Where Do Conservatives Stand on Immigration Reform?

Boehner now says his remarks were misunderstood. Fine. But let’s make sure there is no misunderstanding on where conservatives stand on this issue. The fact is that conservatives are in favor of immigration reform. We simply aren’t in favor of amnesty. Reform should be done in a step-by-step approach, and it should make securing our borders and modernizing our legal immigration system the first orders of business.
But here is the reality of the current environment on Capitol Hill.
Does anyone seriously believe the House can pass a bill, or series of bills, after going through the House-Senate conference process that won’t include amnesty? Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer and the Gang of Eight are committed to amnesty being part of any immigration legislation coming out of Congress.
And does anyone believe President Obama won’t pull out his phone, pen, and other grossly exaggerated executive powers to further reinvent the bill to his liking? Based on his track record of ignoring Congress and making changes to the health care law more than 30 times, why would he not employ those tactics here?
Nothing has changed about what Obama and liberals want when it comes to immigration. They want amnesty first and everything else second—if ever.
Even if the House passed a bill that was primarily aimed at securing our borders, the Senate would add on a host of other measures, including amnesty. The last time we went that route, under President Reagan in 1986, the only aspect of the bill that got enforced was the part giving more than 3 million illegal immigrants amnesty. The border security provisions never got enacted. And what are the results? Today we have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants living in the U.S.
Not only is the current debate likely leading to bad policy, it is also bad politics.
Understandably and rightly, the GOP wants to win over more Hispanic voters. But they are wrong to think the way to do that is to support some version of amnesty. Polls have consistently shown Hispanic voters put issues such as unemployment and health care ahead of immigration policies.
As I discussed with Lou Dobbs on his show Monday night, the reality is that all this chatter about an immigration (aka amnesty) plan is a surefire way to depress conservative turnout in November, which could be the difference between Republicans winning and losing the Senate. Whatever “pathway” the House GOP might try to create, Obama and Senate Democrats will turn it in to an amnesty superhighway.
We need immigration reform. But we don’t need the kind we’ve tried before that failed. And in today’s Washington, that is exactly what we’ll get.
Tags: conservatives, immigration, immigration reform, John Boehner, illegal immigration, amnesty, Heritage Foundation, Genevieve Wood To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
With a lawless dictator at the helm and the Senate aimed at amnesty nothing of merit from the House of the People will survive intact.
Batten down the hatches and slog forward to November. Just because you can do something does not mean you should. And immigration reform in this political climate is exactly what I mean by that statement. DON'T DO IT! Timing is EVERYTHING!!!
Most of us stand - with the rule of law - and against both major political parties - granting amnesty will ensure a GOP defeat - maybe what is needed is a third party - seems this nation has out-grown a two party system where neither party - represents many of We The People
Ruthie I must disagree with your assessment that we need a Third Party. The Green Party of Ralph Nader stole votes from the democratic party and Gore lost to Bush. The Reform Party stole votes from the republican party and Clinton won a second term with less than 50% of the vote. A first event in history!
No the real fight is to unseat RINO's in the primaries because barring winning those battles we have no choice in the general election. Fight for the rebooting of your party in the low turnout primary battles you can win!
So, what happens to the 12 million persons here? This article is not clear and part of Conservatism problem is a clear articulation of that solution .
My solution is to divert all federal grants currently issued for drug enforcement to arresting and detaining illegal immigrants.
I believe a substantial amount of drugs being sold on US streets are coming across the border, anyway.
Step one secure the borders. If nothing else happens other than that one generation from now problem solved. No arguments/discussions about what to do with the illegals who are here already. No sad stories about split homes, no more money going to support those who don't qualify, nothing, problem solved. As long as we let politicians frame the debate nothing will be solve. Secure the borders first, debate what to do in the future second.
The 12 million or more will be more affected by denying federal and state social services and welfare. Securing the borders. Using E-verify to screen illegals out of jobs they would unfairly take from legal residents and those with work visa's. Think with your mind. Support reforms that can create self-deportation!
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