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Monday, May 14, 2012

American Sovereignty — LOST at Sea?

Update 9:55 pm by Editor: Heritage Foundation has reported that former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-MS) is now lobbying for corporate and environmental interests on behalf of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea, also known as the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST). His lobbying efforts stand in stark contrast to his position while in the Senate, when he warned that LOST would create a “U.N. on steroids.” Lott offered notable and legitimate objections to the treaty’s ratification. Ratification of LOST, he warned in 2007, would “cede our national sovereignty – both militarily and economically” by subjecting maritime disputes to U.N. authority. But his subsequent work in favor of LOST may be enough to revive the measure in the Senate. If LOST becomes law, Lott will have played no small part in the effort. This is very disappointing situation. At age 70, Trent Lott has turned his back on conservative and U.S. sovereignty for of all things money when he is still drawing a large retirement from Congress.

Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison, Contributing Authors: Sen. Dick Lugar’s defeat in a Republican primary this week has not been attributed, as nearly as we can tell, to his 1979 trip to Moscow with Joe Biden. Then, the two members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee left the bosses of the Kremlin with the distinct impression that they cared about arms control and not so much about human rights. Claire Berlinsky’s article in the Spring 2010 issue of City Journal ought to be disqualifying.  Nor, it seems, did the senator’s spearheading of the ill-advised START treaty with the Russians in a lame-duck session in December 2010 lead to his loss by a stunning 61% to 39% vote to a TEA Party-backed challenger.

Last week’s primary seems to have turned on Lugar’s 36-year tenure, the addition of some $13 Trillion in debt while he held his seat, most of that time as Indiana’s senior senator. As he conceded the election, Lugar sternly cautioned the victor, Indiana State Treasurer Richard Mourdock, on bi-partisanship, on the need to compromise to get things done.

Bi-partisanship is fine when it is based on real principle. We can point to the Reagan tax cuts, the welfare reform bills, and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) as examples of fruitful, principled bipartisanship. The Senate was right to ratify President Reagan’s INF Treaty with the Soviets. Conservatives should not reflexively reject all bi-partisanship or oppose any international treaties.

But the so-called Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) needs to be extensively modified if not rejected altogether. Thirty years ago, President Reagan wisely shelved this UN project.

He viewed it, as most Americans who have serious concerns about that world body viewed it, as a typical example of liberal internationalist globaloney. Jimmy Carter, probably sensing that he would get the boot from American voters, began trolling for votes on the Nobel Peace Prize committee through such ill-considered measures.

First, we need to throw overboard any “International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.”

The UN would choose this maritime court. How do we like the UN Human Rights Council? That body contains such human rights offenders as China, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, and, until it was just too blatantly obvious to continue, Libya.

If this is the UN’s idea of human rights, can we imagine what a Law of the Sea Tribunal would look like? Perhaps we could persuade Johnny Depp to do a star turn with his fellow “Pirates of the Caribbean” as judges of the sea. That would be a tribunal less hostile to justice than anything we’d see in a UN nominated and elected maritime court.

Second, we need to scrap any “discovery” provisions in legal proceedings under LOST. These can be used by those who wage “lawfare” against the United States and its NATO allies to uncover sensitive national security documents. WikiLeaks hemorrhages are bad enough. We don’t need to empower the global ACLUers to undermine Americans’ national security.

Third, we need to scotch any attempt to tax Americans for the support of a UN-created International Seabed Authority. This one needs a stake through its heart. It’s bad enough that the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee has been headed for a decade by such high-taxers as Joe Biden (D-Del.), Dick Lugar (R-IN), and John Kerry (D-MA). We should not let them bootstrap another taxing authority onto Americans via the backdoor of an international treaty. If this is not the camel’s nose under the American tent, it is surely the international octopus’s tentacle into the Yankee boat.

Just as we need resist shariah creeping into American courts, we should resist a so-called Law of the Sea Treaty being rushed through in another lame-duck Senate this year. For a generation, the late Sen. Jesse Helms (R-NC) was the eagle who watched over American sovereignty. Jesse would keep the Senate in session into the wee hours of Christmas morning if he had to in order to protect our independence. It was Helms who once said: “I have no argument with the State Department; I just wish they’d open up an American desk.” Sen. Helms is gone. Now, America’s independence and sovereignty must be watched over by each one of us.
J. Ken Blackwell is a conservative family values advocate. Blackwell is a former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Commission and is a senior fellow at the Family Research Council and a visiting professor at Liberty University School of Law. Bob Morrison is a Senior Fellow for Policy Studies at the Family Research Council. He has served at the U.S. Department of Education with Gary Bauer under then-Secretary William Bennett. He is also a veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard. Both are contributing authors to the ARRA News Service.

Tags: American Sovereignty, LOST, Law of Sea Treaty, UN, United Nations, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Ken Blackwell, Bob Morrison To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Posted by Bill Smith at 6:28 PM - Post Link


Blogger JOHN WALLACE said...


Although many Americans may never have heard of the Law of the Sea Treaty and those who did know about it probably thought it was dead on arrival in the U.S. Senate a couple of year ago, are in for a shock. Yes, the Creature from the Ocean’s Floor, better known as the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) is back and it is rearing its ugly, globalist head once again.

The LOST is a national sovereignty-killing creature created by supporters of the New World Order who also want the United Nations to ultimately be the one and only world government. It is specifically designed to destroy the sovereignty of all nations, to limit the rights of their citizens and take control over the majority of the earth’s resources in the oceans, including those within America’s territorial waters. The enemies of Liberty and Freedom have created a monster that poses more of a danger to America’s sovereignty and to our individual Freedoms and Liberty than any foreign military force ever has and we must be prepared to kill the creature before it kills us.

The Treaty would do irreparable harm to U.S. military and intelligence operations and would force the United States to hand over proprietary technology to less developed third-world countries, many of whom are actively hostile to U.S. interests. Giving up the U.S. Navy’s long established primary mission of “maintaining freedom of the seas for all” and handing it over to a historically corrupt organization like the United Nations should be unthinkable.

The Law of the Sea Treaty creates a new United Nations’ worldwide bureaucracy that will create a whole new restrictive system of destructive environmental regulations that would be costly and counter-productive to American businesses, while at the same time, handing over the hard-earned, American taxpayer money to many of our enemies.

This Creature from the Ocean’s Floor, better known as the Law of the Sea Treaty, has been created and written specifically to undercut America’s sovereignty and move us towards global governance and a New World Order where the constitutional rights of the American people, our national sovereignty and the military power of the United States would be subordinated to the whims of a group of corrupt, unelected, third-world bureaucrats who have no interest in Freedom and Liberty.

My fellow Americans, it’s time to kill this Creature from the Ocean’s Floor once and for all. I firmly believe that any U.S. Senator who knowingly votes to ratify this new version of the Law of the Sea Treaty, which contains articles that threaten our nation’s sovereignty, that deliberately subordinates the United States Constitution to globalist, international laws, that authorizes the international taxation of our citizens, and that is designed to severely limit the Liberty and Freedoms enjoyed by American Citizens under the U.S. Constitution, is guilty of Treason.

I also believe that it is now time to cut off the ‘Serpent’s Head of the New World Order’ affectionately called the United Nations by the globalist, communist Elite who have been using the UN as part of their plan to destroy us.

It’s time that we get out of the United Nations, cut off their funding, seize the UN property in America under federal RICO statutes (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization) and give them their Eviction notice.

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