Rapists & Chickens More Important Than Protecting Daughters & Babies in California

Currently, more than 30 states have enacted parental notification laws for abortions. In these states there have been substantial reductions in pregnancies and abortions among minors. Sexually transmitted diseases among minors have also declined in states that have a parental notification law or even a consent law. Passage of Prop 4 would have exposed, and put to an end, the ongoing cover-up by abortion clinics. Currently, abortionists are being performed on minor girls without informing the parent(s) and also not reporting underage pregnancies (result of statutory rape) to authorities. The failure of Prop 4 leaves intact the ability for adult males to prey on young girls and not have their crime reported. Also, parents will not have the option of intervening; because current law thinks parents do not have the right to know.Prop. 2 could result in the bankruptcy of egg producing companies in California because it forces poultry farmers to provide larger cages for chickens to permit them to stand up, turn around or spread their wings. Prop. 2 also applies to farm animals, to pregnant pigs, egg-laying hens and to veal calves. It goes into effect in 2015.
Tags: abortion, California, rapist, Tradional Family Values Coalition, TVC To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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