ACORN Will Gobble More Tax Dollars

Newsmax.TV’s Kathleen Walter asked King — an outspoken critic of ACORN (Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now) and a member of the House Committee on the Judiciary — about Federal Judge Nina Gershon’s ruling that Congress’ move to cut off federal funding of ACORN is unconstitutional. King said his first reaction to the ruling was “it sounds outrageous but I better read the case, so I immediately downloaded it. It came out at the close of business on a Friday. If you want to hide something in the news media, that’s how to do it.”
ACORN claimed in its lawsuit that Congress' decision to cut off its funding was unconstitutional because it punitively targeted an organization. “I read the decision and there were just outrageous claims, such as the government failed to prove that there was a nonpunitive reason to cut off funding for ACORN,” said King.
“Well, how about we just don’t believe in them anymore? That was enough.
“Also, Judge Gershon found that ACORN has a right to future contracts that might be awarded to someone because in the past they have received some contracts. “This is judge-made law, blazing a new trail that the constitution never imagined . . .
“I do not believe that this administration aggressively defended the government’s position. This decision is weak, but it stands now until such time as we can take an appeal to the Supreme Court.” Following the ruling, King added, ACORN could qualify for part of the $10 billion being made available to similar organizations.
Asked if the Justice Department will appeal the judge’s ruling, King said: “Who knows? They will take their directions from the White House. They are not an apolitical Justice Department. “This is single party rule here in the United States capital. The White House is controlled by the most liberal president in history who has deep, deep ties with ACORN.”
Walter noted that Obama recently named Bob Bauer as White House counsel. Bauer in 2008 argued in a letter to the attorney general that the Department of Justice should not investigate election-related fraud allegations against ACORN.
“I put out a press release saying that Bauer was likely hired to scrub the tracks between ACORN and President Obama,” King said. . . . “Bob Bauer has deep ties with ACORN. Now he’s inside the White House protecting [Obama from], I think, any investigation that leads to the president himself.” . . . [Full Story] See Also: Stop ACORN Now
Tags: ACORN, Bob Bauer, corruption, federal spending, Obama administration, Steve King, Stop Acorn, taxes To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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