Four Key Differences In The Thinking Of Democrats And Republicans
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Herman Cain |

That presents a good opportunity for Republicans to draw a distinction between how Democrats see America and how they see it. There are crucial differences in the way the two parties think, and isolating them in clear ways helps to define the path forward in the contests coming this year and in 2016.
I'm borrowing some of this from work that others have done, but taking from that and adding my own thinking to it, I'd say the four major distinctions are these:
1. Role of Government. Democrats see government as the solution to problems. Republicans see government as functioning best when it's minimal so people can solve their own problems.
2. Unity. Democrats divide Americans into groups and offer different outcomes and benefits for each group. Republicans see everyone simply as Americans, and also as individuals, each of whom can pursue the outcomes they desire. Democrats divide. Republicans unite.
3. Wealth. Democrats want to confiscate wealth and redistribute it. Republicans want to see the wealth pie grow so that there is more to go around, and leave people with the freedom to pursue their goals without the government stepping in and telling them how much they can have or what they have to give to someone else. Democrats believe the amount of wealth that can exist is limited so government has to decide who can have how much. Republicans believe the amount of wealth that can exist is unlimited because it only depends on the tenacity of Americans to go out and produce it.
4. World leadership. Democrats embrace the United Nations view that no one nation is any better than any other, and as such America should "lead from behind" by essentially giving over its global leadership role to the UN. Republicans believe America is the exceptional nation, and must lead.
I believe that if Republicans successfully establish that these are the key difference between them and Democrats, they will find that the vast majority of Americans agree with them on all four.
Now, as I said at the start, you have to do more than market and position yourself. You have to actually lead. And Republicans in Congress need to let go of the excuse that because they don't control the White House, there is nothing they can do to lead. That's not true. Leaders lead not because of the position they hold, but because they are leaders.
If Republicans lead according to these principles, they will create a distinction between them and Democrats that will make the Republican Party the choice of Americans once again.
Tags: Herman Cain, democrats, republicans, differences, thinking, key differences, role of government, unity, wealth, world leadership To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
Unfortunately, many of the Republications believe in big govt intrusion as well. This is Progressives vs. Conservatives.
I agree that some Republicans have resorted to Big government intrusion. It was true with big business, building the railroads, expanding the federal highways systems, just to mention a few examples.
However, I do not feel you will find progressives welcome in the Republican party. But you will find traditionalists and bureaucrats. But, there is a major difference related to the words progressive verses Conservatives. Not all liberals are progressives. And Not all conservatives are conservatives in the fashion of the definitions of other conservatives.
The GOP is a big tent for the numerous types of conservatives: social conservatives, economic conservatives, fiscal conservatives, limited government conservatives, national defense conservatives, etc.
However, the Dem Party is no longer a tent that allows real conservatives in their midst.
I agree. And I try not to paint any total group with one broad brush. But I believe we do have progressives in the rep party.
If you believe we have progressive in the GOP, would you identify then (not by name) but by the actions you consider makes them progressive verses being conservative. We all have varied opinions on issues. I for one am pro-life. Abortion is morally repugnant to me. I also support traditional marriage. Rhetorically only, are those who do not share my social conservative values progressive?
I support elimination of the Income Tax and using a "progressive" concept known as the Fair Tax. Thus eliminating the original need for the IRS and thus their abuses. I believe taxing labor by the government is nothing more than a plantation tax by the controlling masters. Do those who advocate for continuance of the income tax or a flat tax (still on labor) fall in the conservative or progressive category. I could go on with other examples.
So a good discussion starter is what do you and others define as criteria to identify a progressive in the GOP? Also, for others who are both not Republicans or are Republicans who have never stopped and asked what are the stated Beliefs of the the Republican Party, please visit the following link where they are posted: Republican Beliefs
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