Sarah Palin calls a jerk, a jerk
“So, no, I think that if there are allegations based on questions or comments that I made in debate prep about Nafta, and about the continent versus the country when we talk about Africa there, then those were taken out of context,” Ms. Palin said. “And that’s cruel and it’s mean-spirited, it’s immature, it’s unprofessional, and those guys are jerks, if they came away with it taking things out of context and then tried to spread something on national news. It is not fair and not right.”And it’s yet another sign of the McCain campaign’s incompetence. Part of Palin’s appeal to people like me is that she tells it like it is, unlike the current convoluted language in the media and the upcoming administration. C. Edmund Wright has an article on how Our Language is the Loser (h/t Larwyn). My favorite:
Earned Income Tax Credit: Now this is not a new term, but it certainly has been propelled back to prominence with Barack Obama’s unscripted chat with an Ohio plumber related to spreading the wealth. The problem with this term is that it has nothing to do with earning, income, paid taxes or credit. Ok, I know the real term is an accounting phrase related to two ideas: Earned Income - Tax credit. It is simply a fancy name for taking one person’s earned income and giving what should be his or her tax credit to someone else in the form of a welfare check. But it sounds much nicer to the recipient than a “welfare check.” This is related to the new definition of “compassion.”Doug Ross illustrates one of the many reasons why the media is so in the bag with the Dems:
Put simply, there appears to be only a turnstile between a Democratic administration and a cushy media job.That the media is so pliant and helpful signals to what Victor Davis Hanson calls the era of Post-journalism. Hanson points out
In the 3rd book of his history, Thucydides has some insightful thoughts about destroying institutions in times of zealotry—and then regretting their absence when there is a need for refuge for them. The mainstream press should have learned that lesson, once they blew up their credibility in the past election by morphing into the Team Obama press agencyUPDATE: The Other McCain has the “jerks” video. Notice how Palin made a much more important point, about which the media is silent:
Of course that kind of remark doesn’t make good copy for Tina Fey ...
Of course we’re in the middle of putting our budget together, and looking at the price of oil today being so low, that is a good time for fiscal conservativism to be kicked in full-fledged and remind Alaskans we can not be spending at the rate that the state has been spending.
Tags: ABC News, Alaska, Governor, Politics, reporter, Sarah Palin To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Sarah would be a far better role model for our young people than the Messiah. how skewed people's values are?
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