Stacey: RightOnline 2012 Digital Activism #RO12

Digital Activism Panel: How your Mobile Phone is Changing the Face of Grassroots
Steve Green of PJTV
Stephen Kruiser of PJTV
Javier Manjarres of Shark Tank
Get out of the blog post mindset! Activism is twitter! It's video! It isn't just blogging!
Nuts and bolts:
- Anyone with an iPad, iPhone whatever, rigorously test the apps. Do it quarterly. The apps change and get updated... Glitches and interfaces should be watched for on a regular basis.
- Focus on one or two things
- Don't expect to get paid
- If you are just starting out, no one will be watching or reading what you do! It takes time to build a following
- Use your phone and get busy
- You will piss people off, toughen up and expect it.
- Get serious about your equipment and make sure that it's ready.
- Build your social media presence.
- Relentlessly self promote!!
- The three things matter most: Content, Content, Content
Tags: Right Online 2012, Digital Activism, workshop, Steve Green, PJTV,
Stephen Kruiser, Javier Manjarres, Shark Tank To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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