Will Dem's Vote To Stop Backdoor Healthcare 1099 Tax And EPA's Energy Tax
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Congress reconvenes. President Barack Obama announced his 2012 re-election bid -- supposedly in a YouTube video. Word is that the video will not display Obama's usual aide-de-camp: The Teleprompter. It also appears his former aide-de-camps, David Axelrod and Robert Gibbs will help with his campaign. Gibbs may also be working for FaceBook managing the company's communications. Conservatives lookout, Facebook under Gibb's will be supporting Obama again.
The White House has also announced that President Obama will follow a bipartisan recommendation of Congress to try the 9/11 plotters in military commissions at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, rather than in civilian courts in U.S. cities. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) responded today to the announcement, "I’d like to take a moment to note a welcome development in the war on terror. For the last two years, the Obama Administration has actively sought to bring the 9/11 plotters into our communities for civilian trials, a horrible idea that rightly drew overwhelming bipartisan opposition from the American people and their elected representatives here in Congress. Today, the administration is announcing that it has changed course, and that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the others who plotted these horrible attacks will be tried in military commissions at Guantanamo Bay, rather than in a civilian trial in New York or some other U.S. city. For the sake of the safety and security of the American people, I’m glad the President reconsidered his position on how and where to try these detainees. Going forward, this model should be the rule rather than the exception."
At 4:30, the Senate will take up the nomination of Jimmie Reyna to be a U.S. circuit judge and will then "rubber stamp" (vote on) the nomination.
On Tuesday morning, the Senate is scheduled to hold two votes on H.R. 4, the House-passed bill repealing the onerous 1099 reporting requirement imposed on small businesses by the Democrats’ health care law. One vote will be on passage of the bill, and the other will be on an alternative amendment from Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) which would simply study the way to pay for it. Sick - why should we pay for something that should not have existed in the first place and is now revealed to be a hidden tax on small business. Forget the democrat ploy of more time to study the issue -- kill the hidden thuggery on the small business 1099 provision buried in the Democrats HealthCare bill.
On Friday, The Hill reported, “Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) is betting that as many as 15 Senate Democrats will back a GOP-led bill that strips EPA’s power to regulate greenhouse-gas emissions. His estimate of Democratic support is far above what is widely believed and would put the measure — which might receive a Senate vote next week — on the brink of the 60 votes needed or over the top. Manchin, in a West Virginia radio interview this morning, said he’s urging fellow Democrats to back Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) amendment to small-business legislation.”
Appearing on the Hoppy Kercheval show, Manchin was asked why he appears to be the only Democrat who’s backing the McConnell-Inhofe amendment, which would block the EPA from regulating carbon as a pollutant under the Clean Air Act. If the EPA proceeds with the regulations, they would amount to a back-door national energy tax. Manchin said, “Well, I’m working on [Democrats] I can tell you that . . . . I think they’re going to vote for it, I really do. . . . I just believe that the EPA has totally overstepped its boundaries. It was never an agency put in a position to the create public policy that’s going to affect us and change our way of life, I truly believe. So I feel strong enough to sign on. Other people might not, but I believe there’ll be 13 to 15 Democrats that will vote for it.”
If Manchin is correct, that number of Democrat votes could pass the McConnell-Inhofe amendment. Certainly, around that number of Democrat senators have either expressed their displeasure with the EPA’s regulations or warned about the inappropriateness of the EPA moving forward without congressional approval.
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) explained last week many of the reasons senators should support the amendment he and Sen. Inhofe (R-OK) have offered: “Our amendment would assure small businesses across the country that they won’t be hit with yet another costly new job-stifling burden by Democrats in Washington. It will give voters the assurance that a regulation of this kind, which would have a dramatic impact on so many, could not be approved without their elected representatives standing up and voting for it. And, at a time of rising energy prices, it would prevent Democrats in Washington from adding even more pressure to energy prices than they already have out of fealty to special interests that would rather we buy our energy from overseas than find and use the bountiful resources that we already have here at home.”
Tags: Washington, D.C., US Senate, democrats, taxes, 1099, Cap and Tax, EPA, healthcare, GITMO trials, President Obama, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
With an additional 2 billion going to help pay union, this bill has to be a bout as corrupt as any bill ever passed in America, These folks who said pass it to find out whats in it need to be deported from this country
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