Poll: Increased American Alienation - The System Is Rigged!

The poll measured the public's degree of confidence in major institutions including the military, the federal government, public schools and corporations. And it asked respondents whether they agreed that "The economic and political systems in the country are stacked against people like me."
Not surprisingly, few Americans expressed much confidence in large corporations, health insurance companies, the government, public schools or the big banks. The U.S. military scored well. But give Obama a few more years to continue his purge of officers and to push his politically correct agenda, and I fear confidence in our Armed Forces may erode too.
In addition, 55% of Americans agreed that the economic and political systems are stacked against them. The left-wing talking heads on the morning news shows heralded these results as good news for Obama. "This is Barack Obama's economic message," they claimed.
Actually, I think the numbers are bad news for the left generally. Who runs those systems? The "system" that prevails in America is largely a creature of the left!
While the GOP gets tarred and feathered as the party of big business and the party of Wall Street, corporate chieftains and the leadership of major institutions tend to be liberal elites. The chairmen of large multi-national corporations may not like higher taxes, but they embrace most other liberal assumptions. The health insurance companies embraced Obamacare. Education is dominated by the left -- from major universities to, all too often, the local public schoools.
Hollywood, which dominates our culture, is constantly pumping out trash and polluting the minds of our children with moral relativism. Many parents watch their TVs with their hands gripping remotes in fear, ready to switch the channel at a moment's notice in case anything inappropriate for young children might come on. And inevitably it does. It's not always the content of show or movies either. The commercials produced by major corporations often push the boundaries of decency.
Ask Americans if manger scenes in the public square should be legal, if God should remain in the Pledge of Allegiance and on our currency, if voters should be required show an ID, if marriage should remain the union of one man and one woman, if our borders should be secured -- and the numbers will be off the charts.
Yet no matter what the people do to promote and vote for those ideas, it is often struck down by left-wing judges and mocked by liberal elites.
Millions of Americans think the system is rigged because increasingly it is. Think about the people of California who TWICE voted to keep marriage as the union of one man and one woman only to have liberal elites throw out their votes like toilet paper! This is now happening all over the country.
The alienation of average Americans from major institutions in our lives is not healthy for our constitutional republic. The way to end that alienation is to end the liberal domination of every aspect of our lives. The GOP has a great opportunity if it can find its voice.
Gary Bauer is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families
Tags: NBC News / Wall Street Journal, poll, increase alienation, system is rigged, alienation, American people, major institutions, Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
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