Issues of Concern to Social Conservatives
We have reported extensively in recent weeks on fiscal issues and political issues related to corruption. Below are some referenced issues shared by Renew America that are of special importance to those who are also social conservatives:
Robert Bork: Obama will move courts left - NEWSMAX — Former Supreme Court Justice nominee Robert Bork predicts that President-elect Barack Obama's judicial nominees will orchestrate a profound sea change in U.S. jurisprudence, legalizing same-sex marriage, restricting or eliminating the death penalty, and tying the hands of the military... (more)
Oxford Junior Dictionary drops Christian words - CHRISTIAN POST — The latest edition of the Oxford Junior Dictionary has dropped many words associated with Christianity and British history that were found in earlier versions... (more)
Kansas state senator switches from Democrat to Republican over abortion - LIFENEWS.COM — A veteran Democratic state legislator switched parties on Thursday from Democrat to Republican because of his pro-life position on abortion. Sen. Mark Gilstrap faced opposition in his primary election from an opponent backed by pro-abortion Gov. Kathleen Sebelius and the Democratic leader in the Senate... (more)
German family freed from criminal charges for homeschooling - LIFESITENEWS.COM — After living under a cloud of criminal charges since 2007, the Brause family in Germany has finally been cleared of criminal child neglect for having homeschooled their five children... (more)
Vatican issues major new bioethics document - ASSOCIATED PRESS — The Vatican hardened its opposition Friday to using embryos for stem cell research, cloning and in-vitro fertilization. But in a major new document on bioethics, it showed flexibility on some forms of gene therapy and left open questions surrounding embryo adoption... (more)
Court to decide on Bible distribution at public schools - CHRISTIAN POST — A federal appeals court in St. Louis heard arguments Thursday in a case involving the distribution of Gideon Bibles to children in public schools. The South Iron R-1 School District formerly had a policy that allowed outside religious groups to distribute Bibles to fifth graders during the school day... (more)
Pro-life policies likely Obama targets -BAPTIST PRESS — Rules barring federal funds for abortion promotion overseas and embryonic stem cell research appear to be the most likely pro-life targets for reversal by executive orders from President-elect Barack Obama... (more) See also: On 1st day, Obama could increase abortions & Obama could set pro-life movement back decades
Judge orders halt on religious license plates - ASSOCIATED PRESS — A federal judge says South Carolina must stop marketing and making license plates that feature the image of a cross and the words "I Believe"... (more)
Atheists' national holiday? - CHUCK NORRIS — Atheists from England to the state of Washington are stepping up their efforts this year to make a bigger antagonistic splash on the Christmas scene. A London campaign put signs on city buses saying, "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life"... (more)
Tags: abortion, atheism, Barack Obama, Bible, embryonic stem cell, Germany, Gideons, home school, human cloning, license plates, Public Schools, Robert Bork, social conservatives, Supreme Court, Vatican To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!

Tags: abortion, atheism, Barack Obama, Bible, embryonic stem cell, Germany, Gideons, home school, human cloning, license plates, Public Schools, Robert Bork, social conservatives, Supreme Court, Vatican To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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