Reid Obstinate & Perversely Insistent on Taxing The Internet
Bringing Harry Reid to Bipartisanship |
The allegedly “do-nothing” Republican-led House of Representatives has actually done a lot of good stuff - a lot of it bipartisan in nature.
On November 1 - and remember, Election Day is November 4 - a since-1998 federal moratorium on Internet-only taxes ends. Meaning you and I will pay the government even more coin to surf the World Wide Web.
When you next fume at your Internet or cell phone bill - check the litany of taxes tacked on. (And forget not the built-in government costs you pay but never see.) That way you’ll know at whom to actually be angry.
Governments already bite huge chunks out of our hide. But they view our money like Jello - there’s always room in their stomachs and wallets for more.
But the House just passed - by mega-bipartisan voice vote acclimation - the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act (PITFA).
…(T)he dilemma stems from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s handling of a bill called the Internet Tax Freedom Act. That bill, which passed the House by a large margin, would permanently entrench a temporary moratorium on ISP taxes. The measure is politically popular because it means consumers won’t see “service fees,” akin to those that appear on cell phone statements, on their broadband bills.
Instead of putting the same bill to the Senate, however, Reid has decided to attach it to a proposed law called the Marketplace Fairness Act. That bill, which first passed the Senate last year, would require online retailers to collect tax on sales they make to out-of-state consumers.
Turning Huge Government states into additional Huge Government federals. And tempting Less-Huge-Government states to grow - with the siren song of new coin taken from people in forty-nine states that can’t vote against them. That’ll help the economy and spur growth.
These people need to be told: Stop looking for new ways to take our money - instead, stop spending quite so much.
The underlying assumption when government looks for new money - is that every current penny is being spent wisely and well. And there’s your Joke of the Day.
Senator Reid is constantly decrying the lack of bipartisanship in Washington. He could get a whole lot more of it if he stopped serially, unilaterally blocking things that garner it - like PITFA.
Or tacking to it things like the MFA - which both sides oppose.
Hold on a sec. Senator Reid’s actually getting more of the bipartisanship he says he wants - against him and his Huge Tax, Huge Government policies.
That’s one mean to an end, I guess.
Seton Motley is the President of Less Government and he contributes to ARRA News Service. Please feel free to follow him on Twitter / Facebook
Tags: Harry Reid, Obstinate, insistent, Taxing the Internet, Less Government, Seton Motley To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
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