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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Obama To Poor Blacks – Stay Poor

Frances Rice, Charman National Black Republican Association: To his eternal shame, in order to acquire and maintain power, President Barack Obama has adopted the Democratic Party’s strategy of keeping blacks poor, angry and voting for Democrats. Using the politics of poverty and race-baiting, Obama garnered nearly 96 percent of the black vote that helped propel him to the pinnacle of power. That power is now being used by Obama to accomplish his liberal agenda which includes wrecking our economy and weakening our national defense, leaving us vulnerable to another terrorist attack.

Obama is trying to destroy our free enterprise system and “change” America into a failed socialist nation with growth-killing tax increases, the take over of private businesses through bailouts and trillions of dollars in irresponsible deficit spending on wasteful social programs. Millions of jobs have been lost since the passage of Obama’s Stimulus Bill that includes over 8,000 wasteful pork projects. That pork-laden bill will stimulate only the Democratic Party – not the economy, nor black communities. Incredibly, Obama turned a $450 billion deficit into a $9 trillion deficit, and he is promising to spend even more, including $1.5 trillion on a disastrous government-controlled health care scheme. All of this uncontrolled, budget-busting deficit spending will send our nation careening over an economic Clift into oblivion.

The tens of thousands of Americans participating in Tea Parties across this country – peacefully protesting Obama’s socialist actions and policies – are being mocked by President Obama and derided as “racist” by his fellow Democrats and liberal media allies, all in an effort to silence average Americans. Complaints are not allowed about the fact that under Obama’s America, all Americans will be dependent on the government for their well-being, just as are poor blacks.

While professing to care about the plight of the poor, Obama continues to take actions that keep blacks impoverished, so he can use black grievances for partisan political gain. In his book “Dreams From My Father”, Obama wrote disdainfully about blacks who complain about being poor, yet continue to vote for Democrats — like Obama — who keep them poor. On page 147 of his book, Obama described what he and his fellow Democrats do to poor blacks as “plantation politics” when he wrote: “A plantation. Black people in the worst jobs. The worst housing. Police brutality rampant. But when the so-called black committeemen came around election time, we’d all line up and vote the straight Democratic ticket. Sell our soul for a Christmas turkey.”

While in the Illinois Senate, Obama helped keep blacks corralled on the Democratic Party’s economic plantation when he provided funding for slum projects in Chicago, as was exposed in the Boston Globe article . The Boston Globe showed how Obama provided millions of tax dollars to his slum lord buddies, including now convicted felon Tony Rezko who contributed hundred of thousands of dollars to Obama’s political campaign and helped Obama buy a million-dollar house in a shady real estate deal.

As president, Obama put a poison pill in the Stimulus Bill that kills welfare reform, so that tax dollars can no longer be used to help the poor become self-sufficient through job training and child care assistance. Instead welfare will, once again, become a government handout that keeps poor blacks mired in generational poverty. Welfare has destroyed the black family, and Uncle Sam has replaced the father in black urban homes.

After Obama worked to end the school choice opportunity scholarship program in the District of Columbia that helps poor blacks get a better education, he produced a budget that, astonishingly, eliminates the $85 million designated for the HBCU’s (Historically Black Colleges and Universities). In typical hypocritical liberal fashion, Obama is sending his own two children to a private school, while kicking poor blacks out of that same private school and effectively sending the poor blacks back to the failing DC public school system.

Waking up to the danger Obama poses to the poor and our economy, the National Black Chamber of Commerce (NBCC) issued an alarming report showing that Obama’s “cap-and-trade” mandates – designed by radical environmentalists – would make American consumers poorer and the products they buy more expensive.

The NBCC study found specifically that the cap-and-trade law, known as the Waxman-Markey legislation, will cost 2.5 million U.S. jobs by the year 2030 and reduce GDP by $350 billion. Further, it will reduce earnings for the average U.S. worker by $390 per year and reduce the average household’s annual purchasing power by $830 per year. A Heritage Foundation study demonstrates that Obama’s cap-and-trade, or “cap-and tax”, law could be an even bigger economic disaster, raising electricity rates by 90 percent and the price of gasoline by 74 percent. Only a hard-core liberal would be so wedded to his liberal agenda that he would deliberately put that agenda above the well-being of the people in this country.

Just as some black Republicans, including the NBRA, are fighting to help save black communities from continued destruction by the Democratic Party‘s socialist policies, average Americans are in a battle to save our country from being turned into a failed socialist nation by Obama and his Democrat minions. With the liberal media refusing to hold Obama accountable and Democrats in control of Congress, there is no check on Obama’s power, except we, the people. Our only real weapon is our vote.

Three cheers to the sensible people in California who, by an incredible 65-35 margin, said “no” to five initiatives for higher taxes for irresponsible spending on “feel good” social programs that are wrecking California’s economy. “Tighten your belt”, Californians shouted at their government, each citizen wielding just one vote, but, oh, the impact of that vote. Remember also that no Republican in the House of Representatives voted for that economy-wrecking Stimulus Bill.

Edmund Burke wrote: “Nobody makes a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” Those who wish to stop Obama and the liberal Democrats from destroying our traditional values and plunging our nation into economic oblivion should stand up and be counted. Participate in Tea Parties. Stop funding the liberal media by cancelling your subscriptions and turning off liberal radio and TV programs. Protect your family – don’t buy those tin can hybrid cars produced by the union-run auto companies that were taken over by Obama with our tax dollars and awarded to the unions. In 2010 and 2012 – in order to save America – do not vote for any Democrat. Just say “no” to Obama’s socialism. Believe me, our government will hear us, loudly and clearly, when we run the tax and spend Democrats out of Congress.
Frances Rice, a retired lawyer and US Army Lieutenant Colonel, is chairman of the National Black Republican Association and may be contacted at:

Tags: Frances Rice, blacks, Federal Welfare State, NBRA, poverty, race-bating To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Posted by Bill Smith at 12:20 PM - Post Link


Anonymous John Allison III said...

I'm glad you found this Bill, and glad it was written by a Black woman. Many of us conservatives have long wondered why African-Americans continue to vote (nearly 100% of the time) for a party for going on 50 years when the Democrats' promises to them during that period go unfulfilled.

Anonymous Andrea Lyle said...

This was a plan that most of those who voted this man still cannot see. It is sickening at best.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said and written.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Powerful message. Keep on giving 'em hell

Anonymous Papa Ed M Banja said...

Excellent article--thanks, Bill for posting----I am re-posting

Anonymous Samantha Gould Perry said...

WONDERFUL! Just like Papa, I'm re-posting.

Anonymous Jonathan M. Smith said...

But WAIT! Obama has fixed all the problems already! Lets celebrate!! The poor now have money, thanks to trickle up poverty!

Anonymous Bob Whigham said...


Anonymous Maryerin Gray said...

This woman is remarkable!

Anonymous Debbie Wylie said...

That has always been their message. Thanks for the post!

Anonymous Ross Allen said...

Awesome article- very well said!

Anonymous Trent Todd said...

I have a hard question: Why didn't the rest of the populace see this rat coming?
11/05/08: The detonation of America's largest M-bomb.

Blogger Nate M said...

Thank you for the information. The Dems are pushing so much legislation through right now it's impossible to stay on top of it all. I wish more voters had been looking for accountability and integrity before the election, but better late than never.

Anonymous Nancy Childress Thacker said...

Trent - Cause they wanna believe?

Anonymous Claudia said...

You my Lady, are a genious. I voted for Obama and lately I'm like; what in the world is this President & Congress doing? I truly believe he wants America to depend on Uncle Sam for everything. I will be one of "most" Independents that help vote them all out in 2010, 2012.God Bless.


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