Another Broken Obamacare Promise . . .
“Biggest Explosion In Health-Care Spending In Over 30 Years”; Obama in 09: Obamacare Will “Slow The Growth Of Health Care Costs” . . .
Today in Washington, D.C. - May 1, 2014
The Senate reconvened at 9:30 AM today. At 11 AM, Democrats continued using the procedure they established by using the nuclear option to break Senate rules to invoke cloture on two more district judges with fewer than 60 votes. The Senate also voted 60-38 to invoke cloture on the nomination of Nancy Moritz, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Tenth Circuit.
Around 1:45 PM, the Senate is scheduled to vote on the confirmation of two district judge nominees, Janice Schneider to be an Assistant Secretary of the Interior, and Suzan LeVine to be U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland and Lichtenstein.
Yesterday, Democrats failed to get the 60 votes needed to take up their minimum wage bill, S. 2223, by a vote of 54-42. The CBO estimated it could cost up to 1 million jobs.
Also yesterday senators voted to confirm 6 district judge nominees.
The House reconvened at 9:00 AM today. They took up H.R. 4487 — "Making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, and for other purposes.: At 12:10 PM, the House passed the bill 402-14. And no other bills are scheduled today.
Yesterday the House debated and voted 416 - 1 in favor of H.R. 4486— "Making appropriations for military construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, and for other purposes." Idaho Representative Raúl Labrador, a conservative TEA Party Republican, voted against the bill. Since Labrador has been supportive of the military, it will be interesting to learn why he voted against the bipartisan $71 billion appropriation bill.
Business Insider reported yesterday, “Spending on health care grew an astounding 9.9% in the Bureau of Economic Analysis' advance estimate of first-quarter GDP. It's the biggest percent change in health-care spending since 1980, when health-care spending jumped 10% in the third quarter. Analysts said it's primarily due to a consumption boost from the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Adjusted for inflation, America is spending more on health care than ever before. . . . A BEA representative said the uptick ‘reflects additional spending associated with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.’”
The Washington Examiner’s Philip Klein pointed out, “Obamacare was pitched as a plan to reduce health care spending, and formally titled the ‘Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.’ In 2009, Obama called the status quo - in which health care spending was accelerating toward becoming one-fifth of the economy – ‘unsustainable.’ For several years, Obama and his allies had been crediting a slowdown in the rate of growth for health care to payment reforms imposed by the law.”
Indeed, in his recent speeches attempting to declare Obamacare a success, the president said “the growth of health care costs is down” and “health care costs under Kathleen [Sebelius’] leadership are growing at their slowest rate in 50 years.”
And when President Obama and Democrats were first selling their unpopular law, they promised it would slow down health care spending. Obama said in a speech to Congress in 2009 that his plan would “slow the growth of health care costs for our families, our businesses, and our government.” Former Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT), who helped write the law, pronounced later that year, “Without reform, health care expenditures will increase . . . .”
But this whole time, Democrats’ law was mandating people sign up and pay for insurance while they simultaneously claimed it would somehow lower health care spending in the United States. Instead, as any commonsense observer could have predicted, health care spending has gone way up.
It’s just another of the long list of broken promises about Obamacare, including that the exchanges would be “simple” and work like, that “[a]ll this is going to lower premiums,” and that “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan.” And don’t forget that every day there are more stories from all across the country about how Obamacare is hurting American workers.
Tags: Washington, D.C., broken, Obamacare promises To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

The Senate reconvened at 9:30 AM today. At 11 AM, Democrats continued using the procedure they established by using the nuclear option to break Senate rules to invoke cloture on two more district judges with fewer than 60 votes. The Senate also voted 60-38 to invoke cloture on the nomination of Nancy Moritz, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Tenth Circuit.
Around 1:45 PM, the Senate is scheduled to vote on the confirmation of two district judge nominees, Janice Schneider to be an Assistant Secretary of the Interior, and Suzan LeVine to be U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland and Lichtenstein.
Yesterday, Democrats failed to get the 60 votes needed to take up their minimum wage bill, S. 2223, by a vote of 54-42. The CBO estimated it could cost up to 1 million jobs.
Also yesterday senators voted to confirm 6 district judge nominees.
The House reconvened at 9:00 AM today. They took up H.R. 4487 — "Making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, and for other purposes.: At 12:10 PM, the House passed the bill 402-14. And no other bills are scheduled today.
Yesterday the House debated and voted 416 - 1 in favor of H.R. 4486— "Making appropriations for military construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, and for other purposes." Idaho Representative Raúl Labrador, a conservative TEA Party Republican, voted against the bill. Since Labrador has been supportive of the military, it will be interesting to learn why he voted against the bipartisan $71 billion appropriation bill.
Business Insider reported yesterday, “Spending on health care grew an astounding 9.9% in the Bureau of Economic Analysis' advance estimate of first-quarter GDP. It's the biggest percent change in health-care spending since 1980, when health-care spending jumped 10% in the third quarter. Analysts said it's primarily due to a consumption boost from the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Adjusted for inflation, America is spending more on health care than ever before. . . . A BEA representative said the uptick ‘reflects additional spending associated with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.’”
The Washington Examiner’s Philip Klein pointed out, “Obamacare was pitched as a plan to reduce health care spending, and formally titled the ‘Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.’ In 2009, Obama called the status quo - in which health care spending was accelerating toward becoming one-fifth of the economy – ‘unsustainable.’ For several years, Obama and his allies had been crediting a slowdown in the rate of growth for health care to payment reforms imposed by the law.”
Indeed, in his recent speeches attempting to declare Obamacare a success, the president said “the growth of health care costs is down” and “health care costs under Kathleen [Sebelius’] leadership are growing at their slowest rate in 50 years.”
And when President Obama and Democrats were first selling their unpopular law, they promised it would slow down health care spending. Obama said in a speech to Congress in 2009 that his plan would “slow the growth of health care costs for our families, our businesses, and our government.” Former Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT), who helped write the law, pronounced later that year, “Without reform, health care expenditures will increase . . . .”
But this whole time, Democrats’ law was mandating people sign up and pay for insurance while they simultaneously claimed it would somehow lower health care spending in the United States. Instead, as any commonsense observer could have predicted, health care spending has gone way up.
It’s just another of the long list of broken promises about Obamacare, including that the exchanges would be “simple” and work like, that “[a]ll this is going to lower premiums,” and that “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan.” And don’t forget that every day there are more stories from all across the country about how Obamacare is hurting American workers.
Tags: Washington, D.C., broken, Obamacare promises To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
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