What is a Working American?

No, he didn't mention any of that. Instead, he mentioned over and over again how his plan would help "working" Americans. The problem is that Obama has a very strange definition of what a "working" American really is. In his socialist viewpoint, a "working" American is someone who needs a government handout... someone he can point to and say, "See that other guy? He owes you, because he is successful." Obama in sults the American spirit by singling out only a portion of working Americans to suit his definition. Well, Mr. Obama, I know plenty of "working" Americans, and they should all be treated fairly and with respect . . . [Read Mr. Obama... Please tell me what a 'working' American is]
Tags: American workers, Barack Obama, Bobby Eberle To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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