The Obamanization of America

What made it possible for that nation to deny, not only the American way of life, but to deny Christianity and Jesus Christ Himself? Although this did not happen overnight, there was only one way the forces of evil could have gained the foothold necessary to convert America into a Satanic State. As suggested in the book of The Revelation, there would have to be a catalyst in the form of some "authority figure" to bring all of the pieces together. That catalyst was found and put into place as a result of the election of 2008, in the person of Barack Hussein Obama.
Obama immediately went to work persuading his mesmerized flock of weak-minded individuals that there was more to life than what they had been taught. For those who loosely held onto the basic truth of Christianity, that one's salvation and eternity in heaven could only be achieved by repenting of their sins and receiving Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, Obama quickly put them at ease by declaring that now there were several ways to make it into heaven, and these obedient and robotic minions were not about to question an official proclamation of their self-anointed "Messiah"!
Obama convinced them that there would be no need for them to die to make it into heaven, because he would create their heaven right here on Earth!If they didn't want to work, all they had to do was sign up for perpetual unemployment benefits. And if that wasn't enough, Obama would give them "free" health care, free cell phones, free education, free mortgages (which they couldn't afford), food stamps, rent subsidies and even jobs for those who had not yet figured out that there was no longer any need to work for a living.
Wow, Utopia was here at last! Was Obama good, or what! He proclaimed that any government worth its salt would provide for a "cradle to the grave" existence for each and every one of the unambitious masses. Now it just couldn't get any better than that! Obama knew that once this "free ride" mentality had been accepted, the rest would be easy.And for those who couldn't be convinced through trickery and deceit, there was always the presumed guilt over slavery that would tie the hands and silence the voice of common sense and reason among those who had allowed this guilt to consume their every thought.
Under Obama, there would be no rules, except those which he would create through his legislative procedure of choice, the Executive Order. He did make it very clear however, that in order for people to continue to enjoy this free and easy lifestyle, they must keep re-electing his disciples to office, those who would continue to provide this "free ride" existence. But then, who in their right mind would not vote for those people.
Responsibility and common sense were abandoned! Abortion would no longer be considered murder, but just another method of birth control. Same-sex marriage was no longer an immoral lifestyle and an abomination to God, but simply one's right to co-habitat with whomever or whatever they choose.Rules and responsibility were only for those who didn't know how to enjoy the good life, and from now on, Christianity, the Constitution, ambition and all other obsolete principles and values relied upon to establish that old American nation would become but a distant reminder of an old-fashioned and square way of life.
Once Obama had rid the military leadership of those who might challenge his new world order form of government, and personal weapons had been removed from the hands of those who erroneously believed in a citizen's right to keep and bear arms, the "Obamanization" of America would then be complete.
From being the nation that the rest of this misguided and crazy world once depended upon to bring some sense of civility to life itself, we have become a disgrace to our ancestors and the laughing stock of a world gone totally mad. Congratulations Barack: Mission accomplished!
Jon Hubbard is a former Arkansas State Representative for Dist 75, Jonesboro Arkansas. He is also a former Air Force veteran, school teacher, coach, small businessman and is a conservative writer and contributor author to the ARRA News Service.
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