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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Note to Protesters: Get a Job, Get a Life and Get Out of Mine

Renee Taylor, Contributing Author: Like a majority of those who read my writings, I am tiring rapidly with the “Occupy Anything” crowds. Although the real agenda has not been outlined coherently, the signs demanding corporations “give” anybody anything - whether it is a job, health care or otherwise - constitute nothing more than a threat of theft. Webster’s Dictionary defines theft as “taking and removing of personal property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.” If you didn’t earn it, and if you “take” what doesn’t belong to you, it is theft. Hopefully, I use language elementary enough for the protesters to understand.

In the real world, I began a journey into the working sector. Having spent the better part of the past thirteen years as a small business owner, Obamanonics and paying for things like medical bills and the grocery tab for a growing teenage boy, I had a choice – go protest because no one was giving me anything to improve our quality of life, or get a job to assist my husband in maintaining our household and standard of living. From the bottom up, we worked very hard for all we do have.

Armed with a resume that includes an education in legal administration and private investigations and a work history that includes everything from writer, publicist and manager, what I was able to secure in the depressed economy that is South Arkansas is a manager-trainee at a local fast food restaurant chain for which I worked in high school. Yes, a restaurant with ties to an “evil corporation”. As protesters were blogging demands for free college tuition on the iPad their parents bought, I – with my education and background – am right where I was, thirty some-odd years ago. Thankful for the work, I donned the crew member shirt and began to retrain in the art of making sure customers enjoyed top level service, even including the right size French fries.

What I observed during that first week astounded me as to the changes in the work force over these 13 years, and why our nation has jumped on the fast track to outsourced jobs and unemployable high school graduates. Back in the day, one was expected, even as a 16-year-old burger-flipper, to rise to the challenges and standards of the company one worked for. Fast forward to today and I see my future employees who seem unable to tuck in a shirt, much less come to work with the required name tag on that shirt.

Even more stunning are the middle managers who teach how to cheat the company standards at the expense of customer service and quality. Of course, there were the obligatory “pants on the ground” on the Friday when jeans and high school football t-shirts are allowed in lieu of the standard uniform. Inside, I was screaming for the employees to pull their pants up as nothing can destroy a meal so quickly as to see someone’s underwear while you are being served. Gangsta attire trumped good taste and dress codes that day. The list goes on, but you see my point.

With middle management condoning blatant disregard for company policy, the inmates are running the asylum; and without leadership and teaching these young people how to rise to the occasion, rather than lowering the bar, we have what we have – a nation of reprobates: children having children, where “baby momma” and “baby daddy” have taken the place of husband, wife, father and mother. We are a nation where twenty-somethings camp out in filth-laden parks, demand that more and more be “given” to them rather than doing something productive, like clean up after themselves as if they were respectable citizens worthy of the jobs they demand. Respect the property of others, instead of trashing said property and defying law enforcement’s attempts to maintain order. It’s a good suggestion but one that they would never follow.

There is no work ethic, no basic understanding of economics and the history that made this country the greatest in the world. There is no respect, no consideration and no remorse for bad behavior. There is no shame. There are only filthy mobs of Communist-Marxist-inspired puppets, too ignorant to realize what they really are, and led by community organizers whose sole goal is to overthrow America as we have known her.

If I weren’t starting another work week of two jobs, while my husband works 80+ hours a week, perhaps I’d march with a sign of my own – “get a job, get a life and get out of mine”.
Renee Taylor is national writer, contributing author to the ARRA News Service, local TEA Party activist, and a licensed private investigator with The Taylor Company, an investigations and research company based in Warren, Bradley County, Arkansas. She is also a Managing Editor at Family Security Matters where she first published this article.

Tags: Renee Taylor, Arkansas, protestors, OCW, Occupy Wall Street To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Posted by Bill Smith at 4:23 PM - Post Link


Anonymous Katrina Stanchfield said...

Dear Renee, here's just one more OCCUPY thingy: lol

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Note to Protesters: Get a Job*, Get a Life and Get Out of Mine"

* - To "get a job", you must have a perfect work history with no gaps, but no more than x number of jobs in the past x years, you must submit to a background check, a drug test, a personality test, a credit check which must be clear, you must be willing to accept a wage that can not possibly pay expenses and pay back any loans you have taken out at the same time, you must have at least five years of experience and a college degree for this job even if it is entry level, oh, and you MUST be currently employed too.

Blogger Bill Smith said...

Anon, LOL!

A few lessons which I leaned as a child and young adult that led to success.

Part 1:

Borrow from no man or government.
Thus you will not have debts to pay back.

Take nothing that is not rightfully yours for you will be either a thief or a debtor.

Be honest, committed and on-time to work and the job itself will be an education and will provide you skills to build on and for more opportunity.

Take any job rather than no job. Life will have many job opportunities but they may not be the ones you think you should have. And often the jobs you believe you should have, will prove to be a burden.

Become the expert in every job you have and eventually you will find yourself the expert on elements or processes that others are not and your value to yourself and your employers will be higher - even when you do not like the process or concept that you are the expert in.

Forget buying all the luxury and gadgets of the rich and famous. Those faking it will be in debt and come to ruin. And those who inherit "daddy's" wealth and squander it, will someday be working for you, in the gutter, or dead.

Hard work and hard knocks are valuable lessons for future success. Living in a low rent district is just the beginning not the end.

Don't have kids too soon if you get married, they cost money and need lots of attention and love. Oh, and forget fooling around before marriage and risking your future. Just because you don't pay for sex, doesn't mean there is no cost or consequences.

A reputation lost cannot ever be fully regained.

If access to paid scholarships to college or workforce training avails itself, take it but realize there is always a catch and a payback.

Love your country and defend the freedoms and liberty of others for if they loose theirs, you will someday loose yours.

Taking from the rich and others is stealing.

Not everything is fair.

Blogger Bill Smith said...

Part 2:

NPO - normative political override always exists. Someone with more power and authority than you can change or override your actions and plans. And most often there is nothing you can do about it.

In my generation, I learned that war happens, young men were forced to go to war, many died, the rest lived. End of story.

Accepting that NPO occurs on many levels makes it easier to roll with the situations verse breaking under them.

And a related lesson. We all bleed red. There is no value in racism.

It is not how much one makes but how much one is able to keep that makes you financially wealthy in the end. There are no "get rich" schemes. es there are some who inherit wealth. They either bear the burden and responsibility of that wealth or they squander and wast it and their lives.

The liberals and big government want what you earn and if not controlled will seek to take from you and your employer and to return free people to serfdom (enslavement to the government).

Even if alone, dance little, sing a little and laugh a lot. All are free.

And don't forget that you were uniquely and wonderfully made and that while you get to choose your path, it is far better to ask and trust in the creator who set you on the path to life.

If you made a mistake, get over it there will be lots of them. However, hitting your head on the same wall everyday, leads to brain injury. Stop making the same mistakes even if you have to get advise and help from others.

If you sin against another, repent, ask forgiveness (there is no promise that it will be given)and change your ways so as not to so so again.

You were not made to be part of a mob, you are an individual.

Respect women including your mother and wife. They are not less than you or more than you. They are different (viva la difference) but they walk beside you and not behind or before you. Some advise would be wise for women.

Death and betrayal happens. And p.s, we all die and leave our "toys" for others be it the government or someone else.

Everyone will fail you in some way. sadly they are like you - they are not perfect. Forgive and move on even if it requires you to remove yourself from their path.

There are many more truths to success go.

I had three earthly mothers and two earthly fathers. I was born into abject poverty. By all the rules of established society, I should not have survived and been successful.

Being unloved by others does not make us valueless. Being despised because of situations over which you had no control in your life, does not mean that these actions by others were or are right.

There is much to my story not to be shared here.

In summary, failing to play by the general life principles and expecting others to pay and provide opportunities for you has dire consequences.


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