Obama's SOTUS - The Speech - The Tempo, The Insult & The GW Religion

OBAMA HIGH COURT INSULT - Among the many untruths and misstatements in his so-called State of the Union Address, Barack Obama criticized the Supreme Court for issuing a ruling allowing foreign corporations to influence elections in the United States. The statement, which caused Democrats including Nancy Pelosi to rise and applaud, was a lie. The next day the White house was forced to "clarify" this statement, saying that US companies owned by foreigners could contribute to political campaigns. That is also a lie and a new "clarification" had to be issued. In the history of the nation, presidents have only mentioned the Supreme Court nine times in a State of the Union Address. In each instance, nothing antagonistic was said. Obama's direct attack on the Supreme Court with the Justices present was a true first and shows Obama's real temperament, one of anger and hostility to anyone he disagrees with. Read more
OBAMA'S WARMING GLOBE - Not even a majority of Democrat Senators will vote for Obama's "cap-and-trade" and he has been told by the Senate that because it will destroy millions of jobs, it is dead. Yet Obama called for cap-and-trade energy taxes again in his address. Obama looked directly at the seated Republicans, called them "skeptics" and claimed global warming is a "fact." The only "fact" is that those believing in the Global Warming Religion have faked results and destroyed data that proves them wrong. Meanwhile yet another devastating winter storm is headed toward Washington, DC. London Daily Mail / Examiner.com
THE OBAMA TEMPO - I made it through (PAUSE) the Obama speech (PAUSE) despite the kindergarten teacher tempo (PAUSE) of his oratory. (LONG PAUSE) For the most part (PAUSE) I have real difficulty (PAUSE) listening to someone speak (PAUSE) who finds it necessary (PAUSE) to speak in three to eight word bursts (PAUSE) despite the actual sentence (PAUSE) length. I do understand (PAUSE) that because his first schooling (PAUSE) was in a madrassa (PAUSE) and since Arabic (PAUSE) is recited somewhat like poetry (PAUSE) in this same manner (DOUBLE PAUSE) that there is an explanation.
Tags: Barack Obama, religion, Religious Freedom Coalition, SOTUS, speech, William J. Murray To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Thanks, Ruthie, but I think I'll continue to miss out... Does Obama EVER say anything worth listening to? It's all lies and spin, anyway.
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