Michael Steele Defended on Pro-Life Issue

[In Response] Joyce Lyons Terhes, an RNC National Committeewoman, from Steele’s home state of Maryland is sending the following letter around to RNC members: Part of it is below: Dear fellow RNC member: I wanted to write personally because I'm angry … and because you should know the truth about Michael Steele.Look, here’s the reality. Steele’s critics have a huge task ahead of them if they’re going to make the case that the guy is not pro-life enough. He’s got the solid track record on the life issue. It’s hard to argue against it.
Michael is a wonderful man who has given generously over 20 years of service to our party and to conservative causes – as a volunteer, county chairman, Maryland State Party Chairman, statewide elected official and now as Chairman of GOPAC.
But some of Michael's opponents in the race for RNC Chairman have started an anonymous mudslinging campaign. You've probably seen the emails. They claim Michael is not as pro-life as he needs to be. Well as someone who has known Michael for almost 20 years I can tell you these charges are absolutely false. No wonder the people behind these emails won't reveal their identities.
Here's the truth. Michael is the only current candidate for RNC chairman who has ever been endorsed by the National Right to Life Committee. I've attached the endorsement Michael received when he ran for Senate here in Maryland two years ago. Oh, and by the way, it's not easy running for public office in Maryland as a staunch pro-lifer. But that is exactly what Michael did. He never backed down. Never made excuses.
. . . The challenges for the incoming chairman will be numerous including how to brand the GOP a certain way without sacrificing conservative principles. Steele has quite a few advantages in the race. He’s well liked within the party, he’s an effective communicator, he seems to have the social value and fiscal discipline package and because he’s African-American it also may send a greater signal to the country that the GOP is not the same old “bunch of white guys” party. The GOP needs to start a new conversation with Americans. Steele could be the bridge to that next step.
Tags: CBN, David Brody, Michael Steele, pro-life, rumors, smears To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
God love who ever wrote that Michael Steele is sooo pro life. Remember Meet the Press October 2006 debate with Ben Cardin? Steel said Roe v Wade should not be overturned! As for "running " in Md as a prolife candidate? It should also be noted that he NEVER WON!. Ehrlich won. Oh yea, and Ehrlich was pro choice. Steele really made a difference in that one!
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