Charlie Rangel Steps Down

H/T eGOPNews: NBC NY: Rangel Giving Up the Gavel, Could step down as early as tonight: Sources
NY Post: Radioactive Rangel on the brink of exit
NYDN: Rangel has testy meeting with Pelosi, is told he has to quit chairmanship
WaPo: Rep. Charles Rangel refuses to give up his post as Ways and Means chairman
Politics Daily: Charlie Rangel to Take 'Leave of Absence' from Ways and Means Committee
Hill: Speaker Pelosi on Rangel: 'I guess he is still chair of Ways and Means'
Hill: Davis calls on Rangel to give up tax chairmanship after ethics finding
WSJ: Rangel Loses Support in House
Columbus Dispatch: 3 House Democrats from Ohio not backing Rangel
NYT: Under Fire, Rangel Appears to Be Losing Grip of Committee
Ruth Marcus: Where's the enforcement of House ethics rules?
Politico: Charlie Rangel on the brink
Tags: Charlie Rangel, corruption, ethics investigation, US House To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Charlie got caught and although he will not admit to any wrong doing, he has seen the handwriting on the wall and for the moment is giving up the reigns of power. But his successor will be no better--that guy from CA, can't think of his name right now, but he's just another far far left progressive.
It's supposedly only temporary, though .....
Maybe the downhill trend will snowball, pick up speed, and melt at the bottom.
LOL Daris
good riddance
Pelosi: your turn!
Queen Pelosi promised the most "honest and transparent" congress in history. Rangel isn't even resigning he's "taking a leave of absence" Just more disgusting lies from queen Pelosi!
how about the Queen submitting for a drug test, she can't distinguish Truth from Lies.....
How is it that a corrupt imbecile like Rangel hasn't been impeached?
The gift that keeps on giving.... like Karen said "Pelosi: your turn! love it..... and seriously she should be drug tested anyway! Freddy!
Get rid of all of them and start over. Come November make the vote count.
Pete Stark is the new guy and he is worse than Charlie and is more of a flamethrower! From listening to some of his clips he is a combination Alan Grayson and Keith Olbermann!
Sorry Charlie.....
It is only a "temporary" move to save the evil queens butt. I suspect he is not going anywhere.
Why do the American people allow this? The whole left side acts like their from another planet, My seven year old has more common sense then these people.
Yeah Pete Stark - good - fact is, the Dems don't have ANYONE who is not a loony.
He should be imprisoned. Until these people start paying some penalties and have consequences for their actions, NOTHING will change. We let them get away with this. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Time for this stuff to STOP!!
That's Right David ....send him to Prison and anyone that conspired with him!
hahahahahhh our court system is so flawed what's worst guys. Guess what the corruption doesn't stop, we have the returning ... running the show, as this idiot steps down, its a circus.
Am singing, "And Another One Bytes the Dust, Another One Bytes the Dust.", let's keep it up and get rid of more of these antique and crooked "career politicians", they serve no one but themselves.
I can only say this, we all put messages on here (and where ever) me included, come November, let's just see how many of us stand behind our right to vote process. I know what I'm doing. When these bastards are defeated I believe it will be time for tar and feathers. (Hot Tar of course) A good friend of mine once told we can burn the forest down and it'll grow back, then again I say burn it down again. This country belongs to the people.
Wow well said, great picture. Thats exactly what they think of themselves huh........
Amen Tom, this country does belong to the people!!!!
About time.
This man has had that hand in the cookie jar for a long time all these liberals are coated with Teflon but lets see.
The Liberals when in power pack the courts with other Lefties. We can't count on the justice system to police and punish miscreants on the Left. Democrats at every level of government must be voted out--and pursued for their crimes against the American people.
Obama buying more healthcare votes
Congressman Jim Matheson (D-UT) is a lucky man, or should I say his brother, Scott. The same day Matheson agreed to support the Obama health care plan, Obama appointed Scott Matheson, Jr. to the U.S. 10th District Court. Naturally, the White House denies any connection between these two events.
Good scouting Bob.
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