What If We Had A News Media That . . .

Wouldn’t that be a wonderful turn of events? The American people would finally be able to read and learn about the scandalous and unconstitutional activities of the Obama regime and its wannabe ‘King” since day one. While the majority of Americans thought Barack Hussein Obama was ‘Inaugurated’ president, the news media considered it a ‘Coronation’ and has acted as such, for the past six years.
Obama claims to have the “most transparent administration” in the history of the country and we would agree. Unlike his liberal worshippers and useful idiots in the news media, who refuse to report the “truth” about the most CORRUPT and CRIMINAL administration in the history of the United States, We The People, can see right through him and his regime of liars.
Obama’s ‘Hope-and-Change’ was nothing more than a meaningless slogan, that became ‘Hoax-and-Change’ almost immediately; turning a once great and free Republic, into a financially and morally bankrupt, third-world Socialist hovel. Filled with trite cliches’ (Hope and Change; I have a Pen and Phone) and slogans right of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” handbook (America is not a Christian nation; America is not unique; we must spread the wealth to eliminate income inequality) the Obama campaign to completely destroy the American Dream and our Republic has never ended.
Fraught with scandal after scandal, here is a list of the ‘Magnificent Seven’ that would normally serve as “grounds for impeachment” of any other President.
1. Obama: An Army-of- One. Waging war all by himself, Obama may have violated the Constitution and both the letter and the spirit of the War Powers Resolution by attacking Libya without Congressional approval. And lest we forget, ( the news media has), “Mister The Constitution be Damned I'll pass my own Laws”, Obama has repeatedly made runs around Congress by deciding which laws to enforce, including making 32 waivers to an already passed Affordable Care Act, and his contemptuous, “I have a Pen and Phone” mantra. This from a “Constitutional Scholar”?
2. IRS targets Obama's enemies. Democrat Senators and Obama campaign cronies using the IRS to target conservative and pro-Israel groups prior to the 2012 election. Questions are being raised about why this occurred, who ordered it, and whether there was any White House involvement. Or a ‘smidgen’ of impropriety.
3. Benghazi. This is a prime example of what happens when you put the ‘Peter Principle’ in play; e.g, promoting morons to their highest level of incompetence, at State and in the White House. Benghazi is three scandals in one: The failure of the regime; The State Department AND Hillary Clinton to protect the Benghazi mission and people; the changes made to the talking points in order to suggest the attack was motivated by an anti-Muslim You Tube video; and the refusal of the White House to say where President Obama was and what he did the night of the attack before he went winging to Las Vegas the following day for a Democrat fundraiser.
4. NSA spies (to this day) on the American people. Eric Holder and the Obama Justice Department performed a massive cull of Associated Press reporters' phone records as part of a leak investigation and to this day, the NSA still monitors our emails and phone calls without nary a ’peep’ from the ever vigilant (LMAO) news media, but thanks to Edward Snowden, the entire world knows.
5. ATF’s "Fast and Furious" scheme. Federal agencies allowed weapons from U.S. gun dealers to "walk" across the border into the hands of Mexican drug dealers in a sorry attempt to ‘entrap and prosecute American gun dealers. The ATF summarily lost track of scores of those weapons, many of which were used in crimes, including the December 2010 killing of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Then tried to cover it up. Potential Holder perjury and being found “In Contempt of Congress”, when Holder told Congress in May 2011 that he had only recently heard about the Fast and Furious gun walking scheme when there was evidence he may have known much earlier.
6. Sebelius, Tiller the Baby Killer’s best friend demands extortion payments. In a blatant disregard for the law and the Hatch Act, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius solicited donations from companies HHS might regulate. The money would be used to help her sign up uninsured Americans for Obamacare and pay for government commercials extoling the benefits of the Un affordable Care Act’s Death Panels.
7. VA Scandal: Deny, Delay, Die and Pay Bonuses to Lying Bureaucrats. For years, we veterans have been ‘treated’ to a VA Health Care system INFERIOR to the health care the Obama regime provides 150 Islamic Terrorists incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Over 100 US Doctors and medical professionals provide immediate medical and dental care, not to mention a special Halal diet, Muslim prayer rugs, cable TVs, and the latest in exercise equipment. The VA theme of ‘Delay Deny, Die’ veteran claims, has caused the deaths of at least 40 of my fellow veterans. But the President of the United States, only knew about the scandal after reading the story in the paper. Even though it has been ongoing on for the past eight years and he received three Inspector General reports in 2010, 2012, and 2013 detailing the VA outrages. On May 30, 2014, VA Director General Eric Shinseki, is forced to “walk the plank” and resign for a derelict Republican Congress and Democrat Senate; and MIA President.
With my apologies to Edmund Burke who issued this time-less warning two hundred years ago: ”All that is necessary for the triumph of EVIL, is for good men (and women) to do nothing”…. AND for the news media to report NOTHING, turn a blind eye to the “high crimes and misdemeanors” of a regime and provide cover for a president and administration that believe they are above the law and refuse to abide by their Constitutional Oath of Office.
The duplicity, mendacity and silence of the news media in most of the above are all the more despicable.
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Some links on the Obama-media relationship...
The only time the media does any kind of reporting is when Republicans are in control and then it is lies trying to destroy those Republicans!! We truly are living in an upside down world!!! Jane Fonda a traitor to our Country/troops speaks to UCLA graduates and Condi Rice has to step out of speech because of a few radicals. One soldier is released/exchanged for 5 BAD TALIBAN TERRORISTS!!! Home grown terrorists in our Country and the media does not report. Boston bombers, the guy from Florida...we have a Marine sitting in a prison in TJ and we have a VA letting our Veterans die!!! I can go on and on...it just disgusts me!!! I am beyond frustrated by what is going on in our Country yet I can go to my YAHOO email account and their is the trash Kardashian and Kanye wedding pictures and thousands maybe millions tweet it pass it on!!! I WILL FIGHT ON BUT I AM SO, SO, FRUSTRATED!!!
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