My Heroes Of History

I'll begin with Old Testament history. David, Nehemiah, and Elijah are my heroes here. Despite his one moral lapse, David's heart and character are unsurpassed. Along with Abraham and Moses, David is one of the three greatest men of the Old Testament. And he is my personal favorite. Nehemiah is the personification of leadership. The Book of Nehemiah is the quintessential textbook on leadership. Nothing written since equals it. Elijah is the personification of courage. He faced down 850 false prophets. His like was not seen until the arrival of John the Baptist.
A lesser-known Old Testament man by the name of Jehonadab is probably the greatest father in the Bible. His children and grandchildren, for many generations, remained loyal to his instruction. His familial example has never been equaled. In the New Testament, my heroes are Peter, John, and Paul. Paul was probably the greatest intellectual of his day. He did more to bring Christianity to the world than any other single individual. Only King David had a heart equal to John's, and only Elijah had the spirit and courage to match Peter's.
The Reformers hold a dear place in my heart: John Wycliffe and John Hus come to mind. Add, of course, Huldrych Zwingli, John Calvin, Martin Luther, and John Knox. Of these, I think Zwingli is my favorite. And while my attention is on European history, I confess to a strong sense of appreciation for the great Scottish freedom fighter, William Wallace.
I also confess to a strong penchant for American heroes. In this respect, I regard all of America's Founding Fathers as heroes of the highest order. My favorite in this group might be Patrick Henry, but George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, John Adams, Sam Adams, and James Madison must also be included. Daniel Webster also makes my list. I must also include great colonial preachers such as John Leland, John Witherspoon, and Jonathan Edwards in my list of heroes. And the nineteenth-century Baptist pastor in London, England, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, is no doubt my all-time favorite preacher. I have tried to read everything he ever wrote. . . . [My Heroes Of History]
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