News Blog for social, fiscal & national security conservatives who believe in God, family & the USA. Upholding the rights granted by God & guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, traditional family values, "republican" principles / ideals, transparent & limited "smaller" government, free markets, lower taxes, due process of law, liberty & individual freedom. Content approval rests with the ARRA News Service Editor. Opinions are those of the authors. While varied positions are reported, beliefs & principles remain fixed. No revenue is generated for or by this "Blog" - no paid ads - no payments for articles. Fair Use Doctrine is posted & used. Blogger/Editor/Founder: Bill Smith, Ph.D. [aka: OzarkGuru & 2010 AFP National Blogger of the Year] Contact: editor@arranewsservice.com (Pub. Since July, 2006) Home Page |
I've heard that wearing a tin foil hat will interfere with their Tax Payer Detector skills! :D
Sad but true, scratching my head wondering how people can still think this kind of change could be good by any measure shows me how ignorant or just stupid our population has become.
This is so true. WE NEED TO GET THESE SOB'S OUT NOW!!!
Git er done !
Let's stand for the future - no more voting for freebies! Someone pays and those of us are dwindling. hubby and i are thinking - why work? we seem to be the evil ones.
Scary and Barry
Wow how ironic that we get a tax credit to only hear that we are going to experience increased taxes ( only if you make over minimum wage of course), I guess he realized the people that voted him are to stupid to know that if you tell them you are giving them 13 dollars and then take away 100 they wont notice!
Yeah, what happened to all the ruckus about her ? Did the republicans roll over for this , too ??? When is someone going to have the guts to put his/her political office on the line and speak up ??????? This woman did commit TREASON!!!!!!!
I laughed on the inside.
Yeah, the caption fits they're thinking
I say we take them both out!
During the election I loved all of the talk about the need for "CHANGE" I had to remind a liberal associate of mine that Hitler was a "CHANGE" for Germany
Although the cartoon is funny, these are 2 of the scariest people in the world
It'd be funny if it weren't so true and sad...
Obama ran on the ticket of Change. What change? I guess he meant we each get .50 cents for every dollar we make. Now that's great change. America has become a nation of fouls.
We're not all on that Fool Train. I sure in the hell didn't vote for him, and do not claim him as my president.
That pic just about sums it up too.
AMEN.........Impeach sounds good.
Quite possibly the most ACCURATE captioning I've EVER seen !!!
Senator "Possum" Peloski and other California Congressmen/women bankrupt their state and then they think they can manage Taxpayer's money-very strnge concept!!
If only this could be true. We should also impeach Barney Frank, Dodd and all the czars!
Liar 1 and Liar 2...which one is the worst liar? That debate could keep you up all night. I think it's a tie and I think they both need the boot and to be prosecuted. Old Barry's popularity is sinking by the second and the lying bitch is right behind him...
Funny pic! Rightfully Restore posse comitatus and maybe something can be done lol
My parents and teachers always told me it was not polite to point. I hate their silly smiles more than the idiotic pointing.
Could have been:
NP:Hey look at that guy he works hard to provide for his family..
BO: Yeah lets tax him and make him work harder so he can also pay for some dead beat's healthcare that voted for me.
From the law office of Dewey,Cheatem & How
She headed out the door in 2010!
Scarry times....something needs to happen soon--they ALL need to go!
It's the wacked out waxed figure and the anti-christ together. I am going to puke now.
I laughed my butt off about this. Friggin hilarious!!!
I ducked when I saw this picture.....I thought they were pointing at me but I thought, wait a minute, #1 I am not a Democratic Senator who "FORGETS" to pay his taxes.........What a bunch of clowns
A loud message needs to be sent in November 2010. Mitch McConnell will be the new speaker.
Satan, with two heads and a gaff machine. I'm glad I dont have to explain my vote. Ha'coup. Excuse me.
I feel kind of helpless I live in Oklahoma, there is no one to call to complain. All of our reps and senators are on the right side of the issues. In 2008 election all counties in Oklahoma went for John McCain!!!!
I need to move to Oklahoma.
I feel the same way, Joe...GA-6th went for McCain, and Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) and Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA). Feels like living on a desert island ...waittaminit ...where's MaryAnn and Ginger???
Scott Lower
Yes, I agree, we can only laugh so we won't cry. But seriously, we need to vote the Dems OUT in 2010 and put a REAL conservative on the ticket for 2012. If this country doesn't, we will definitely have something to cry about.
i luv this pic...lol...so true!!!
It should say I'll hold them down you take their wallet!
Nicholas Hibbard
Twittle Dee and twittle Dumber
sad, but true
I guess if we can't laugh we cry! I'm with Jim. Get them out now!
We may laugh now,but that is what they are after.They both make me sick!!!.
Don't forget to write and call your reps folks, let them know in 2010 they will be gone if they vote against us!
Hide your wallet!
I will never let someone steal from me. Never have lol
Hey, let them personally come to my door ! I can use a little "confrontation", know what I mean? Of course, they'd just send the secret service, and it's "bye bye Harry" !
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