, drill is working (Lawrence Kudlow)
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