Open Letter: Loss of our health care liberty
It appears that "insanity" has captured Congress. But in fact, it may be an agenda which is addressed after the letter. For each of us who have been caught up in the frustration over various elements of the proposed bills and who has sought the right words relevant to the most perverse aspects of the proposed government health care plans, Lois Smith has summed up the entire issue in six words: "loss of our health care liberty." We have been so blessed with liberty that when the government promotes "nice" or "needed" programs, laws, rules or regulation to resolve "problems" or "needs," we miss the issue of liberty being trampled. Let's first read the letter:
[Addresses and Salutation Removed]Loss of Health Care Liberty is indeed a nexus point. As presented in a previous article, President Barack Obama, his administraters and other Democratic leaders, are committed to the eventual achievement of a National Single-Payer Health Care System. Why? Because, a massive Federal employment program will be created. Its employees and professionals will become dependent for jobs and incomes on the continuation of the single-payer system. Elected officials, the system's employees and professionals, and their relatives will be joined at the hip even when single-payer health care evidences excessive costs and poor performance as has happened in foreign countries, the system will continual.
August 9, 2009
I realize you have been inundated with mail, etc. concerning the health care reform legislation. I was tempted not to write. But then I thought, “What if one more letter could convince you to withdraw your support for the legislation thus far proposed?”
I don’t know the answer to that question. But what I do know is that the proposed legislation is a very slippery slope that I and many, many others do not want to even consider going down. There are many horror stories out there concerning the present system, but they would pale in comparison to the legislation currently being pushed through. The loss of our health care liberty is of the utmost importance.
Please, I beg you do not endorse any legislation that would take away our private relationship with our doctors or find funding by limiting health care for senior citizens.
Lois Smith
Life cycle" cost of humans will become a determinate factor. Workers and professionals will follow (or be forced to follow) the "government guidelines" addressing denial of care, abortion, and end of life decisions. When government controls cradle to grave health care options, it totally controls its people. In the process, the government makes almost everything an issue related to life, health, injury, and the greater good of society. However, "liberty" with its free choices, individual decisions and personal responsibility, and "ethics" will cease or not allowed to exist.
Therefore, we urgently need our elected members of Congress who are not part of the scheme to take away our health care liberty to listen, to learn and then to stop this 'train wreck" before the train leaves the station.
Tags: Freedom, health care, liberty, Lois Smith, Open Letter, US Capitol To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
I predict strong challengers and defeat of all 3 of those democrats in their next election if they vote for anything close to Obama's desires. Many in my family (in Arkansas) have voted democrat much of their lives but are starting to see what the Obama folks are really all about. I can name about 30 people in Arkansas who voted for Obama and who now wish that they didn't. If the Democrats do not want a landslide, GOP sweep in the coming 3-4 election cycles, they will wise up and drop the ObamaCare socialized crap.
Great letter, Lois wrote. Keep going to Town Hall meetings and Debating and Disagreeing....Our very own Hillary Clinton promotes that.
The problem is that the folks railing about this issue have some health care option and the millions of people whom need this legislation are not being heard. There are among us millions of people with no health care and no option of ever attaining it. I believe that this is the primary focus of the effort. Privatized, for profit health care systems are at the forefront of the push to defeat this effort. This should tell us all something.
[Cross-Posted From letter to editor via public press.]
From what I've read and and heard from Obama, this is nothing but socialized medicine. Ask the people from Britain and Canada about their health care. It sucks! Not only for the patients, but for the millions of people who depend on health care as a means of support. The pay would put many paramedics, nurses, CNA's, and the other primary and ancillary persons further into the poor house. We, as a nation, have got to stand up and tell the government to butt the heck out! If the liberals have their way about things, health care won't be the only thing that suffers. The government will own or control all business and there will be no more little business. So, all of you mom and pop businesses, get ready, and stand up and be heard!
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I can tell you for a fact that IS what i hear, daily, from my grandmother that lives in canada. and for clubhaus, as i understand some of the numbers, which vary depending on who you talk to. some 47 million do not have helath care in the US. when you take the illegals out and the folks that choose not to buy health insurance. when you take those out of the system, it appears less than 15%. do we need to completely change out system for only 15%?
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If you're concerned about someone coming between patients and their doctors, you should first look to the insurance companies, who do just that. Their profits and their CEO salaries are unconsionable as they leave others to waste away in pain. I've seen that happen to two friends, Ms. Smith. How about you? Or do you have Medicare -- that other government-sponsored insurance?
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It amazes me how many people fall into the well of misinformation being spewed out by the republican talking heads and their carriers(Fox News) concerning healthcare reform. Republicans and their followers are the most selfish all about themselves group ever.
[Cross-Posted From letter to editor via public press.]
Replying to Blackhd:
"Republicans and their followers are the most selfish all about themselves group ever."
Republicans give a bigger share of their incomes to charity, says a prominent economist Republicans give much more to charity than Democrats — A new study confirms the belief that religious conservatives are far more charitable than secular liberals, and those who support the idea that government should redistribute income are among the least likely to dig into their own wallets to help others
Blackhd, would you care to revise your statments? Seems that Lib's follow the "Do as I say not as I do" line. We do not mind giving It is when forced to that we balk.
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Interesting column by Arthur Brooks on the growing public outcry over the president's plans for health care reform: "Why Obama's Ratings Are Sinking:"
A little comparison
How many people are employed by US auto industry? As of September, 2008 the Detroit Three employed 239,341 hourly and salary workers in the United States.The U.S. automotive industry employed 850,000 people in manufacturing jobs at the end of 2008, according to Frost & Sullivan.
As the largest industry in 2006, health care provided 14 million jobs—13.6 million jobs for wage and salary workers and about 438,000 jobs for the self-employed. 7 of the 20 fastest growing occupations are health care related. Health care will generate 3 million new wage and salary jobs between 2006 and 2016, more than any other industry.
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%-age change in CPI
Unadjusted 12 mos ended May, 2008
4.2% ... All Items
5.0% ... Food & Beverages
3.3% ... Housing
-.6% ... Apparel
8.1% ... Transportation
4.1% ... Medical Care
1.2% ... Recreation
3.0% ... Education & Communication
3.6% ... Other
Transportation has gone up 8.1% food 5% all items 4.2%avg. the 4.1% increase in Med. seems right in line with the CPI.
Maybe we should jump the evil FOOD and AUTO folks for being so out of line?
[Cross-Posted From letter to editor via public press.]
Smith is right on with her letter. This isn't about helping to reduce the cost of health care. And it's not about reducing insurance premiums either. It's about more government control of our economy. If you disagree, show us where the savings are in H.R. 3200 or any other piece of legislation out there.
Often FedEx and UPS are used as examples of fair competition with the government P.O. Yes, they are profitable and the P.O. is billions in the hole. Fine example indeed of government being able to run anything without going belly up.
[Cross-Posted From letter to editor via public press.]
Ref: "Smith is right on with her letter. This isn't about helping to reduce the cost of health care. And it's not about reducing insurance premiums either. If you disagree, show us where the savings are in H.R. 3200 or any other piece of legislation out there."
And from The Government Accountability Office (41 pages- note especially 4 thru 32):
For whatever odd reason, this study isn't set for "public release." Apparently, t's got something to do with the fact THAT AS YET, NO BILL HAS EMERGED FROM COMMITTEES yet. H.R. 3200 is what in legislative parlance is known as "a work in progress."
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1dukentan statement "THAT AS YET, NO BILL HAS EMERGED FROM COMMITTEES yet. H.R. 3200 is what in legislative parlance is known as 'a work in progress.'", is incorrect!
On July 31, 2009 before leaving for the August recess, the House Democrats pushed a health bill along party lines through the House Energy and Commerce Committee by a vote of 31-28. Five Democrats opposed the bill: Reps. John Barrow (GA); Rick Boucher (VA); Jim Matheson (UT); Charlie Melancon (LA) and Bart Stupak (MI). Four Blue "Lap" Dogs voted to support the bill were Reps. Bart Gordon (TN), Baron Hill (IN), Zack Space (OH) and very disappointingly Mike Ross (AR) who touted himself as a conservative leader. Administration officials, Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) agreed with the four "dogs" on Wednesday to delay the full House vote past August, and to cut of $100 billion over 10 years. The bill is still $900 billion.
The full story is at "
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