Pelosi Makes Her Bed -- and Lies in It
Right now, however, it's unclear whether Democrats even have enough of their own party on board to succeed. A handful of key "ayes" have already promised to peel off the House majority if Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) moves forward with legislation that removes Rep. Bart Stupak's (D-Mich.) outright ban on taxpayer-funded abortion. Rep. James Oberstar (D-Minn.) told Congressional Quarterly on Thursday, "I will not vote for a health care bill that doesn't have the House abortion language in it." His Mississippi colleague, Rep. Gene Taylor (D), agreed. "It's a fairly safe bet that if they include the Senate language on abortion, the legislation would go down."
Of course, Speaker Pelosi would have us believe that the President's plan (a mildly modified version of the Senate bill) does erect a wall between taxpayers and the bloody business of abortion. During Friday's press conference, there weren't enough lie detectors in the greater metropolitan area to process all the whoppers. "Let me say it this way, there's three, three, I don't want to say principles, but three standards that we are using as we go forward, and I talked to the Catholic Bishops about this and people on all sides of the choice issue... Federal law prevents federal funding of abortion. There is no federal funding of abortion in this bill. There'll be no expansion or diminution of a woman's right to choose... This bill that passed the Senate does not have federal funding of abortion."
Not surprisingly, the Catholic Bishops have a different take on the conversation. In a counter-statement, the USCCB was flabbergasted. "We do not know how anyone who has spoken to the bishops could conclude that the Senate health care bill does not fund abortions. As bishops have said in their letters to Congress, abortion problems in the Senate bill are so serious that, despite our strong support for expanding access to health care, we will have to oppose the bill unless they are resolved."
One More Point -- For Pelosi and Rangel, The Ends Justify the Ways and Means?
It may not have jeopardized the country, but it would be naive to think it hasn't jeopardized her party. Tagged with an unpopular health care bill and now a culture of corruption, the Speaker would have been wise to heed at least one campaign promise--to lead "the most ethical Congress in history." Among other things, the House is investigating Rep. Rangel's improper leasing of four rent-controlled apartments, his failure to report rental income from a vacation property, and the decision to redirect contributions to a personal project. In 2006, Nancy Pelosi said she would "drain the swamp" of Washington corruption, but so far the only thing her party has drained is American confidence in the legislative system. Sign the FRC Action Petition to Speaker Pelosi asking for Rep. Rangel to step down from his powerful chairmanship.
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Tags: abortion, Charlie Rangel, corruption, Democrats, FRC, health care, Nancy Pelosi To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Doc says, he's terminal and won't survive
Take two aspirin, and we'll recall you in November!
.."fit for duty..?" Puleezeeee !!
Fit for dooty is more like it.
Bob You Rock..They both suck the big whahtahtahh..WAKE UP AMERICAAAAAAAA
I think the correct spelling is doodie..
That's our luck!
How about the millionaires in congress pay for every bill they vote for instead of using our money
I agree Betty, if they want all of this crap let's spend "their" money and see how they vote then...
Due to his smoking the AMA has decided to deny his Medical Insurance, he is in a high stress job and with smoking is to high a risk , the Panel has decided he is a heart Attack waiting to happen.
So what are we waiting for?
Yes George, if those millionaires on crapitol hill had to spend a dime of their own money none of what we have to endure out here would happen. Vote the incumbents out at every level.
I agree Scott!.....uhh uh You said Crapitol!! lol I am gonna use that one..... ;)
To George and Scott, I agree 100%, but let us see how much America is paying attention. My grandest fear is apathy, let us hope it doesn't come into play. Obama was correct it's time for change, change the damn place.
Throw Pelosi, and her bed into the deepest ditch possible. Marianna Trench would serve that purpose. NANCY PELOSI IS OBAMA'S XXXX
Obama never was fit to serve. Many voted him into office because of his skin color (which is essentially racist, isn't it?). In the early days of our country, and for quite a while thereafter, congressmen were unpaid. The office drew "gentlemen" who truly had a desire to serve the country. There are few "gentlemen" left (of either gender) in congress today.
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