Obama-Care Arena & Responses From The Threatened
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Toon by A.F. "Tony" Branco |
Bobby Eberle: Obama Bows to Pressure, but His Religious 'Accommodation' Even Worse: Wow! Talk about making matters even worse. On Friday, reacting to national outrage over his Obamacare mandate which would force religious employers (such as hospitals and universities) to pay for services that are in direct opposition to the religious faith of the institution, Obama said... Hey! You guys don't have to pay for it. I'll force the insurance companies to cover it... at no cost to anyone. This is insane on so many levels...
Times: Obama's Inaugural pastor: I'd go to jail before caving to mandate Rick Warren: "I’m not a Catholic but I stand in 100% solidarity with my brothers & sisters to practice their belief against govt pressure [...] "I’d go to jail rather than cave in to a government mandate that violates what God commands us to do. Would you? Acts 5:29"
CBS News: Cardinal to Obama: Butt out of church business There was a sharp rebuke Wednesday from Cardinal-designate Timothy Dolan that put even more pressure on the president to calm a widening election year uproar. The issue at hand was the president’s insistence that Catholic institutions provide free birth control to their employees.
. . . “The federal government should do what it’s traditionally done since July 4, 1776, namely back out of intruding into the internal life of a church,” Dolan told CBS . . .
CNSNews: TV Network Started by Cloistered Nun Sues Sebelius Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN)--founded in 1981 by Mother M. Angelica, a cloistered Roman Catholic nun belonging to the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration--has filed suit against Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and other senior officials in the Obama administration arguing that a new regulation requiring health-care plans to cover sterilizations and contraceptives—including those that cause abortions—is a violation of the organization’s First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion. “EWTN’s sincerely held religious beliefs prohibit it from providing coverage for contraception, sterilization, abortion, or related education and counseling,” says a complaint the network filed today in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama. . . .
Newsmax - Rush: Obama's Birth-Control Rule Retreat Is Inadequate President Barack Obama’s retreat from requiring Catholic institutions to provide healthcare policies that include birth control does not mean the administration is caving on its intent to trample on the Constitution, Rush Limbaugh said today on his radio show. “There isn’t any cave,” Limbaugh said of Friday’s decision to withdraw the mandate. . . . “Freedom doesn’t mean anything to this guy — to me, this is breathtaking — this is an incredible sight to behold here,” Limbaugh said. “He’s still getting everything he wants . . . and in the process, trampling all over the Constitution. "There's no compromise, no negotiation. There's no phony balance here. Obama is simply not empowered to interfere with religious liberty." . . . “We have yet another example of life in America under the thumb of ever-expanding state with central planning — otherwise known as well intentioned liberalism,” he said. “We’re living in a country that is becoming unrecognizable.”
CitizenLink: Conservatives: Obama Modifies Insurance Mandate, Changes Nothing After two weeks of hearing from outraged citizens, President Obama announced today that his administration will alter the mandate in the federal health care law forcing religious employers to purchase insurance that offers all forms of contraception, possible abortion-causing drugs and sterilization for employees free of charge. . . . But faith-based organizations said the “changed” policy was only a fig leaf — not an olive branch. . . . Alliance Defense Fund Senior Counsel Doug Napier explained. “Through this sleight of hand, the administration is forcing indirectly what it can’t do directly. It is still forcing people of faith to subsidize practices and treatments that violate their values, their morals and their religious beliefs. What’s next? Will the administration force Jewish schools to serve pork because it’s ‘good’ for Jewish students?” Obama’s announcement spurred renewed calls for Congress to pass conscience-protection laws. Two are already in play on Capitol Hill: Nebraska Rep. Jeff Fortenberry’s HR 1179 has 180 bipartisan cosponsors, and Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt’s companion piece has 40. . . .
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Re Obama's latest. See JOHN 8:44:
"You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him.
Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
Jesus is talking about YOU, Barack!
I am absolutely shocked! BO doesn't get it?
He is the least empathetic person ever seen in politics - and that's saying a lot. Why aren't we swooning and praising him? He's doing for us what we're too stupid to know we need or want. What a guy!
An American Patriot
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