America's Biggest Hypocrites

What we couldn't have predicted is that the first thing the pair would team up to do was fund an over-the-top, blatantly false attack ad portraying two fictional out-of-state billionaires accusing Republican Joni Ernst, falsely, of supporting companies that move jobs overseas.
That's right. Steyer's hedge fund billions -- earned overseas specifically to avoid U.S. taxes -- and Sandler's ill-gotten fortune from the toxic subprime mortgages that helped destroy the U.S. economy are flooding Iowa to prop up Bruce Braley by portraying fictional billionaires buying an election.
We couldn't resist responding.
In the new ad titled, “America’s Biggest Hypocrites,” the narrator begins by highlighting a false political ad running across Iowa in support of Rep. Bruce Braley: “You’ve probably seen this ad showing fictional out-of-state billionaires spending millions in Iowa politics.”
The ad continues: “Not only is the ad false. It’s actually funded by two real out-of-state billionaires spending millions—to support Bruce Braley.”
“Billionaire Tom Steyer made his fortune running hedge funds overseas to avoid U.S. taxes—but backs Braley raising taxes on hardworking Iowans.”
“Steyer got rich off cheap foreign coal, but supports Braley shutting down access to affordable American energy.”
“The other funder is billionaire Herb Sandler, whose toxic subprime mortgages were called the ‘Typhoid Mary’ of the housing crisis.”
“Now Sandler and Steyer are pouring millions from their overseas hedge funds and toxic mortgages into Iowa.”
The ad concludes: “Tell Bruce Braley to stand up to the REAL out-of-state billionaire hypocrites and reject their job-crushing, tax-hiking agenda.”
Phil Kerpen is president of American Commitment. Follow him at (@kerpen) and on Facebook. He is a contributing author at the ARRA News Service.
Tags: America's Biggest Hypocrites, Tom Steyer, Herb Sandler, overseas money, Iowa race, Bruce Bailey, video, ad, American Commitment, Phil Kerpen To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
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