Arkansas Republican Women Express Frustration with Leadership

Where are the Republican Party voices? Is the Republican leadership going to join forces and voices to loudly protest and fight the drift of our nation to socialism?
The mortgage crisis that can be traced back to the policies and laws of the liberal left of the Democrat Party.
A government bent on rewarding home buyers who were not qualified to borrow money for these homes, let alone able to pay it back, and at the same time penalizing those that played by the rules.
Money being pumped into businesses that should be allowed to fail, so that government can wrest control of them from the private sector. This, and all of the above, while destroying the savings and retirement of millions of Americans.
A president and Treasury Secretary that want to tell companies who they can hire what they can pay and what product they can make.
A proposed health care program that will cripple the nation with more debt and rob the people of their hard-earned wages to pay for substandard care.
A government pursuing a program to combat global warming based on junk science, and giving government an excuse to further interfere in the lives of the people. This is a an unabashed power grab by the government to dictate how we,the citizen, should live our lives.
There are liberal Democrats who want to take away our freedom of speech by instituting the “Fairness Doctrine”, thus silencing any opposition.
There are Liberal Democrats who want to enact the “Card Check” program and take away the secret ballot from workers.
We have a President willing to give away our sovereignty.
All of the above means government deficit spending that can never be repaid.
Even now the leader of our party finds it easier to criticize the leading conservative spokesman on radio, Rush Limbaugh, than to lead the fight in beating back these Socialists. Doesn’t the leadership realize that Rush is an ally and not the enemy? We need the conservative spokesmen who are on the on radio, else we have no spokesmen who have the ear of the people.
Are our elected representatives, both national and state, going to fall all over themselves getting a piece of the pie or are they going to stand up and combat the drunken spending that is going on; spending that will enslave this generation and generations hereafter in paying off a debt that is never ending?
We want answers and action! We do appreciate the unity of our congressional Republicans in voting against the Democrat agenda, but feel the Republican voice must be louder and more visible.
“Operation Speak Out” is a project of the Republican Women of Marion County, Arkansas. Through the project the base of the Republican Party voices there opinions to the leadership of the Party. Comments may be posted online using the comments section below or mailed directly to Operation Speak Out Project, Attn: Ginny Varn, Corresponding/Reporting Secretary, 2923 Hwy 178 N., Flippin, AR 72634.
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